5 research outputs found

    improving information retrieval evaluation via markovian user models and visual analytics

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    To address the challenge of adapting experimental evaluation to the constantly evolving user tasks and needs, we develop a new family of Markovian Information Retrieval (IR) evaluation measures, called Markov Precision (MP), where the interaction between the user and the ranked result list is modelled via Markov chains, and which will be able to explicitly link lab-style and on-line evaluation methods. Moreover, since experimental results are often not so easy to understand, we will develop a Web-based Visual Analytics (VA) prototype where an animated state diagram of the Markov chain will explain how the user is interacting with the ranked result list in order to offer a support for a careful failure analysis

    Gender Stereotype Reinforcement: Measuring the Gender Bias Conveyed by Ranking Algorithms

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    Search Engines (SE) have been shown to perpetuate well-known gender stereotypes identified in psychology literature and to influence users accordingly. Similar biases were found encoded in Word Embeddings (WEs) learned from large online corpora. In this context, we propose the Gender Stereotype Reinforcement (GSR) measure, which quantifies the tendency of a SE to support gender stereotypes, leveraging gender-related information encoded in WEs. Through the critical lens of construct validity, we validate the proposed measure on synthetic and real collections. Subsequently, we use GSR to compare widely-used Information Retrieval ranking algorithms, including lexical, semantic, and neural models. We check if and how ranking algorithms based on WEs inherit the biases of the underlying embeddings. We also consider the most common debiasing approaches for WEs proposed in the literature and test their impact in terms of GSR and common performance measures. To the best of our knowledge, GSR is the first specifically tailored measure for IR, capable of quantifying representational harms.Comment: To appear in Information Processing & Managemen

    Injecting User Models and Time into Precision via Markov Chains

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    We propose a family of new evaluation measures, called Markov Precision (MP), which exploits continuous-time and discrete-time Markov chains in order to inject user mod- els into precision. Continuous-time MP behaves like time- calibrated measures, bringing the time spent by the user into the evaluation of a system; discrete-time MP behaves like traditional evaluation measures. Being part of the same Markovian framework, the time-based and rank-based ver- sions of MP produce values that are directly comparable. We show that it is possible to re-create average precision using specific user models and this helps in providing an ex- planation of Average Precision (AP) in terms of user mod- els more realistic than the ones currently used to justify it. We also propose several alternative models that take into account different possible behaviors in scanning a ranked result list. Finally, we conduct a thorough experimental evaluation of MP on standard TREC collections in order to show that MP is as reliable as other measures and we provide an example of calibration of its time parameters based on click logs from Yandex

    Probabilistic Modeling in Dynamic Information Retrieval

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    Dynamic modeling is used to design systems that are adaptive to their changing environment and is currently poorly understood in information retrieval systems. Common elements in the information retrieval methodology, such as documents, relevance, users and tasks, are dynamic entities that may evolve over the course of several interactions, which is increasingly captured in search log datasets. Conventional frameworks and models in information retrieval treat these elements as static, or only consider local interactivity, without consideration for the optimisation of all potential interactions. Further to this, advances in information retrieval interface, contextual personalization and ad display demand models that can intelligently react to users over time. This thesis proposes a new area of information retrieval research called Dynamic Information Retrieval. The term dynamics is defined and what it means within the context of information retrieval. Three examples of current areas of research in information retrieval which can be described as dynamic are covered: multi-page search, online learning to rank and session search. A probabilistic model for dynamic information retrieval is introduced and analysed, and applied in practical algorithms throughout. This framework is based on the partially observable Markov decision process model, and solved using dynamic programming and the Bellman equation. Comparisons are made against well-established techniques that show improvements in ranking quality and in particular, document diversification. The limitations of this approach are explored and appropriate approximation techniques are investigated, resulting in the development of an efficient multi-armed bandit based ranking algorithm. Finally, the extraction of dynamic behaviour from search logs is also demonstrated as an application, showing that dynamic information retrieval modeling is an effective and versatile tool in state of the art information retrieval research

    Exploiting user signals and stochastic models to improve information retrieval systems and evaluation

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    The leitmotiv throughout this thesis is represented by IR evaluation. We discuss different issues related to effectiveness measures and novel solutions that we propose to address these challenges. We start by providing a formal definition of utility-oriented measurement of retrieval effectiveness, based on the representational theory of measurement. The proposed theoretical framework contributes to a better understanding of the problem complexities, separating those due to the inherent problems in comparing systems, from those due to the expected numerical properties of measures. We then propose AWARE, a probabilistic framework for dealing with the noise and inconsistencies introduced when relevance labels are gathered with multiple crowd assessors. By modeling relevance judgements and crowd assessors as sources of uncertainty, we directly combine the performance measures computed on the ground-truth generated by each crowd assessor, instead of adopting a classification technique to merge the labels at pool level. Finally, we investigate evaluation measures able to account for user signals. We propose a new user model based on Markov chains, that allows the user to scan the result list with many degrees of freedom. We exploit this Markovian model in order to inject user models into precision, defining a new family of evaluation measures, and we embed this model as objective function of an LtR algorithm to improve system performances