141 research outputs found

    Interpreting multi-stable behaviour in input-driven recurrent neural networks

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are computational models inspired by the brain. Although RNNs stand out as state-of-the-art machine learning models to solve challenging tasks as speech recognition, handwriting recognition, language translation, and others, they are plagued by the so-called vanishing/exploding gradient issue. This prevents us from training RNNs with the aim of learning long term dependencies in sequential data. Moreover, a problem of interpretability affects these models, known as the ``black-box issue'' of RNNs. We attempt to open the black box by developing a mechanistic interpretation of errors occurring during the computation. We do this from a dynamical system theory perspective, specifically building on the notion of Excitable Network Attractors. Our methodology is effective at least for those tasks where a number of attractors and a switching pattern between them must be learned. RNNs can be seen as massively large nonlinear dynamical systems driven by external inputs. When it comes to analytically investigate RNNs, often in the literature the input-driven property is neglected or dropped in favour of tight constraints on the input driving the dynamics, which do not match the reality of RNN applications. Trying to bridge this gap, we framed RNNs dynamics driven by generic input sequences in the context of nonautonomous dynamical system theory. This brought us to enquire deeply into a fundamental principle established for RNNs known as the echo state property (ESP). In particular, we argue that input-driven RNNs can be reliable computational models even without satisfying the classical ESP formulation. We prove a sort of input-driven fixed point theorem and exploit it to (i) demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of a global attracting solution for strongly (in amplitude) input-driven RNNs, (ii) deduce the existence of multiple responses for certain input signals which can be reliably exploited for computational purposes, and (iii) study the stability of attracting solutions w.r.t. input sequences. Finally, we highlight the active role of the input in determining qualitative changes in the RNN dynamics, e.g. the number of stable responses, in contrast to commonly known qualitative changes due to variations of model parameters

    Beyond exploding and vanishing gradients:analysing RNN training using attractors and smoothness

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    The exploding and vanishing gradient problem has been the major conceptual principle behind most architecture and training improvements in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) during the last decade. In this paper, we argue that this principle, while powerful, might need some refinement to explain recent developments. We refine the concept of exploding gradients by reformulating the problem in terms of the cost function smoothness, which gives insight into higher-order derivatives and the existence of regions with many close local minima. We also clarify the distinction between vanishing gradients and the need for the RNN to learn attractors to fully use its expressive power. Through the lens of these refinements, we shed new light on recent developments in the RNN field, namely stable RNN and unitary (or orthogonal) RNNs

    Bifurcations and loss jumps in RNN training

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are popular machine learning tools for modeling and forecasting sequential data and for inferring dynamical systems (DS) from observed time series. Concepts from DS theory (DST) have variously been used to further our understanding of both, how trained RNNs solve complex tasks, and the training process itself. Bifurcations are particularly important phenomena in DS, including RNNs, that refer to topological (qualitative) changes in a system's dynamical behavior as one or more of its parameters are varied. Knowing the bifurcation structure of an RNN will thus allow to deduce many of its computational and dynamical properties, like its sensitivity to parameter variations or its behavior during training. In particular, bifurcations may account for sudden loss jumps observed in RNN training that could severely impede the training process. Here we first mathematically prove for a particular class of ReLU-based RNNs that certain bifurcations are indeed associated with loss gradients tending toward infinity or zero. We then introduce a novel heuristic algorithm for detecting all fixed points and k-cycles in ReLU-based RNNs and their existence and stability regions, hence bifurcation manifolds in parameter space. In contrast to previous numerical algorithms for finding fixed points and common continuation methods, our algorithm provides exact results and returns fixed points and cycles up to high orders with surprisingly good scaling behavior. We exemplify the algorithm on the analysis of the training process of RNNs, and find that the recently introduced technique of generalized teacher forcing completely avoids certain types of bifurcations in training. Thus, besides facilitating the DST analysis of trained RNNs, our algorithm provides a powerful instrument for analyzing the training process itself

    Beyond exploding and vanishing gradients: analysing RNN training using attractors and smoothness

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    The exploding and vanishing gradient problem has been the major conceptual principle behind most architecture and training improvements in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) during the last decade. In this paper, we argue that this principle, while powerful, might need some refinement to explain recent developments. We refine the concept of exploding gradients by reformulating the problem in terms of the cost function smoothness, which gives insight into higher-order derivatives and the existence of regions with many close local minima. We also clarify the distinction between vanishing gradients and the need for the RNN to learn attractors to fully use its expressive power. Through the lens of these refinements, we shed new light on recent developments in the RNN field, namely stable RNN and unitary (or orthogonal) RNNs.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2020. PMLR: Volume 108. This paper was previously titled "The trade-off between long-term memory and smoothness for recurrent networks". The current version subsumes all previous version

    Interpreting recurrent neural networks behaviour via excitable network attractors

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    Introduction: Machine learning provides fundamental tools both for scientific research and for the development of technologies with significant impact on society. It provides methods that facilitate the discovery of regularities in data and that give predictions without explicit knowledge of the rules governing a system. However, a price is paid for exploiting such flexibility: machine learning methods are typically black-boxes where it is difficult to fully understand what the machine is doing or how it is operating. This poses constraints on the applicability and explainability of such methods. Methods: Our research aims to open the black-box of recurrent neural networks, an important family of neural networks used for processing sequential data. We propose a novel methodology that provides a mechanistic interpretation of behaviour when solving a computational task. Our methodology uses mathematical constructs called excitable network attractors, which are invariant sets in phase space composed of stable attractors and excitable connections between them. Results and Discussion: As the behaviour of recurrent neural networks depends both on training and on inputs to the system, we introduce an algorithm to extract network attractors directly from the trajectory of a neural network while solving tasks. Simulations conducted on a controlled benchmark task confirm the relevance of these attractors for interpreting the behaviour of recurrent neural networks, at least for tasks that involve learning a finite number of stable states and transitions between them.Comment: revised versio

    Low Tensor Rank Learning of Neural Dynamics

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    Learning relies on coordinated synaptic changes in recurrently connected populations of neurons. Therefore, understanding the collective evolution of synaptic connectivity over learning is a key challenge in neuroscience and machine learning. In particular, recent work has shown that the weight matrices of task-trained RNNs are typically low rank, but how this low rank structure unfolds over learning is unknown. To address this, we investigate the rank of the 3-tensor formed by the weight matrices throughout learning. By fitting RNNs of varying rank to large-scale neural recordings during a motor learning task, we find that the inferred weights are low-tensor-rank and therefore evolve over a fixed low-dimensional subspace throughout the entire course of learning. We next validate the observation of low-tensor-rank learning on an RNN trained to solve the same task by performing a low-tensor-rank decomposition directly on the ground truth weights, and by showing that the method we applied to the data faithfully recovers this low rank structure. Finally, we present a set of mathematical results bounding the matrix and tensor ranks of gradient descent learning dynamics which show that low-tensor-rank weights emerge naturally in RNNs trained to solve low-dimensional tasks. Taken together, our findings provide novel constraints on the evolution of population connectivity over learning in both biological and artificial neural networks, and enable reverse engineering of learning-induced changes in recurrent network dynamics from large-scale neural recordings.Comment: The last two authors contributed equall

    NAIS-Net: Stable Deep Networks from Non-Autonomous Differential Equations

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    This paper introduces Non-Autonomous Input-Output Stable Network (NAIS-Net), a very deep architecture where each stacked processing block is derived from a time-invariant non-autonomous dynamical system. Non-autonomy is implemented by skip connections from the block input to each of the unrolled processing stages and allows stability to be enforced so that blocks can be unrolled adaptively to a pattern-dependent processing depth. NAIS-Net induces non-trivial, Lipschitz input-output maps, even for an infinite unroll length. We prove that the network is globally asymptotically stable so that for every initial condition there is exactly one input-dependent equilibrium assuming tanh units, and multiple stable equilibria for ReL units. An efficient implementation that enforces the stability under derived conditions for both fully-connected and convolutional layers is also presented. Experimental results show how NAIS-Net exhibits stability in practice, yielding a significant reduction in generalization gap compared to ResNets.Comment: NIPS 201
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