14,608 research outputs found

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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    Not All Instances Contribute Equally: Instance-adaptive Class Representation Learning for Few-Shot Visual Recognition

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    Few-shot visual recognition refers to recognize novel visual concepts from a few labeled instances. Many few-shot visual recognition methods adopt the metric-based meta-learning paradigm by comparing the query representation with class representations to predict the category of query instance. However, current metric-based methods generally treat all instances equally and consequently often obtain biased class representation, considering not all instances are equally significant when summarizing the instance-level representations for the class-level representation. For example, some instances may contain unrepresentative information, such as too much background and information of unrelated concepts, which skew the results. To address the above issues, we propose a novel metric-based meta-learning framework termed instance-adaptive class representation learning network (ICRL-Net) for few-shot visual recognition. Specifically, we develop an adaptive instance revaluing network with the capability to address the biased representation issue when generating the class representation, by learning and assigning adaptive weights for different instances according to their relative significance in the support set of corresponding class. Additionally, we design an improved bilinear instance representation and incorporate two novel structural losses, i.e., intra-class instance clustering loss and inter-class representation distinguishing loss, to further regulate the instance revaluation process and refine the class representation. We conduct extensive experiments on four commonly adopted few-shot benchmarks: miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CIFAR-FS, and FC100 datasets. The experimental results compared with the state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the superiority of our ICRL-Net

    Pseudo-Labeling Based Practical Semi-Supervised Meta-Training for Few-Shot Learning

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    Most existing few-shot learning (FSL) methods require a large amount of labeled data in meta-training, which is a major limit. To reduce the requirement of labels, a semi-supervised meta-training setting has been proposed for FSL, which includes only a few labeled samples and numbers of unlabeled samples in base classes. However, existing methods under this setting require class-aware sample selection from the unlabeled set, which violates the assumption of unlabeled set. In this paper, we propose a practical semi-supervised meta-training setting with truly unlabeled data. Under the new setting, the performance of existing methods drops notably. To better utilize both the labeled and truly unlabeled data, we propose a simple and effective meta-training framework, called pseudo-labeling based on meta-learning (PLML). Firstly, we train a classifier via common semi-supervised learning (SSL) and use it to obtain the pseudo-labels of unlabeled data. Then we build few-shot tasks from labeled and pseudo-labeled data and run meta-learning over the constructed tasks to learn the FSL model. Surprisingly, through extensive experiments across two FSL datasets, we find that this simple meta-training framework effectively prevents the performance degradation of FSL under limited labeled data. Besides, benefiting from meta-training, the proposed method improves the classifiers learned by two representative SSL algorithms as well

    Is higher-order evidence evidence?

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    Suppose we learn that we have a poor track record in forming beliefs rationally, or that a brilliant colleague thinks that we believe P irrationally. Does such input require us to revise those beliefs whose rationality is in question? When we gain information suggesting that our beliefs are irrational, we are in one of two general cases. In the first case we made no error, and our beliefs are rational. In that case the input to the contrary is misleading. In the second case we indeed believe irrationally, and our original evidence already requires us to fix our mistake. In that case the input to that effect is normatively superfluous. Thus, we know that information suggesting that our beliefs are irrational is either misleading or superfluous. This, I submit, renders the input incapable of justifying belief revision, despite our not knowing which of the two kinds it is

    Syntax-aware Hybrid prompt model for Few-shot multi-modal sentiment analysis

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    Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA) has been a popular topic in natural language processing nowadays, at both sentence and aspect level. However, the existing approaches almost require large-size labeled datasets, which bring about large consumption of time and resources. Therefore, it is practical to explore the method for few-shot sentiment analysis in cross-modalities. Previous works generally execute on textual modality, using the prompt-based methods, mainly two types: hand-crafted prompts and learnable prompts. The existing approach in few-shot multi-modality sentiment analysis task has utilized both methods, separately. We further design a hybrid pattern that can combine one or more fixed hand-crafted prompts and learnable prompts and utilize the attention mechanisms to optimize the prompt encoder. The experiments on both sentence-level and aspect-level datasets prove that we get a significant outperformance

    Detecting Misinformation with LLM-Predicted Credibility Signals and Weak Supervision

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    Credibility signals represent a wide range of heuristics that are typically used by journalists and fact-checkers to assess the veracity of online content. Automating the task of credibility signal extraction, however, is very challenging as it requires high-accuracy signal-specific extractors to be trained, while there are currently no sufficiently large datasets annotated with all credibility signals. This paper investigates whether large language models (LLMs) can be prompted effectively with a set of 18 credibility signals to produce weak labels for each signal. We then aggregate these potentially noisy labels using weak supervision in order to predict content veracity. We demonstrate that our approach, which combines zero-shot LLM credibility signal labeling and weak supervision, outperforms state-of-the-art classifiers on two misinformation datasets without using any ground-truth labels for training. We also analyse the contribution of the individual credibility signals towards predicting content veracity, which provides new valuable insights into their role in misinformation detection

    Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation for Transductive Few-Shot Learning

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    Few-shot learning addresses the issue of classifying images using limited labeled data. Exploiting unlabeled data through the use of transductive inference methods such as label propagation has been shown to improve the performance of few-shot learning significantly. Label propagation infers pseudo-labels for unlabeled data by utilizing a constructed graph that exploits the underlying manifold structure of the data. However, a limitation of the existing label propagation approaches is that the positions of all data points are fixed and might be sub-optimal so that the algorithm is not as effective as possible. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm that adapts the feature embeddings of the labeled data by minimizing a differentiable loss function optimizing their positions in the manifold in the process. Our novel algorithm, Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation}, outperforms the standard label propagation algorithm by as much as 7% and 2% in the 1-shot and 5-shot settings respectively. We provide experimental results highlighting the merits of our algorithm on four widely used few-shot benchmark datasets, namely miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CUB and CIFAR-FS and two commonly used backbones, ResNet12 and WideResNet-28-10. The source code can be found at https://github.com/MichalisLazarou/A2LP.Comment: published in ICIP 202
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