236 research outputs found

    Lift & Project Systems Performing on the Partial-Vertex-Cover Polytope

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    We study integrality gap (IG) lower bounds on strong LP and SDP relaxations derived by the Sherali-Adams (SA), Lovasz-Schrijver-SDP (LS+), and Sherali-Adams-SDP (SA+) lift-and-project (L&P) systems for the t-Partial-Vertex-Cover (t-PVC) problem, a variation of the classic Vertex-Cover problem in which only t edges need to be covered. t-PVC admits a 2-approximation using various algorithmic techniques, all relying on a natural LP relaxation. Starting from this LP relaxation, our main results assert that for every epsilon > 0, level-Theta(n) LPs or SDPs derived by all known L&P systems that have been used for positive algorithmic results (but the Lasserre hierarchy) have IGs at least (1-epsilon)n/t, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph. Our lower bounds are nearly tight. Our results show that restricted yet powerful models of computation derived by many L&P systems fail to witness c-approximate solutions to t-PVC for any constant c, and for t = O(n). This is one of the very few known examples of an intractable combinatorial optimization problem for which LP-based algorithms induce a constant approximation ratio, still lift-and-project LP and SDP tightenings of the same LP have unbounded IGs. We also show that the SDP that has given the best algorithm known for t-PVC has integrality gap n/t on instances that can be solved by the level-1 LP relaxation derived by the LS system. This constitutes another rare phenomenon where (even in specific instances) a static LP outperforms an SDP that has been used for the best approximation guarantee for the problem at hand. Finally, one of our main contributions is that we make explicit of a new and simple methodology of constructing solutions to LP relaxations that almost trivially satisfy constraints derived by all SDP L&P systems known to be useful for algorithmic positive results (except the La system).Comment: 26 page

    Sparsest Cut on Bounded Treewidth Graphs: Algorithms and Hardness Results

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    We give a 2-approximation algorithm for Non-Uniform Sparsest Cut that runs in time nO(k)n^{O(k)}, where kk is the treewidth of the graph. This improves on the previous 22k2^{2^k}-approximation in time \poly(n) 2^{O(k)} due to Chlamt\'a\v{c} et al. To complement this algorithm, we show the following hardness results: If the Non-Uniform Sparsest Cut problem has a ρ\rho-approximation for series-parallel graphs (where ρ1\rho \geq 1), then the Max Cut problem has an algorithm with approximation factor arbitrarily close to 1/ρ1/\rho. Hence, even for such restricted graphs (which have treewidth 2), the Sparsest Cut problem is NP-hard to approximate better than 17/16ϵ17/16 - \epsilon for ϵ>0\epsilon > 0; assuming the Unique Games Conjecture the hardness becomes 1/αGWϵ1/\alpha_{GW} - \epsilon. For graphs with large (but constant) treewidth, we show a hardness result of 2ϵ2 - \epsilon assuming the Unique Games Conjecture. Our algorithm rounds a linear program based on (a subset of) the Sherali-Adams lift of the standard Sparsest Cut LP. We show that even for treewidth-2 graphs, the LP has an integrality gap close to 2 even after polynomially many rounds of Sherali-Adams. Hence our approach cannot be improved even on such restricted graphs without using a stronger relaxation

    Sherali-Adams gaps, flow-cover inequalities and generalized configurations for capacity-constrained Facility Location

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    Metric facility location is a well-studied problem for which linear programming methods have been used with great success in deriving approximation algorithms. The capacity-constrained generalizations, such as capacitated facility location (CFL) and lower-bounded facility location (LBFL), have proved notorious as far as LP-based approximation is concerned: while there are local-search-based constant-factor approximations, there is no known linear relaxation with constant integrality gap. According to Williamson and Shmoys devising a relaxation-based approximation for \cfl\ is among the top 10 open problems in approximation algorithms. This paper advances significantly the state-of-the-art on the effectiveness of linear programming for capacity-constrained facility location through a host of impossibility results for both CFL and LBFL. We show that the relaxations obtained from the natural LP at Ω(n)\Omega(n) levels of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy have an unbounded gap, partially answering an open question of \cite{LiS13, AnBS13}. Here, nn denotes the number of facilities in the instance. Building on the ideas for this result, we prove that the standard CFL relaxation enriched with the generalized flow-cover valid inequalities \cite{AardalPW95} has also an unbounded gap. This disproves a long-standing conjecture of \cite{LeviSS12}. We finally introduce the family of proper relaxations which generalizes to its logical extreme the classic star relaxation and captures general configuration-style LPs. We characterize the behavior of proper relaxations for CFL and LBFL through a sharp threshold phenomenon.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.599

    Hardness of Graph Pricing through Generalized Max-Dicut

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    The Graph Pricing problem is among the fundamental problems whose approximability is not well-understood. While there is a simple combinatorial 1/4-approximation algorithm, the best hardness result remains at 1/2 assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC). We show that it is NP-hard to approximate within a factor better than 1/4 under the UGC, so that the simple combinatorial algorithm might be the best possible. We also prove that for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there exists δ>0\delta > 0 such that the integrality gap of nδn^{\delta}-rounds of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy of linear programming for Graph Pricing is at most 1/2 + ϵ\epsilon. This work is based on the effort to view the Graph Pricing problem as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) simpler than the standard and complicated formulation. We propose the problem called Generalized Max-Dicut(TT), which has a domain size T+1T + 1 for every T1T \geq 1. Generalized Max-Dicut(1) is well-known Max-Dicut. There is an approximation-preserving reduction from Generalized Max-Dicut on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to Graph Pricing, and both our results are achieved through this reduction. Besides its connection to Graph Pricing, the hardness of Generalized Max-Dicut is interesting in its own right since in most arity two CSPs studied in the literature, SDP-based algorithms perform better than LP-based or combinatorial algorithms --- for this arity two CSP, a simple combinatorial algorithm does the best.Comment: 28 page