2,345 research outputs found

    Input Warping for Bayesian Optimization of Non-Stationary Functions

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    Bayesian optimization has proven to be a highly effective methodology for the global optimization of unknown, expensive and multimodal functions. The ability to accurately model distributions over functions is critical to the effectiveness of Bayesian optimization. Although Gaussian processes provide a flexible prior over functions, there are various classes of functions that remain difficult to model. One of the most frequently occurring of these is the class of non-stationary functions. The optimization of the hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms is a problem domain in which parameters are often manually transformed a priori, for example by optimizing in “log-space”, to mitigate the effects of spatially-varying length scale. We develop a methodology for automatically learning a wide family of bijective transformations or warpings of the input space using the Beta cumulative distribution function. We further extend the warping framework to multi-task Bayesian optimization so that multiple tasks can be warped into a jointly stationary space. On a set of challenging benchmark optimization tasks, we observe that the inclusion of warping greatly improves on the state-of-the-art, producing better results faster and more reliably.Engineering and Applied Science

    BOCK : Bayesian Optimization with Cylindrical Kernels

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    A major challenge in Bayesian Optimization is the boundary issue (Swersky, 2017) where an algorithm spends too many evaluations near the boundary of its search space. In this paper, we propose BOCK, Bayesian Optimization with Cylindrical Kernels, whose basic idea is to transform the ball geometry of the search space using a cylindrical transformation. Because of the transformed geometry, the Gaussian Process-based surrogate model spends less budget searching near the boundary, while concentrating its efforts relatively more near the center of the search region, where we expect the solution to be located. We evaluate BOCK extensively, showing that it is not only more accurate and efficient, but it also scales successfully to problems with a dimensionality as high as 500. We show that the better accuracy and scalability of BOCK even allows optimizing modestly sized neural network layers, as well as neural network hyperparameters.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, 1 algorith

    A warped kernel improving robustness in Bayesian optimization via random embeddings

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    This works extends the Random Embedding Bayesian Optimization approach by integrating a warping of the high dimensional subspace within the covariance kernel. The proposed warping, that relies on elementary geometric considerations, allows mitigating the drawbacks of the high extrinsic dimensionality while avoiding the algorithm to evaluate points giving redundant information. It also alleviates constraints on bound selection for the embedded domain, thus improving the robustness, as illustrated with a test case with 25 variables and intrinsic dimension 6

    Non-stationary Gaussian Process Surrogates

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    We provide a survey of non-stationary surrogate models which utilize Gaussian processes (GPs) or variations thereof, including non-stationary kernel adaptations, partition and local GPs, and spatial warpings through deep Gaussian processes. We also overview publicly available software implementations and conclude with a bake-off involving an 8-dimensional satellite drag computer experiment. Code for this example is provided in a public git repository.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Anomaly Detection and Removal Using Non-Stationary Gaussian Processes

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    This paper proposes a novel Gaussian process approach to fault removal in time-series data. Fault removal does not delete the faulty signal data but, instead, massages the fault from the data. We assume that only one fault occurs at any one time and model the signal by two separate non-parametric Gaussian process models for both the physical phenomenon and the fault. In order to facilitate fault removal we introduce the Markov Region Link kernel for handling non-stationary Gaussian processes. This kernel is piece-wise stationary but guarantees that functions generated by it and their derivatives (when required) are everywhere continuous. We apply this kernel to the removal of drift and bias errors in faulty sensor data and also to the recovery of EOG artifact corrupted EEG signals.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure