1,238 research outputs found

    An LLVM Instrumentation Plug-in for Score-P

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    Reducing application runtime, scaling parallel applications to higher numbers of processes/threads, and porting applications to new hardware architectures are tasks necessary in the software development process. Therefore, developers have to investigate and understand application runtime behavior. Tools such as monitoring infrastructures that capture performance relevant data during application execution assist in this task. The measured data forms the basis for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the code. Monitoring infrastructures need mechanisms to record application activities in order to conduct measurements. Automatic instrumentation of the source code is the preferred method in most application scenarios. We introduce a plug-in for the LLVM infrastructure that enables automatic source code instrumentation at compile-time. In contrast to available instrumentation mechanisms in LLVM/Clang, our plug-in can selectively include/exclude individual application functions. This enables developers to fine-tune the measurement to the required level of detail while avoiding large runtime overheads due to excessive instrumentation.Comment: 8 page


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    We present layered concurrent programs, a compact and expressive notation for specifying refinement proofs of concurrent programs. A layered concurrent program specifies a sequence of connected concurrent programs, from most concrete to most abstract, such that common parts of different programs are written exactly once. These programs are expressed in the ordinary syntax of imperative concurrent programs using gated atomic actions, sequencing, choice, and (recursive) procedure calls. Each concurrent program is automatically extracted from the layered program. We reduce refinement to the safety of a sequence of concurrent checker programs, one each to justify the connection between every two consecutive concurrent programs. These checker programs are also automatically extracted from the layered program. Layered concurrent programs have been implemented in the CIVL verifier which has been successfully used for the verification of several complex concurrent programs

    Hybrid Information Flow Analysis for Programs with Arrays

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    Information flow analysis checks whether certain pieces of (confidential) data may affect the results of computations in unwanted ways and thus leak information. Dynamic information flow analysis adds instrumentation code to the target software to track flows at run time and raise alarms if a flow policy is violated; hybrid analyses combine this with preliminary static analysis. Using a subset of C as the target language, we extend previous work on hybrid information flow analysis that handled pointers to scalars. Our extended formulation handles arrays, pointers to array elements, and pointer arithmetic. Information flow through arrays of pointers is tracked precisely while arrays of non-pointer types are summarized efficiently. A prototype of our approach is implemented using the Frama-C program analysis and transformation framework. Work on a full machine-checked proof of the correctness of our approach using Isabelle/HOL is well underway; we present the existing parts and sketch the rest of the correctness argument.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2016, arXiv:1607.0183

    A Fast Causal Profiler for Task Parallel Programs

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    This paper proposes TASKPROF, a profiler that identifies parallelism bottlenecks in task parallel programs. It leverages the structure of a task parallel execution to perform fine-grained attribution of work to various parts of the program. TASKPROF's use of hardware performance counters to perform fine-grained measurements minimizes perturbation. TASKPROF's profile execution runs in parallel using multi-cores. TASKPROF's causal profile enables users to estimate improvements in parallelism when a region of code is optimized even when concrete optimizations are not yet known. We have used TASKPROF to isolate parallelism bottlenecks in twenty three applications that use the Intel Threading Building Blocks library. We have designed parallelization techniques in five applications to in- crease parallelism by an order of magnitude using TASKPROF. Our user study indicates that developers are able to isolate performance bottlenecks with ease using TASKPROF.Comment: 11 page

    ATLAS: A flexible and extensible architecture for linguistic annotation

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    We describe a formal model for annotating linguistic artifacts, from which we derive an application programming interface (API) to a suite of tools for manipulating these annotations. The abstract logical model provides for a range of storage formats and promotes the reuse of tools that interact through this API. We focus first on ``Annotation Graphs,'' a graph model for annotations on linear signals (such as text and speech) indexed by intervals, for which efficient database storage and querying techniques are applicable. We note how a wide range of existing annotated corpora can be mapped to this annotation graph model. This model is then generalized to encompass a wider variety of linguistic ``signals,'' including both naturally occuring phenomena (as recorded in images, video, multi-modal interactions, etc.), as well as the derived resources that are increasingly important to the engineering of natural language processing systems (such as word lists, dictionaries, aligned bilingual corpora, etc.). We conclude with a review of the current efforts towards implementing key pieces of this architecture.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure