373 research outputs found

    Integral Channel Features

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    We study the performance of ‘integral channel features’ for image classification tasks, focusing in particular on pedestrian detection. The general idea behind integral channel features is that multiple registered image channels are computed using linear and non-linear transformations of the input image, and then features such as local sums, histograms, and Haar features and their various generalizations are efficiently computed using integral images. Such features have been used in recent literature for a variety of tasks – indeed, variations appear to have been invented independently multiple times. Although integral channel features have proven effective, little effort has been devoted to analyzing or optimizing the features themselves. In this work we present a unified view of the relevant work in this area and perform a detailed experimental evaluation. We demonstrate that when designed properly, integral channel features not only outperform other features including histogram of oriented gradient (HOG), they also (1) naturally integrate heterogeneous sources of information, (2) have few parameters and are insensitive to exact parameter settings, (3) allow for more accurate spatial localization during detection, and (4) result in fast detectors when coupled with cascade classifiers

    Fast traffic sign recognition using color segmentation and deep convolutional networks

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    The use of Computer Vision techniques for the automatic recognition of road signs is fundamental for the development of intelli- gent vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems. In this paper, we describe a procedure based on color segmentation, Histogram of Ori- ented Gradients (HOG), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for detecting and classifying road signs. Detection is speeded up by a pre- processing step to reduce the search space, while classication is carried out by using a Deep Learning technique. A quantitative evaluation of the proposed approach has been conducted on the well-known German Traf- c Sign data set and on the novel Data set of Italian Trac Signs (DITS), which is publicly available and contains challenging sequences captured in adverse weather conditions and in an urban scenario at night-time. Experimental results demonstrate the eectiveness of the proposed ap- proach in terms of both classication accuracy and computational speed


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    Accurate plant disease diagnosis requires experts\u27 knowledge but is usually expensive and time-consuming.So, an easy and accurate method is highly demanded in Japanese agricultural fields. In this study, we propose some ideas of the integrated system for detecting leaf and diagnosing its disease type. Our system achieved 84.0 % accuracy at the classification part under the 4-fold cross validation strategy.Key Words : plant disease, integral channel features, convolutional neural network

    Multi-view Face Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this paper we consider the problem of multi-view face detection. While there has been significant research on this problem, current state-of-the-art approaches for this task require annotation of facial landmarks, e.g. TSM [25], or annotation of face poses [28, 22]. They also require training dozens of models to fully capture faces in all orientations, e.g. 22 models in HeadHunter method [22]. In this paper we propose Deep Dense Face Detector (DDFD), a method that does not require pose/landmark annotation and is able to detect faces in a wide range of orientations using a single model based on deep convolutional neural networks. The proposed method has minimal complexity; unlike other recent deep learning object detection methods [9], it does not require additional components such as segmentation, bounding-box regression, or SVM classifiers. Furthermore, we analyzed scores of the proposed face detector for faces in different orientations and found that 1) the proposed method is able to detect faces from different angles and can handle occlusion to some extent, 2) there seems to be a correlation between dis- tribution of positive examples in the training set and scores of the proposed face detector. The latter suggests that the proposed methods performance can be further improved by using better sampling strategies and more sophisticated data augmentation techniques. Evaluations on popular face detection benchmark datasets show that our single-model face detector algorithm has similar or better performance compared to the previous methods, which are more complex and require annotations of either different poses or facial landmarks.Comment: in International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2015 (ICMR

    Interactively Test Driving an Object Detector: Estimating Performance on Unlabeled Data

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    In this paper, we study the problem of `test-driving' a detector, i.e. allowing a human user to get a quick sense of how well the detector generalizes to their specific requirement. To this end, we present the first system that estimates detector performance interactively without extensive ground truthing using a human in the loop. We approach this as a problem of estimating proportions and show that it is possible to make accurate inferences on the proportion of classes or groups within a large data collection by observing only 510%5-10\% of samples from the data. In estimating the false detections (for precision), the samples are chosen carefully such that the overall characteristics of the data collection are preserved. Next, inspired by its use in estimating disease propagation we apply pooled testing approaches to estimate missed detections (for recall) from the dataset. The estimates thus obtained are close to the ones obtained using ground truth, thus reducing the need for extensive labeling which is expensive and time consuming.Comment: Published at Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 201

    Traffic sign detection for U.S. roads:Remaining challenges and a case for tracking

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    Abstract — Traffic sign detection is crucial in intelligent vehi-cles, no matter if one’s objective is to develop Advanced Driver Assistance Systems or autonomous cars. Recent advances in traffic sign detection, especially the great effort put into the competition German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark, have given rise to very reliable detection systems when tested on European signs. The U.S., however, has a rather different approach to traffic sign design. This paper evaluates whether a current state-of-the-art traffic sign detector is useful for American signs. We find that for colorful, distinctively shaped signs, Integral Channel Features work well, but it fails on the large superclass of speed limit signs and similar designs. We also introduce an extension to the largest public dataset of American signs, the LISA Traffic Sign Dataset, and present an evaluation of tracking in the context of sign detection. We show that tracking essentially suppresses all false positives in our test set, and argue that in order to be useful for higher level analysis, any traffic sign detection system should contain tracking