963 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Performance of Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Methods on Some Relatively Harder Multi-modal Benchmark Functions

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    This paper aims at comparing the performance of the Differential Evolution (DE) and the Repulsive Particle Swarm (RPS) methods of global optimization. To this end, some relatively difficult test functions have been chosen. Among these test functions, some are new while others are well known in the literature. We use DE method with the exponential crossover scheme as well as with no crossover (only probabilistic replacement). Our findings suggest that DE (with the exponential crossover scheme) mostly fails to find the optimum in case of the functions under study. Of course, it succeeds in case of some functions (perm#2, zero-sum) for very small dimension, but begins to falter as soon as the dimension is increased. In case of DCS function, it works well up to dimension = 5. When we use no crossover (only probabilistic replacement) we obtain better results in case of several of the functions under study. In case of Perm#1, Perm#2, Zero-sum, Kowalik, Hougen and Power-sum functions, a remarkable advantage is there. Whether crossover or no crossover, DE falters when the optimand function has some element of randomness. This is indicated by the functions: Yao-Liu#7, Fletcher-Powell, and “New function#2”. DE has no problems in optimizing the “New function #1”. But the “New function #2” proves to be a hard nut. However, RPS performs much better for such stochastic functions. When the Fletcher-Powell function is optimized with non-stochastic c vector, DE works fine. But as soon as c is stochastic, it becomes unstable. Thus, it may be observed that an introduction of stochasticity into the decision variables (or simply added to the function as in Yao-Liu#7) interferes with the fundamentals of DE, which works through attainment of better and better (in the sense of Pareto improvement) population at each successive iteration. The paper concludes: (1) for different types of problems, different schemes of crossover (including none) may be suitable or unsuitable, (2) Stochasticity entering into the optimand function may make DE unstable, but RPS may function well.Differential Evolution; Repulsive Particle Swarm; Global optimization; non-convex functions; Fortran; computer program; benchmark; test; Stochastic functions; Fletcher-Powell; Kowalik; Hougen; Power-sum; Perm; Zero-sum; New functions; Bukin function

    Facility layout problem: Bibliometric and benchmarking analysis

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    Facility layout problem is related to the location of departments in a facility area, with the aim of determining the most effective configuration. Researches based on different approaches have been published in the last six decades and, to prove the effectiveness of the results obtained, several instances have been developed. This paper presents a general overview on the extant literature on facility layout problems in order to identify the main research trends and propose future research questions. Firstly, in order to give the reader an overview of the literature, a bibliometric analysis is presented. Then, a clusterization of the papers referred to the main instances reported in literature was carried out in order to create a database that can be a useful tool in the benchmarking procedure for researchers that would approach this kind of problems

    The evolution of cell formation problem methodologies based on recent studies (1997-2008): review and directions for future research

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    This paper presents a literature review of the cell formation (CF) problem concentrating on formulations proposed in the last decade. It refers to a number of solution approaches that have been employed for CF such as mathematical programming, heuristic and metaheuristic methodologies and artificial intelligence strategies. A comparison and evaluation of all methodologies is attempted and some shortcomings are highlighted. Finally, suggestions for future research are proposed useful for CF researchers

    Feature Selection via Chaotic Antlion Optimization

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    Selecting a subset of relevant properties from a large set of features that describe a dataset is a challenging machine learning task. In biology, for instance, the advances in the available technologies enable the generation of a very large number of biomarkers that describe the data. Choosing the more informative markers along with performing a high-accuracy classification over the data can be a daunting task, particularly if the data are high dimensional. An often adopted approach is to formulate the feature selection problem as a biobjective optimization problem, with the aim of maximizing the performance of the data analysis model (the quality of the data training fitting) while minimizing the number of features used.This work was partially supported by the IPROCOM Marie Curie initial training network, funded through the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grants agreement No. 316555, and by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDIUEFISCDI, project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2- 0917. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Performance of Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Methods on Some Relatively Harder Multi-modal Benchmark Functions

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    Our objective in this paper is to compare the performance of the Differential Evolution (DE) and the Repulsive Particle Swarm (RPS) methods of global optimization. To this end, some relatively difficult test functions have been chosen. These functions are: Perm, Power-Sum, Bukin, Zero-Sum, Hougen, Giunta, DCS, Kowalik, Fletcher-Powell and some now functions. Our results show that DE (with the exponential crossover scheme) mostly fails to find the optimum of most of these functions. Of course, it succeeds in case of some functions (perm#2, zero-sum) for very small dimension (m), but begins to falter as soon as the dimension is increased. In case of DCS function, it works well up to m (dimension) = 5. When we use no crossover (only probabilistic replacement) we obtain better results in case of several of the functions under study. Thus, overall, table #2 presents better results than what table #1 does. In case of Perm#1, Perm#2, Zero-sum, Kowalik, Hougen and Power-sum functions the advantage is clear. Whether crossover or no crossover, DE falters when the optimand function has some element of randomness. This is indicated by the functions: Yao-Liu#7, Fletcher-Powell, and “New function#2”. DE has no problems in optimizing the “New function#1”. But the “New function #2” proves to be a hard nut. However, RPS performs much better for such stochastic functions. When the Fletcher-Powell function is optimized with non-stochastic c vector, DE works fine. But as soon as c is stochastic, it becomes unstable. Thus, it may be observed that an introduction of stochasticity into the decision variables (or simply added to the function as in Yao-Liu#7) interferes with the fundamentals of DE, which works through attainment of better and better (in the sense of Pareto improvement) population at each successive iteration.Repulsive particle swarm; Differential evolution; Global optimization; Stochasticity; random disturbances; Crossover; Perm; zero sum; Kowalik; Hougen; Power sum; DCS; Fletcher Powell; multimodal; benchmark; test functions; Bukin; Giunta
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