3 research outputs found

    Face Detection on Embedded Systems

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    Over recent years automated face detection and recognition (FDR) have gained significant attention from the commercial and research sectors. This paper presents an embedded face detection solution aimed at addressing the real-time image processing requirements within a wide range of applications. As face detection is a computationally intensive task, an embedded solution would give rise to opportunities for discrete economical devices that could be applied and integrated into a vast majority of applications. This work focuses on the use of FPGAs as the embedded prototyping technology where the thread of execution is carried out on an embedded soft-core processor. Custom instructions have been utilized as a means of applying software/hardware partitioning through which the computational bottlenecks are moved to hardware. A speedup by a factor of 110 was achieved from employing custom instructions and software optimizations

    Pencarian Ruang Warna Kulit Manusia Berdasarkan Nilai Karakteristik (λ) Matrik Window Citra

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    Abstrak Perkembangan transaksi dan distribusi data yang sangat besar, terutama saat teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui  web bisa dijangkau oleh siapa saja menggunakan perangkat yang semakin beragam, membuat pengguna memerlukan aplikasi yang serba mudah untuk digunakan. Diantaranya adalah identifikasi obyek yang berada dalam data multimedia berupa teks, gambar maupun suara. Deteksi warna, terutama deteksi warna kulit manusia adalah tahap awal identifikasi keberadaan manusia pada citra 2 dimensi. Terdapat sejumlah metode untuk menentukan apakah suatu pixel pada gambar tersebut merupakan warna kulit manusia. Penelitian sebelumnya telah membuat ruang warna berbasis pixel diantaranya adalah ruang warna RGB, normalisasi RGB, HIS/HSV, TSL, YCbCr dll. Suatu matrik bujur sangkar NxN mempunyai nilai karakteristik (λ) sebanyak N dimana nilai masing-masing berupa bilangan real. Suatu citra dapat dipecah menjadi M matrik bujur sangkar dan kemudian dicari nilai λ  nya. Penelitian ini akan mencari ruang warna kulit manusia berdasarkan nilai karakteristik (ƛ) matrik window citra. Dari hasil pengujian hamper semua warna kulit dapat dideteksi, namun image untuk warna kulit yang tidak mencolok beberapa obyek pada image dapat ditampilkan dengan baik meskipun bukan kulit. Kata kunci: Citra Kulit, Nilai Karakteristik (λ), Matrik Window Abstract The development of the transaction and distribution of huge data, especially when the information technology and communication via the web can be reached by anyone using the increasingly diverse, making the user requires an application that completely easy to use. Among them is the identification of objects that are in the multimedia data such as text, images and sound. Color detection, particularly the detection of human skin color is an early stage identification of human presence on the 2-dimensional image. There are a number of methods to determine whether a pixel in the image is the color of human skin. Previous studies have made such pixel based color space is RGB color space, normalized RGB, HIS/HSV, TSL, YCbCr etc. An NxN square matrix has eigenvalues ​​(λ) of N where the value of each form of real numbers. An image can be broken down into a square matrix M and then sought its λ value. This study will look for human skin color space based on the value of the characteristic (ƛ) matrix image window. From the test results almost all skin colors can be detected, but the image for an inconspicuous color multiple objects in the image can be displayed well although not leather. Keywords: skin image, value of the characteristic(λ), Matrix Window

    Integrated approach of multiple face detection for video surveillance

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    For applications such as video surveillance and human computer interface, we propose an efficiently integrated method to detect and track faces. Various visualcues are combined to the algorithm: motion, skin color, global appearance and facialpattern detection. The ICA (Independent Component Analysis)-SVM (Support Vector Machine) based pattern detection is performed on the candidate region extracted by motion, color and global appearance information. Simultaneous execution of detection and short-term tracking also increases the rate and accuracy of detection. Experimentalresults show that our detection rate is 91 % with very few false alarms running at about 4 frames per second for 640 by 480 pixelimages onaPentiumIV1GHz. 1