11,686 research outputs found

    Multiscale Granger causality

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    In the study of complex physical and biological systems represented by multivariate stochastic processes, an issue of great relevance is the description of the system dynamics spanning multiple temporal scales. While methods to assess the dynamic complexity of individual processes at different time scales are well-established, multiscale analysis of directed interactions has never been formalized theoretically, and empirical evaluations are complicated by practical issues such as filtering and downsampling. Here we extend the very popular measure of Granger causality (GC), a prominent tool for assessing directed lagged interactions between joint processes, to quantify information transfer across multiple time scales. We show that the multiscale processing of a vector autoregressive (AR) process introduces a moving average (MA) component, and describe how to represent the resulting ARMA process using state space (SS) models and to combine the SS model parameters for computing exact GC values at arbitrarily large time scales. We exploit the theoretical formulation to identify peculiar features of multiscale GC in basic AR processes, and demonstrate with numerical simulations the much larger estimation accuracy of the SS approach compared with pure AR modeling of filtered and downsampled data. The improved computational reliability is exploited to disclose meaningful multiscale patterns of information transfer between global temperature and carbon dioxide concentration time series, both in paleoclimate and in recent years

    Locally Stationary Functional Time Series

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    The literature on time series of functional data has focused on processes of which the probabilistic law is either constant over time or constant up to its second-order structure. Especially for long stretches of data it is desirable to be able to weaken this assumption. This paper introduces a framework that will enable meaningful statistical inference of functional data of which the dynamics change over time. We put forward the concept of local stationarity in the functional setting and establish a class of processes that have a functional time-varying spectral representation. Subsequently, we derive conditions that allow for fundamental results from nonstationary multivariate time series to carry over to the function space. In particular, time-varying functional ARMA processes are investigated and shown to be functional locally stationary according to the proposed definition. As a side-result, we establish a Cram\'er representation for an important class of weakly stationary functional processes. Important in our context is the notion of a time-varying spectral density operator of which the properties are studied and uniqueness is derived. Finally, we provide a consistent nonparametric estimator of this operator and show it is asymptotically Gaussian using a weaker tightness criterion than what is usually deemed necessary

    Empirical Validation of Agent Based Models: A Critical Survey

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    This paper addresses the problem of finding the appropriate method for conducting empirical validation in agent-based (AB) models, which is often regarded as the Achilles’ heel of the AB approach to economic modelling. The paper has two objectives. First, to identify key issues facing AB economists engaged in empirical validation. Second, to critically appraise the extent to which alternative approaches deal with these issues. We identify a first set of issues that are common to both AB and neoclassical modellers and a second set of issues which are specific to AB modellers. This second set of issues is captured in a novel taxonomy, which takes into consideration the nature of the object under study, the goal of the analysis, the nature of the modelling assumptions, and the methodology of the analysis. Having identified the nature and causes of heterogeneity in empirical validation, we examine three important approaches to validation that have been developed in AB economics: indirect calibration, the Werker-Brenner approach, and the history-friendly approach. We also discuss a set of open questions within empirical validation. These include the trade-off between empirical support and tractability of findings, the issue of over-parameterisation, unconditional objects, counterfactuals, and the non-neutrality of data.Empirical validation, agent-based models, calibration, history-friendly modelling

    Multiscale Information Decomposition: Exact Computation for Multivariate Gaussian Processes

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    Exploiting the theory of state space models, we derive the exact expressions of the information transfer, as well as redundant and synergistic transfer, for coupled Gaussian processes observed at multiple temporal scales. All of the terms, constituting the frameworks known as interaction information decomposition and partial information decomposition, can thus be analytically obtained for different time scales from the parameters of the VAR model that fits the processes. We report the application of the proposed methodology firstly to benchmark Gaussian systems, showing that this class of systems may generate patterns of information decomposition characterized by mainly redundant or synergistic information transfer persisting across multiple time scales or even by the alternating prevalence of redundant and synergistic source interaction depending on the time scale. Then, we apply our method to an important topic in neuroscience, i.e., the detection of causal interactions in human epilepsy networks, for which we show the relevance of partial information decomposition to the detection of multiscale information transfer spreading from the seizure onset zone

    Estimating invariant laws of linear processes by U-statistics

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    Suppose we observe an invertible linear process with independent mean-zero innovations and with coefficients depending on a finite-dimensional parameter, and we want to estimate the expectation of some function under the stationary distribution of the process. The usual estimator would be the empirical estimator. It can be improved using the fact that the innovations are centered. We construct an even better estimator using the representation of the observations as infinite-order moving averages of the innovations. Then the expectation of the function under the stationary distribution can be written as the expectation under the distribution of an infinite series in terms of the innovations, and it can be estimated by a U-statistic of increasing order (also called an ``infinite-order U-statistic'') in terms of the estimated innovations. The estimator can be further improved using the fact that the innovations are centered. This improved estimator is optimal if the coefficients of the linear process are estimated optimally

    Supervised estimation of Granger-based causality between time series

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    Brain effective connectivity aims to detect causal interactions between distinct brain units and it is typically studied through the analysis of direct measurements of the neural activity, e.g., magneto/electroencephalography (M/EEG) signals. The literature on methods for causal inference is vast. It includes model-based methods in which a generative model of the data is assumed and model-free methods that directly infer causality from the probability distribution of the underlying stochastic process. Here, we firstly focus on the model-based methods developed from the Granger criterion of causality, which assumes the autoregressive model of the data. Secondly, we introduce a new perspective, that looks at the problem in a way that is typical of the machine learning literature. Then, we formulate the problem of causality detection as a supervised learning task, by proposing a classification-based approach. A classifier is trained to identify causal interactions between time series for the chosen model and by means of a proposed feature space. In this paper, we are interested in comparing this classification-based approach with the standard Geweke measure of causality in the time domain, through simulation study. Thus, we customized our approach to the case of a MAR model and designed a feature space which contains causality measures based on the idea of precedence and predictability in time. Two variations of the supervised method are proposed and compared to a standard Granger causal analysis method. The results of the simulations show that the supervised method outperforms the standard approach, in particular it is more robust to noise. As evidence of the efficacy of the proposed method, we report the details of our submission to the causality detection competition of Biomag2014, where the proposed method reached the 2nd place. Moreover, as empirical application, we applied the supervised approach on a dataset of neural recordings of rats obtaining an important reduction in the false positive rate
