24,495 research outputs found

    Web-based learning in the field of empirical research methods

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    This study focuses on the development of a complex web-based learning environment aimed at promoting the acquisition of applicable knowledge in the context of studying empirical research methods at university. This learning environment was then modified further on an empirical basis. The main focus of the present article is to describe the conceptualisation of the learning environment and research activities which were guided by an integrative research paradigm. The learning environment consisted of highly structured, complex texts in which the process of empirical research was illustrated in a detailed manner. By combining these texts with other instructional measures, the learning environment is given a flexible hypertext-structure. The effectiveness of the learning environment as a whole was investigated in three studies (two evaluation studies in the field and one experimental study in the laboratory). It was demonstrated that the additional instructional measures (e.g. a specific feedback-guidance and time-management measures) were not effective. The importance of cognitive, motivational and emotional learning prerequisites for the successful utilisation of the learning environment was highlighted. The implementation of special training and additional preparatory modules is recommended in order to optimise the fit between students' prerequisites and learning environmIm Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit steht zum einen die Konzeptualisierung einer Lernumgebung zur Förderung des Erwerbs anwendbaren Wissens im Kontext der universitären Ausbildung in empirischen Forschungsmethoden. Zum anderen werden ausgehend von einem integrativen Forschungsparadigma Forschungsaktivitäten beschrieben, die die empirische Basis zur Weiterentwicklung der Lernumgebung bereitstellen. Die Lernumgebung besteht aus hoch strukturierten, komplexen Texten, in welchen der Prozess empirischer Forschung auf detaillierte Weise veranschaulicht wird. Diese Texte wurden mit anderen instruktionalen Maßnahmen kombiniert, wodurch die Lernumgebung eine flexible, hypertextartige Struktur bekam. Die Effektivität der gesamten Lernumgebung wurde im Rahmen dreier empirischer Studien untersucht, von denen zwei als Evaluationsstudien im Feld durchgeführt wurden; die dritte war eine experimentelle Laborstudie. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die zusätzlichen instruktionalen Maßnahmen (z. B. eine spezifische Feedback-Anleitung und eine Zeitmanagement-Maßnahme) nicht wirksam waren. Die Bedeutung kognitiver, motivationaler und emotionaler Lernvoraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Nutzung der Lernumgebung konnte nachgewiesen werden. Um die Passung zwischen den Eingangsvoraussetzungen der Studierenden und der Lernumgebung zu verbessern, wurde die Implementation eines speziellen Trainings und eines zusätzlichen vorbereitenden Moduls vorgeschlag

    Instructional strategies and tactics for the design of introductory computer programming courses in high school

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    This article offers an examination of instructional strategies and tactics for the design of introductory computer programming courses in high school. We distinguish the Expert, Spiral and Reading approach as groups of instructional strategies that mainly differ in their general design plan to control students' processing load. In order, they emphasize topdown program design, incremental learning, and program modification and amplification. In contrast, tactics are specific design plans that prescribe methods to reach desired learning outcomes under given circumstances. Based on ACT* (Anderson, 1983) and relevant research, we distinguish between declarative and procedural instruction and present six tactics which can be used both to design courses and to evaluate strategies. Three tactics for declarative instruction involve concrete computer models, programming plans and design diagrams; three tactics for procedural instruction involve worked-out examples, practice of basic cognitive skills and task variation. In our evaluation of groups of instructional strategies, the Reading approach has been found to be superior to the Expert and Spiral approaches

    Automation and schema acquisition in learning elementary computer programming: Implications for the design of practice

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    Two complementary processes may be distinguished in learning a complex cognitive skill such as computer programming. First, automation offers task-specific procedures that may directly control programming behavior, second, schema acquisition offers cognitive structures that provide analogies in new problem situations. The goal of this paper is to explore what the nature of these processes can teach us for a more effective design of practice. The authors argue that conventional training strategies in elementary programming provide little guidance to the learner and offer little opportunities for mindful abstraction, which results in suboptimal automation and schema acquisition. Practice is considered to be most beneficial to learning outcomes and transfer under strict conditions, in particular, a heavy emphasis on the use of worked examples during practice and the assignment of programming tasks that demand mindful abstraction from these examples

    The introduction of computer aided learning to the Saudi Arabia Border Guard Naval Institute

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    The goal of this dissertation is to bridge the big gap between the present situation of BGNI and the other developed maritime institutions. In this dissertation BGNI was subjected to a detailed study. The developing use of the computer and its progress from the first generation to the present time has been efficiently used in developed maritime institutes. In addition, the reasons why BGNI benefit from the advance of CAL are suggested. This study includes the different aspects which are demanded for BGNI. The conditions and environment at features of the KSA that led to the establishment of BGNI, are narrated. Accordingly, a study of the development plans, tasks and responsibilities of the BGNI stresses the necessity to keep the institute in touch with the advances in technology in MET. The educational situation of KSA in general, and at BGNI in particular, is prefaced. Computer modes as enclosures for the educational, training and management subjects are explained. Also a discussion about the theoretical basis of CAL is attached. An evaluation process for computer program and instructor staff at BGNI are in need of reform. The reformed evaluation process will help in the progress of using computers for MET at the BGNI. Comments about the management at BGNI explain the important role of the information and communication technologies to the management process at maritime institutions. Finally, the dissertation is conclude with the recommendations for the use of computer technology as an aid for learning and training at the Border Guard Naval Institute

    The effects of an interactive computerized multimedia tutorial on knowledge gain in modular fixturing design concepts

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    This study was designed to compare student knowledge gain from learning modular fixturing design concepts by computer tutorial versus traditional lecture. The use of computer tutorial to support engineering and technology classroom instructions has been a major issue for many studies. The undergraduate curricula in engineering and technology are becoming increasingly complex due to the today\u27s modern wide variety of manufacturing processes. The concept of modular fixturing in tool design course is one of the technical competencies which most industries would like graduates to be able to apply their knowledge to real-world problems and situations. An interactive computerized multimedia tutorial named ToolTRAIN was developed and administered to undergraduate students in the Industrial Technology program at the University of Northern Iowa. By integrating information in a graphical manner such as 3D visualization through animation, ToolTRAIN demonstrated how several modular fixturing components can be assembled with a wide variety of workpieces. A quasi-experimental design employing pre- and post-instruction tests was utilized for the study. Two preexisting groups of students were assigned to either the experimental or control group. Both groups were instructed on the same general topics covered in this study. A pretest was given to both groups. Three hours were used to teach the control group the concepts and theories of modular fixturing design concepts by lecture. On the other hand, the experimental group was expected to utilize ToolTRAIN for three hours. The posttest was administered to all subjects to measure knowledge gain of modular fixturing design concepts after the instruction. The data were analyzed using t tests to compare group mean of change scores. All hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance. This research indicated that there were significant differences between the computer tutorial program and lecture method. The experimental (computer tutorial) group achieved significantly higher improvement in scores than the control (lecture) group. Also, the learning time actually spent using ToolTRAIN was less that for the control group. Based on this research it was concluded that the ToolTRAIN interactive multimedia tutorial program can be used as an effective teaching method for modular fixturing design concepts. Future research should expand the sample size used in the investigation with tighter control of control group module content. ToolTRAIN can also be used for more complex concepts of modular fixturing system and applications