14 research outputs found

    The Gaggle: An open-source software system for integrating bioinformatics software and data sources

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    BACKGROUND: Systems biologists work with many kinds of data, from many different sources, using a variety of software tools. Each of these tools typically excels at one type of analysis, such as of microarrays, of metabolic networks and of predicted protein structure. A crucial challenge is to combine the capabilities of these (and other forthcoming) data resources and tools to create a data exploration and analysis environment that does justice to the variety and complexity of systems biology data sets. A solution to this problem should recognize that data types, formats and software in this high throughput age of biology are constantly changing. RESULTS: In this paper we describe the Gaggle -a simple, open-source Java software environment that helps to solve the problem of software and database integration. Guided by the classic software engineering strategy of separation of concerns and a policy of semantic flexibility, it integrates existing popular programs and web resources into a user-friendly, easily-extended environment. We demonstrate that four simple data types (names, matrices, networks, and associative arrays) are sufficient to bring together diverse databases and software. We highlight some capabilities of the Gaggle with an exploration of Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis genes, in which we identify a putative ricin-like protein -a discovery made possible by simultaneous data exploration using a wide range of publicly available data and a variety of popular bioinformatics software tools. CONCLUSION: We have integrated diverse databases (for example, KEGG, BioCyc, String) and software (Cytoscape, DataMatrixViewer, R statistical environment, and TIGR Microarray Expression Viewer). Through this loose coupling of diverse software and databases the Gaggle enables simultaneous exploration of experimental data (mRNA and protein abundance, protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions), functional associations (operon, chromosomal proximity, phylogenetic pattern), metabolic pathways (KEGG) and Pubmed abstracts (STRING web resource), creating an exploratory environment useful to 'web browser and spreadsheet biologists', to statistically savvy computational biologists, and those in between. The Gaggle uses Java RMI and Java Web Start technologies and can be found at

    e-Science and biological pathway semantics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The development of e-Science presents a major set of opportunities and challenges for the future progress of biological and life scientific research. Major new tools are required and corresponding demands are placed on the high-throughput data generated and used in these processes. Nowhere is the demand greater than in the semantic integration of these data. Semantic Web tools and technologies afford the chance to achieve this semantic integration. Since pathway knowledge is central to much of the scientific research today it is a good test-bed for semantic integration. Within the context of biological pathways, the BioPAX initiative, part of a broader movement towards the standardization and integration of life science databases, forms a necessary prerequisite for its successful application of e-Science in health care and life science research. This paper examines whether BioPAX, an effort to overcome the barrier of disparate and heterogeneous pathway data sources, addresses the needs of e-Science.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate how BioPAX pathway data can be used to ask and answer some useful biological questions. We find that BioPAX comes close to meeting a broad range of e-Science needs, but certain semantic weaknesses mean that these goals are missed. We make a series of recommendations for re-modeling some aspects of BioPAX to better meet these needs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Once these semantic weaknesses are addressed, it will be possible to integrate pathway information in a manner that would be useful in e-Science.</p

    Data integration for biological network databases: MetNetDB labeled graph model and graph matching algorithm

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    To understand the cellular functions of genes requires investigating a variety of biological data, including experimental data, annotation from online databases and literatures, information about cellular interactions, and domain knowledge from biologists. These requirements demand a flexible and powerful biological data management system. MetNetDB is the biological database component of the MetNet platform (http://metnetdb.org/), a software platform for Arabidopsis system biology. This work describes a labeled graph model that addresses the challenges associated with biological network databases, and discusses the implementation of this model in MetNetDB. MetNetDB integrates most recent data from various sources, including biological networks, gene annotation, metabolite information, and protein localization data. The integration contains four steps: data model transformation and integration; semantic mapping; data conversion and integration; and conflict resolution. MetNetDB is established as a labeled graph model. The graph structure supports network data storage and application of graph analysis algorithm. The node and edge labels have the same extension capability as object data model. In addition, rules are used to guarantee the biological network data integrity; operations are defined for graph edit and comparison. To facilitate the integration of network data, which is often inaccurate or incomplete, a subgraph extraction algorithm is designed for MetNetDB. This algorithm allows subgraph querying based on user-specified biomolecules. Both exact matching and approximate matching with biomolecules in networks are supported. The similarity among biomolecules is inferred from expression patterns, gene ontology, chemical ontology, and protein-gene relationships. Combined with the implementation of Messmer\u27s approximate subgraph isomorphism algorithm, MetNetDB supports exact and approximate graph matching. Based on the MetNetDB labeled graph model and the graph matching algorithms, the MetNetDB curator tool is built with several innovative features, including active biological rule checking during network curation, tracking data change history, and a biologist-friendly visual graph query system

    Cell Biology of the Entry of Bdellovibrio and Like Organisms

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    Bdellovibrio and like organisms (BALOs) are obligate predators of Gram negative bacteria. Predation occurs via a periplasmic or epibiotic life cycle. A periplasmic predator invades the periplasmic space of a prey while an epibiotic predator remains on the exterior. An analysis of the genome sequences of periplasmic predators, Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and Bacteriovorax marinus, and epibiotic predators, Bdellovibrio exovorus and Micavibrio aeruginosavorus determined that the genome size of epibiotic predators was smaller, while the metabolic networks were highly conserved. No core set of invasion-specific genes was identified. Both life cycles were characterized by cryoelectron microscopy. The periplasmic predator, Bd. bacteriovorus, increased the volume of the periplasmic space prior to invasion. This coincided with a reduction in the size of the protoplast. A plug-like structure was found on the outer surface of bdelloplasts. Cryoelectron tomography suggested the plug originated from the flagellar end of the predator. It appears that upon invasion, Bd. bacteriovorus sheds the flagellum, which helps to seal the entry pore. Analysis of PilT1 and PilT2 mutants of Bd. bacteriovorus showed that retraction of type IV pili was not required for invasion into the periplasmic space of the prey. However, a pilT2 mutant was unable to prey on a biofilm, suggesting that retraction of the pili may be required to penetrate the exopolysaccharide matrix layer. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an emerging multidrug resistant opportunistic pathogen. Nineteen clinical and hospital-environment isolates showed variable abilities to form biofilms. A BALO isolated from the environment preyed upon all strains of S. maltophilia. The predator utilized an epibiotic life cycle and was identified as Bd. exovorus. Bd. exovorus FFRS-5 was able to reduce the mass of biofilms formed by almost all strains of S. maltophilia, even in the presence of ciprofloxacin and/or kanamycin. Thus, Bd. exovorus has the potential to be used therapeutically as an antimicrobial agent. These studies have shed light on the attachment and invasion strategies of BALOs and presented the first potential use of Bd. exovorus as a biocontrol agent

    Architecture for integrating heterogeneous biological data repositories using ontologies

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-89).High-throughput experiments generate vast quantities of biological information that are stored in autonomous data repositories distributed across the World Wide Web. There exists a need to integrate information from multiple data repositories for the purposes of data mining; however, current methods of integration require a significant amount of manual work that is often tedious and time consuming. The thesis proposes a flexible architecture that facilitates the automation of data integration from multiple heterogeneous biological data repositories using ontologies. The design uses ontologies to resolve the semantic conflicts that usually hinder schema integration and searching for information. The architecture implemented successfully demonstrates how ontologies facilitate the automation of data integration from multiple data repositories. Nevertheless, many optimizations to increase the performance of the system were realized during the implementation of various components in the architecture and are described in the thesis.by Howard H. Chou.M.Eng

    A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection.

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    The theme and the concept of 'Molecular Biology Database Integration’ and the problems associated with this concept initiated the idea for this Ph.D research. The available technologies facilitate to analyse the data independently and discretely but it fails to integrate the data resources for more meaningful information. This along with the integration issues created the scope for this Ph.D research. The research has reviewed the 'database interoperability' problems and it has suggested a framework for integrating the molecular biology databases. The framework has proposed to develop a cooperative environment to share information on the basis of common purpose for the molecular biology databases. The research has also reviewed other implementation and interoperability issues for laboratory based, dedicated and target specific database. The research has addressed the following issues: - diversity of molecular biology databases schemas, schema constructs and schema implementation -multi-database query using image object keying -database integration technologies using context graph - automated navigation among these databases This thesis has introduced a new approach for database implementation. It has introduced an interoperable component database concept to initiate multidatabase query on gene mutation data. A number of data models have been proposed for gene mutation data which is the basis for integrating the target specific component database to be integrated with the federated information system. The proposed data models are: data models for genetic trait analysis, classification of gene mutation data, pathological lesion data and laboratory data. The main feature of this component database is non-overlapping attributes and it will follow non-redundant integration approach as explained in the thesis. This will be achieved by storing attributes which will not have the union or intersection of any attributes that exist in public domain molecular biology databases. Unlike data warehousing technique, this feature is quite unique and novel. The component database will be integrated with other biological data sources for sharing information in a cooperative environment. This/involves developing new tools. The thesis explains the role of these new tools which are: meta data extractor, mapping linker, query generator and result interpreter. These tools are used for a transparent integration without creating any global schema of the participating databases. The thesis has also established the concept of image object keying for multidatabase query and it has proposed a relevant algorithm for matching protein spot in gel electrophoresis image. An object spot in gel electrophoresis image will initiate the query when it is selected by the user. It matches the selected spot with other similar spots in other resource databases. This image object keying method is an alternative to conventional multidatabase query which requires writing complex SQL scripts. This method also resolve the semantic conflicts that exist among molecular biology databases. The research has proposed a new framework based on the context of the web data for interactions with different biological data resources. A formal description of the resource context is described in the thesis. The implementation of the context into Resource Document Framework (RDF) will be able to increase the interoperability by providing the description of the resources and the navigation plan for accessing the web based databases. A higher level construct is developed (has, provide and access) to implement the context into RDF for web interactions. The interactions within the resources are achieved by utilising an integration domain to extract the required information with a single instance and without writing any query scripts. The integration domain allows to navigate and to execute the query plan within the resource databases. An extractor module collects elements from different target webs and unify them as a whole object in a single page. The proposed framework is tested to find specific information e.g., information on Alzheimer's disease, from public domain biology resources, such as, Protein Data Bank, Genome Data Bank, Online Mendalian Inheritance in Man and local database. Finally, the thesis proposes further propositions and plans for future work