10,498 research outputs found

    Pulse-width predictive control for LTV systems with application to spacecraft rendezvous

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    This work presents a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) that is able to handle Linear Time-Varying (LTV) plants with Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) control. The MPC is based on a planner that employs a Pulse-Amplitude Modulated (PAM) or impulsive approximation as a hot-start and then uses explicit linearization around successive PWM solutions for rapidly improving the solution by means of quadratic programming. As an example, the problem of rendezvous of spacecraft for eccentric target orbits is considered. The problem is modeled by the LTV Tschauner–Hempel equations, whose state transition matrix is explicit; this is exploited by the algorithm for rapid convergence. The efficacy of the method is shown in a simulation study.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2008–05818Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-65608-

    Power electronics for a 1-kilowatt arc jet thruster

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    After more than two decades, new space mission requirements have revived interest in arcjet systems. The preliminary development and demonstration of new, high efficiency, power electronic concepts for start up and steady state control of dc arcjets is reported. The design comprises a pulse width modulated power converter which is closed loop configured to give fast current control. An inductor, in series with the arcjet, serves the dual role of providing instantaneous current control, as well as a high voltage arc ignition pulse. Benchmark efficiency, transient response, regulation, and ripple data are presented. Tests with arcjets demonstrate that the power electronics breadboard can start thrusters consistently with no apparent damage and transfer reliably to the nondestructive high voltage arc mode in less than a second

    Low speed phaselock speed control system

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    A motor speed control system for an electronically commutated brushless dc motor is provided which includes a phaselock loop with bidirectional torque control for locking the frequency output of a high density encoder, responsive to actual speed conditions, to a reference frequency signal, corresponding to the desired speed. The system includes a phase comparator, which produces an output in accordance with the difference in phase between the reference and encoder frequency signals, and an integrator-digital-to-analog converter unit, which converts the comparator output into an analog error signal voltage. Compensation circuitry, including a biasing means, is provided to convert the analog error signal voltage to a bidirectional error signal voltage which is utilized by an absolute value amplifier, rotational decoder, power amplifier-commutators, and an arrangement of commutation circuitry

    Design of a Torque Current Generator for Strapdown Gyroscopes

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    The design, analysis, and experimental evaluation of an optimum performance torque current generator for use with strapdown gyroscopes, is presented. Among the criteria used to evaluate the design were the following: (1) steady-state accuracy; (2) margins of stability against self-oscillation; (3) temperature variations; (4) aging; (5) static errors drift errors, and transient errors, (6) classical frequency and time domain characteristics; and (7) the equivalent noise at the input of the comparater operational amplifier. The DC feedback loop of the torque current generator was approximated as a second-order system. Stability calculations for gain margins are discussed. Circuit diagrams are shown and block diagrams showing the implementation of the torque current generator are discussed

    Optimal control of ankle joint moment: Toward unsupported standing in paraplegia

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    This paper considers part of the problem of how to provide unsupported standing for paraplegics by feedback control. In this work our overall objective is to stabilize the subject by stimulation only of his ankle joints while the other joints are braced, Here, we investigate the problem of ankle joint moment control. The ankle plantarflexion muscles are first identified with pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) signals, periodic sinusoidal signals, and twitches. The muscle is modeled in Hammerstein form as a static recruitment nonlinearity followed by a linear transfer function. A linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG)-optimal controller design procedure for ankle joint moment was proposed based on the polynomial equation formulation, The approach was verified by experiments in the special Wobbler apparatus with a neurologically intact subject, and these experimental results are reported. The controller structure is formulated in such a way that there are only two scalar design parameters, each of which has a clear physical interpretation. This facilitates fast controller synthesis and tuning in the laboratory environment. Experimental results show the effects of the controller tuning parameters: the control weighting and the observer response time, which determine closed-loop properties. Using these two parameters the tradeoff between disturbance rejection and measurement noise sensitivity can be straightforwardly balanced while maintaining a desired speed of tracking. The experimentally measured reference tracking, disturbance rejection, and noise sensitivity are good and agree with theoretical expectations

    Fluidics research, including vortex and jet pipe valves

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    The research at the Systems and Control Laboratory is reported. Topics discussed include: response characteristics of laminar fluidic amplifiers, power amplification with a vortex valve, pulse-supply-mode fluidics, speed control system employing a jet pipe valve, and the fluidics reference center

    Optimal On-Off Attitude Control for the Brazilian Multimission Platform Satellite

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    This work deals with the analysis and design of a reaction thruster attitude control for the Brazilian Multimission platform satellite. The three-axis attitude control systems are activated in pulse mode. Consequently, a modulation of the torque command is compelling in order to avoid high nonlinear control action. This work considers the Pulse-Width Pulse-Frequency (PWPF) modulator which is composed of a Schmidt trigger, a first-order filter, and a feedback loop. PWPF modulator holds several advantages over classical bang-bang controllers such as close to linear operation, high accuracy, and reduced propellant consumption. The Linear Gaussian Quadratic (LQG) technique is used to synthesize the control law during stabilization mode and the modulator is used to modulate the continuous control signal to discrete one. Numerical simulations are used to analyze the performance of the attitude control. The LQG/PWPF approach achieves good stabilization-mode requirements as disturbances rejection and regulation performance

    The dc power control for a liquid-fed resistojet

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    A simple breadboard power controller was designed and demonstrated for a new liquid-fed water resistojet. The 1-piece laboratory model thruster has an integrated vaporizer/superheater using a single heating element. Heater temperature was maintained at or near a preset reference value with the closed loop controller providing pulse width modulated (PWM) dc power into the thruster heater. A combined thruster, temperature readout, PWM transfer function was experimentally determined. This transfer function was used to design a proportional plus integral controller that demonstrated zero steady state error, conservative stability margins and adequate transient response to step changes in propellant flow rate, input voltage and temperature reference. Initial turn-on temperature overshoot from room temperature to a 650 C setpoint was 80 C. In addition, EMI was alleviated by reducing heater dI/dt and dV/dt using a simple diode-inductor-capacitor network. Based on limited initial tests, thruster preheat with no propellant flow was necessary to achieve stable system operation during startup. Breadboard power efficiency was 99 percent at 1 kW, and component mass was 0.4 kg excluding the power loss and mass of an input filter required for spacecraft integration

    Experimental study on Gaussian-modulated coherent states quantum key distribution over standard telecom fiber

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    In this paper, we present a fully fiber-based one-way Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) system implementing the Gaussian-Modulated Coherent States (GMCS) protocol. The system employs a double Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) configuration in which the weak quantum signal and the strong Local Oscillator (LO) go through the same fiber between Alice and Bob, and are separated into two paths inside Bob's terminal. To suppress the LO leakage into the signal path, which is an important contribution to the excess noise, we implemented a novel scheme combining polarization and frequency multiplexing, achieving an extinction ratio of 70dB. To further minimize the system excess noise due to phase drift of the double MZI, we propose that, instead of employing phase feedback control, one simply let Alice remap her data by performing a rotation operation. We further present noise analysis both theoretically and experimentally. Our calculation shows that the combined polarization and frequency multiplexing scheme can achieve better stability in practice than the time-multiplexing scheme, because it allows one to use matched fiber lengths for the signal and the LO paths on both sides of the double MZI, greatly reducing the phase instability caused by unmatched fiber lengths. Our experimental noise analysis quantifies the three main contributions to the excess noise, which will be instructive to future studies of the GMCS QKD systems. Finally, we demonstrate, under the "realistic model" in which Eve cannot control the system within Bob's terminal, a secure key rate of 0.3bit/pulse over a 5km fiber link. This key rate is about two orders of magnitude higher than that of a practical BB84 QKD system.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure
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