3 research outputs found

    Effect of an Inquiry-Based Blended Learning Module on Electronics Technology Students' Academic Achievement

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    Technological advances have led to a change in teaching strategies applied in Technical and Vocational settings. An effective teaching strategy is needed to address issues encountered in the traditional learning process of Electronics Technology Students at Malaysian Vocational College. Blended learning is one of the best teaching strategies for Electronic Technology courses as it is in line with the 21st-century learning, especially in promoting student-centred and life-long learning. This study looks at the impact of an Inquiry-Based Blended Learning (IBBL) module on the students’ achievement in the Industrial Electronics Equipment Problem Solving (IEEPS) Course, in an Electronic Technology Program. This study uses an experimental study design through the quasi-experimental method to evaluate the effectiveness of the module. The comparison of achievement between an experimental group and a control group was conducted based on the pre-test and post-test protocol. The findings of the evaluation phase through the t-test showed that there was a significant difference (p<.05) between the experimental group and the control group. This indicated that using an Inquiry-Based Blended Learning Module was effective to help the student to improve their achievement in Industrial Electronics Equipment Problem Solving Course. Therefore, the inquiry-based blended learning module has the potential to be applied by instructors and students in the Vocational College setting

    A utilização dos SIG no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico: avaliação das alterações espaciotemporais do uso e ocupação do solo e suas forças motrizes

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    Neste relatório apresentam-se as atividades realizadas no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada que decorreu no Centro de Educação e Desenvolvimento Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Casa Pia de Lisboa, I. P. O tema proposto e desenvolvido durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada foi a utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica por alunos do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, particularmente por duas turmas do 8.º ano, com o intuito de realçar a importância dos SIG como ferramenta fundamental para a análise espacial do uso e ocupação do solo, com especial enfoque na determinação das suas alterações e respetiva associação a diferentes forças motrizes. Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica também foram utilizados para outras análises espaciais realizadas no decorrer das aulas lecionadas, como por exemplo para análise da variação espacial da temperatura e para complemento do estudo das formas de relevo. Todos os resultados obtidos, tanto com os SIG como noutras atividades realizadas durante a lecionação de aulas, são apresentados e discutidos. Na parte final do relatório apresenta-se um balanço reflexivo sobre o trabalho realizado, nomeadamente sobre a experiência da lecionação de alguns conteúdos de Geografia, aprendizagens realizadas, problemas e dificuldades e algumas implicações para a prática futura.This report presents the activities carried out within the scope of Supervised Teaching Practice held at the Centro de Educação e Desenvolvimento Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Casa Pia de Lisboa The theme proposed and developed during the Supervised Teaching Practice was the use of Geographic Information Systems by students in the third cycle of basic education, particularly by two classes in the 8th Grade. The aim was to highlight the importance of Geographic Information Systems as a fundamental tool for spatial analysis of land use and land cover, with special focus on the determination of their changes and their association with different driving forces. Geographic Information Systems were also used for other spatial analyses carried out in the course of the lessons taught, for example, to investigate land surface temperature variation, or landforms. All the results obtained, both with the GIS and other activities developed during the teaching practice, are presented and discussed in this report. The final part of the report presents a reflective balance on the work carried out, in particular on the experience of teaching some Geography contents, and also on the learning experience, on problems and difficulties and on some implications for future practice

    Inquiry-based learning of database concepts

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    © 2018 IEEE. In many degree programs, relational database concepts and skills are taught through a combination of lectures combined with tutorials or laboratory sessions, although flipped learning approaches have recently been gaining increasing popularity. This paper describes a different approach using inquiry-based learning to engage students with real, unstructured data-driven challenges. We report on the effectiveness of the inquiry-based learning approach in this context and reflect on challenges for both instructors and students