3 research outputs found


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    In the XX – at the beginning of the XXI century, a process of rapid development of world art and reassessment of artistic values took place in network culture. A new language of art is formed and developed in parallel with the development of the latest technologies. Changing the assessment and reality perception process requires adaptation of design subjects to the new world, in which information flows, opportunities, and scientific and technical innovations are rapidly and steadily growing and transforming. The changing perspective on art objects – from the past to the future – encourages art consumers to acquire a new sense of art going beyond the boundaries of everyday life and makes us relate to the world in a new way, accordingly transforming our everyday life, our desires and feelings. The rapid development and spread of the latest technologies, the entry to a qualitatively new level of visualization leads to the emergence and integration of new, little-researched processes in the field of design, for instance, art design. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the regularities of art design formation as a new trend in developing the modern design sphere, as well as to clarify some practical features of this process. Analytical-bibliographical, systemic-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were used in the course of the research to study the scientific literature on the art design development, as well as a questionnaire to reveal certain aspects of practical issues in this sphere. Based on the research results, the theoretical and practical aspects of developing art design as a new direction in the field of modern design were studied

    Analyzing The Behavior Of Individuals With High Uncertainty Avoidance In Relation To The Design Of Online Game-Based Educational Learning Interfaces

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    With the exponential growth of technology, online educational games has become an intrinsic part of our daily lives, shaping the way we communicate, share information, and interact with one another. Uncertainty avoidance refers to a society\u27s tolerance for ambiguity and the unknown. Cultures characterized by high uncertainty avoidance tend to favor clear rules, stability, and predictability. Within the sphere of the game based platforms, this cultural trait can greatly influence design preferences. Platforms targeting audiences from such cultures might benefit from intuitive interfaces, clear navigation, and comprehensive user guidelines. By offering consistent layouts, routine confirmatory feedback, and a lucid user experience, the comfort level of these users is enhanced. To deliver deeper into this aspect, a questionnaire was sent out to 152 Saudi students. Their responses provided insights into the dynamics of their engagement with the online educational gaming platforms. By comprehending their preferences, behaviors, and challenges on educational and technologists can develop strategies, tools, and educational programs tailored specifically to their needs. This ensures that Saudi students can navigate through these platforms seamlessly and safely, empowering them to harness its potential without encountering the pitfalls it might present. This is not just about understanding their trends, but also about fostering an environment where they can benefit from global connectivity without compromising their cultural values and personal security. As the online educational game platforms expand globally, addressing these cultural nuances becomes paramount for optimal user engagement and retention