4 research outputs found


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    This study aims to develop an optimization model for solving the insular cost minimization single-tour travel problems. The model was developed using an integer non-linear programming approach by considering the selection of departure and arrival points of an island, selecting accommodation points, selecting transportation mode departure schedules, and selecting travel routes both within islands and between islands. The cost components considered include inter-island travel costs, land travel costs, costs at selective points, and costs waiting for departure. A numerical experiment was conducted on the case of planning a tourist route in Maluku, Indonesia. The departure day scenario is built to find out the exact route and schedule on each day of departure with a minimum total cost. In addition, comparisons were also made to the results obtained in the time minimization model that was introduced earlier. The results showed that the model can adapt through variations of solutions to changes in the given parameters and objectives


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model optimasi penyelesaian masalah minimisasi waktu perjalanan wisata tur-tunggal di daerah kepulauan. Model dikembangkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan integer programming dan diformulasikan dalam bentuk non-linear. Faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan meliputi klaster pulau, rute dan jadwal keberangkatan di setiap titik koneksi, dan seleksi titik akomodasi. Validasi model dilakukan melalui percobaan numerikal untuk menguji konsistensi dan adaptabilitas nilai keluaran model terhadap perubahan parameter yang diberikan. Skenario percobaan direncanakan berdasarkan variasi hari keberangkatan dan maksimum waktu kover titik akomodasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model memiliki adaptabilitas dan konsisten terhadap perubahan parameter berdasarkan empat belas skenario yang diberikan

    Reverse logistics analysis to evaluate the waste management in the Galapagos islands

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    The Galapagos islands, known as the enchanted islands, are one of the most biodiverse places on the planet; as a result, they were declared natural Heritage of Humanity in 1978 by UNESCO (Ecogal S.A., n.d.). In the last few decades, the population density has noticeable increased, which originates pollution and the generation of high tons of waste. Therefore, their waste management has become a critical condition to be analyzed for their conservation, especially because there is a lack of adequate policies and infrastructure to handle such problem...Las islas Galápagos, conocidas como las islas encantadas, son uno de los lugares con mayor biodiversidad del planeta; como resultado, fueron declaradas Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad en 1978 por la UNESCO (Ecogal S.A., n.d.). En las últimas décadas, la densidad de población ha aumentado notablemente, lo que origina contaminación y la generación de altas toneladas de desechos. Por lo tanto, su gestión de residuos se ha convertido en una condición crítica para ser analizada para su conservación, especialmente debido a la falta de políticas e infraestructura adecuadas para manejar dicho problema..

    Insular Biobjective Routing with Environmental Considerations for a Solid Waste Collection System in Southern Chile

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    This paper presents a biobjective problem for a solid waste collection system in a set of islands in southern Chile. The first objective minimizes transportation cost and the second one reduces the environmental impact caused by the accumulation of solid waste at the collection points. To solve this problem, biobjective mixed integer linear programming is used. In the model, an itinerary scheme is considered for the visit to the islands. The model decides which collection points are visited per island, the collection pattern, and quantity of solid waste to be collected at each site. The quantity of solid waste is obtained dividing the solid waste generated in the island by the number of collection points selected in that same island and the frequency of visits. For this problem, we considered that the environmental impact function varies through the days during which solid waste is accumulated at each collection point. We present an instance based on real data for a set of islands in Chiloe and Palena regions in southern Chile, in which the deposit node is Dalcahue. We used the epsilon-constraint method and the weighted sum method to obtain the Pareto front, using commercial optimization software