9 research outputs found

    Hardness Amplification of Optimization Problems

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    In this paper, we prove a general hardness amplification scheme for optimization problems based on the technique of direct products. We say that an optimization problem ? is direct product feasible if it is possible to efficiently aggregate any k instances of ? and form one large instance of ? such that given an optimal feasible solution to the larger instance, we can efficiently find optimal feasible solutions to all the k smaller instances. Given a direct product feasible optimization problem ?, our hardness amplification theorem may be informally stated as follows: If there is a distribution D over instances of ? of size n such that every randomized algorithm running in time t(n) fails to solve ? on 1/?(n) fraction of inputs sampled from D, then, assuming some relationships on ?(n) and t(n), there is a distribution D\u27 over instances of ? of size O(n??(n)) such that every randomized algorithm running in time t(n)/poly(?(n)) fails to solve ? on 99/100 fraction of inputs sampled from D\u27. As a consequence of the above theorem, we show hardness amplification of problems in various classes such as NP-hard problems like Max-Clique, Knapsack, and Max-SAT, problems in P such as Longest Common Subsequence, Edit Distance, Matrix Multiplication, and even problems in TFNP such as Factoring and computing Nash equilibrium

    Expander-based cryptography meets natural proofs

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    We introduce new forms of attack on expander-based cryptography, and in particular on Goldreich's pseudorandom generator and one-way function. Our attacks exploit low circuit complexity of the underlying expander's neighbor function and/or of the local predicate. Our two key conceptual contributions are: 1) We put forward the possibility that the choice of expander matters in expander-based cryptography. In particular, using expanders whose neighbour function has low circuit complexity might compromise the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF in certain settings. 2) We show that the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF is closely related to two other long-standing problems: Specifically, to the existence of unbalanced lossless expanders with low-complexity neighbor function, and to limitations on circuit lower bounds (i.e., natural proofs). In particular, our results further motivate the investigation of affine/local unbalanced lossless expanders and of average-case lower bounds against DNF-XOR circuits. We prove two types of technical results that support the above conceptual messages. First, we unconditionally break Goldreich's PRG when instantiated with a specific expander (whose existence we prove), for a class of predicates that match the parameters of the currently-best "hard" candidates, in the regime of quasi-polynomial stretch. Secondly, conditioned on the existence of expanders whose neighbor functions have extremely low circuit complexity, we present attacks on Goldreich's generator in the regime of polynomial stretch. As one corollary, conditioned on the existence of the foregoing expanders, we show that either the parameters of natural properties for several constant-depth circuit classes cannot be improved, even mildly; or Goldreich's generator is insecure in the regime of a large polynomial stretch, regardless of the predicate used

    A Dichotomy for Local Small-Bias Generators

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    We consider pseudorandom generators in which each output bit depends on a constant number of input bits. Such generators have appealingly simple structure: they can be described by a sparse input-output dependency graph and a small predicate that is applied at each output. Following the works of Cryan and Miltersen (MFCS\u2701) and by Mossel et al (STOC\u2703), we focus on the study of ``small-bias generators (that fool linear distinguishers). We prove that for most graphs, all but a handful of ``degenerate\u27\u27 predicates yield small-bias generators, f\colon \bit^n \rightarrow \bit^m, with output length m = n^{1 + \eps} for some constant \eps > 0. Conversely, we show that for most graphs, ``degenerate\u27\u27 predicates are not secure against linear distinguishers. Taken together, these results expose a dichotomy: every predicate is either very hard or very easy, in the sense that it either yields a small-bias generator for almost all graphs or fails to do so for almost all graphs. As a secondary contribution, we attempt to support the view that small-bias is a good measure of pseudorandomness for local functions with large stretch. We do so by demonstrating that resilience to linear distinguishers implies resilience to a larger class of attacks

    Fast Pseudorandom Functions Based on Expander Graphs

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    We present direct constructions of pseudorandom function (PRF) families based on Goldreich\u27s one-way function. Roughly speaking, we assume that non-trivial local mappings f:{0,1}n{0,1}mf:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^m whose input-output dependencies graph form an expander are hard to invert. We show that this one-wayness assumption yields PRFs with relatively low complexity. This includes weak PRFs which can be computed in linear time of O(n)O(n) on a RAM machine with O(logn)O(\log n) word size, or by a depth-3 circuit with unbounded fan-in AND and OR gates (AC0 circuit), and standard PRFs that can be computed by a quasilinear size circuit or by a constant-depth circuit with unbounded fan-in AND, OR and Majority gates (TC0). Our proofs are based on a new search-to-decision reduction for expander-based functions. This extends a previous reduction of the first author (STOC 2012) which was applicable for the special case of \emph{random} local functions. Additionally, we present a new family of highly efficient hash functions whose output on exponentially many inputs jointly forms (with high probability) a good expander graph. These hash functions are based on the techniques of Miles and Viola (Crypto 2012). Although some of our reductions provide only relatively weak security guarantees, we believe that they yield novel approach for constructing PRFs, and therefore enrich the study of pseudorandomness

    The Cryptographic Hardness of Random Local Functions -- Survey

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    Constant parallel-time cryptography allows to perform complex cryptographic tasks at an ultimate level of parallelism, namely, by local functions that each of their output bits depend on a constant number of input bits. A natural way to obtain local cryptographic constructions is to use \emph{random local functions} in which each output bit is computed by applying some fixed dd-ary predicate PP to a randomly chosen dd-size subset of the input bits. In this work, we will study the cryptographic hardness of random local functions. In particular, we will survey known attacks and hardness results, discuss different flavors of hardness (one-wayness, pseudorandomness, collision resistance, public-key encryption), and mention applications to other problems in cryptography and computational complexity. We also present some open questions with the hope to develop a systematic study of the cryptographic hardness of local functions

    Input Locality and Hardness Amplification

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    We establish new hardness amplification results for one-way functions in which each input bit influences only a small number of output bits (a.k.a. input-local functions). Our transformations differ from previous ones in that they approximately preserve input locality and at the same time retain the input size of the original function. Let f: {0, 1} n → {0, 1} m be a one-way function with input locality d, and suppose that f cannot be inverted in time exp ( Õ( √ n · d)) on an ε-fraction of inputs. Our main results can be summarized as follows: • If f is injective then it is equally hard to invert f on a (1 − ε)-fraction of inputs. • If f is regular then there is a function g: {0, 1} n → {0, 1} m+O(n) that is d + O(log 3 n) input local and is equally hard to invert on a (1 − ε)-fraction of inputs. A natural candidate for a function with small input locality and for which no subexponential time attacks are known is Goldreich’s one-way function. To make our results applicable to this function, we prove that when its input locality is set to be d = O(log n) certain variants of the function are (almost) regular with high probability. In some cases, our techniques are applicable even when the input locality is not small. We demonstrate this by extending our first main result to one-way functions of the “parity with noise ” type