107 research outputs found

    Designing a robotic port system for laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery

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    Current research and development in the field of surgical interventions aim to reduce the invasiveness by using few incisions or natural orifices in the body to access the surgical site. Considering surgeries in the abdominal cavity, the Laparo-Endoscopic Single-site Surgery (LESS) can be performed through a single incision in the navel, reducing blood loss, post-operative trauma, and improving the cosmetic outcome. However, LESS results in less intuitive instrument control, impaired ergonomic, loss of depth and haptic perception, and restriction of instrument positioning by a single incision. Robot-assisted surgery addresses these shortcomings, by introducing highly articulated, flexible robotic instruments, ergonomic control consoles with 3D visualization, and intuitive instrument control algorithms. The flexible robotic instruments are usually introduced into the abdomen via a rigid straight port, such that the positioning of the tools and therefore the accessibility of anatomical structures is still constrained by the incision location. To address this limitation, articulated ports for LESS are proposed by recent research works. However, they focus on only a few aspects, which are relevant to the surgery, such that a design considering all requirements for LESS has not been proposed yet. This partially originates in the lack of anatomical data of specific applications. Further, no general design guidelines exist and only a few evaluation metrics are proposed. To target these challenges, this thesis focuses on the design of an articulated robotic port for LESS partial nephrectomy. A novel approach is introduced, acquiring the available abdominal workspace, integrated into the surgical workflow. Based on several generated patient datasets and developed metrics, design parameter optimization is conducted. Analyzing the surgical procedure, a comprehensive requirement list is established and applied to design a robotic system, proposing a tendon-driven continuum robot as the articulated port structure. Especially, the aspects of stiffening and sterile design are addressed. In various experimental evaluations, the reachability, the stiffness, and the overall design are evaluated. The findings identify layer jamming as the superior stiffening method. Further, the articulated port is proven to enhance the accessibility of anatomical structures and offer a patient and incision location independent design

    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not

    Cable-driven parallel mechanisms for minimally invasive robotic surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has revolutionised surgery by providing faster recovery times, less post-operative complications, improved cosmesis and reduced pain for the patient. Surgical robotics are used to further decrease the invasiveness of procedures, by using yet smaller and fewer incisions or using natural orifices as entry point. However, many robotic systems still suffer from technical challenges such as sufficient instrument dexterity and payloads, leading to limited adoption in clinical practice. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms (CDPMs) have unique properties, which can be used to overcome existing challenges in surgical robotics. These beneficial properties include high end-effector payloads, efficient force transmission and a large configurable instrument workspace. However, the use of CDPMs in MIS is largely unexplored. This research presents the first structured exploration of CDPMs for MIS and demonstrates the potential of this type of mechanism through the development of multiple prototypes: the ESD CYCLOPS, CDAQS, SIMPLE, neuroCYCLOPS and microCYCLOPS. One key challenge for MIS is the access method used to introduce CDPMs into the body. Three different access methods are presented by the prototypes. By focusing on the minimally invasive access method in which CDPMs are introduced into the body, the thesis provides a framework, which can be used by researchers, engineers and clinicians to identify future opportunities of CDPMs in MIS. Additionally, through user studies and pre-clinical studies, these prototypes demonstrate that this type of mechanism has several key advantages for surgical applications in which haptic feedback, safe automation or a high payload are required. These advantages, combined with the different access methods, demonstrate that CDPMs can have a key role in the advancement of MIS technology.Open Acces

    Clinical Considerations for Flexible Access Surgery

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    The expectation of excellence in health care in modern times continues to be challenged. Government and patients alike continue to demand superior health care with excellent treatment outcomes at minimal expense to their time and convenience. Although surgery is the most definitive treatment option in modern medicine, it can be the most demanding both physically and psychologically. The less invasive the procedure offered the more acceptable it has been shown to be to the patient more often with fewer complications attributed and a faster return to health (1). The positive impact of the minimally invasive concept on the healthcare system has been unfathomable. The domino effect created by the early results from laparoscopic surgery was felt not only across the surgical community but also the medical. Across different specialties, alternative novel therapeutic techniques were devised to overcome problems relating to the large operative procedures which struggled to cross over to the laparoscopic approach. The best example of this is in cardiovascular surgery, where image guided endovascular techniques have overcome the need for many of the once extensive operative procedures including the abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and the coronary bypass procedure. The risks and complications from these operative interventions remain significant and are still performed, though far less frequently than in the past. Selective aneurysms as well as primary coronary events are managed routinely through the endovascular technique with surgery being retained for the complex cases or the non-responders. It seems obvious in hindsight that given the choice of a small 5mm groin incision over a large 30cm open chest or abdominal incision which the public would choose, even with the greater long term benefits sometimes favoring the open approaches. Gastrointestinal endoscopy has the potential to move in the same direction. The use of the endoscope as a surgical tool rather than simply an investigative device has only recently been recognized, promoted through the concept of Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). The technique aims to provide a cosmetic enhancement to routine surgical procedures by creating the access incision within a natural orifice. The endoscope provides the vision and the biopsy channels in-built are able to guide operative instruments to the target site to enable a therapeutic procedure to be undertaken. However, it would be naïve to believe that in the current state NOTES is anything but a fashionable research technique and far from routine clinical use. However, it’s most superior element, which has the potential to extend the boundaries of surgery aside from all else, is the flexibility of the platform. This thesis provides a detailed investigation into the use of the flexible endoscope as a surgical platform. It defines Flexible Access Surgery (FAS) as an all encompassing surgical technique which utilizes flexible platforms at its heart, describes some novel applications representative as examplars of the technique and explores the significant challenges which would hinder clinical translation. These challenges are described and integrated into two novel enhanced mechatronic flexible access surgical platforms which are further validated and trialed within the pre-clinical in-vivo setting as the future of flexible surgery. The major original contributions of this thesis include the description and definition of the flexible access technique with novel clinical applications. The design, construction and validation of a flexible access box simulator for describing flexible endoscopic navigation within a spatial environment highlighting the challenge this encompasses for many clinicians. The instrumental requirements are explored through the evaluation of the force requirements within the preclinical setting and the instrument refinement both in design and practice that can be adopted to optimize the force delivery particularly when relating to novel flexible platform designs. Finally, the thesis describes the integrated clinical design and validation of two enhanced mechatronic flexible access platforms and describes their clinically driven construction through a series of pre-clinical live in-vivo trials. The evolution of each device is described with performance evaluation and clinical exemplars undertaken. The impact of the results presented within this thesis and the potential for further high impact research is centered on the design and integration of future flexible robotic platforms for minimally invasive surgery. The clinical and mechanical requirements essential for optimal clinical performance will enable designs to be more clinically relevant and ultimately more clinically translatable in the future. Defining these requirements has entailed the use of mapping and sensing the relevant tools which has in turn exposed future potential research avenues to be opened into the perhaps more relevant real time evaluation of the surgical workflow, enabling clinical skills to be more reliably quantified during laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures

    Development of An In Vivo Robotic Camera for Dexterous Manipulation and Clear Imaging

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    Minimally invasive surgeriy (MIS) techniques are becoming more popular as replacements for traditional open surgeries. These methods benefit patients with lowering blood loss and post-operative pain, reducing recovery period and hospital stay time, decreasing surgical area scarring and cosmetic issues, and lessening the treatment costs, hence greater patient satisfaction would be earned. Manipulating surgical instruments from outside of abdomen and performing surgery needs precise hand-eye coordination which is provided by insertable cameras. The traditional MIS insertable cameras suffer from port complexity and reduced manipulation dexterity, which leads to defection in Hand-eye coordination and surgical flow. Fully insertable robotic camera systems emerged as a promising solution in MIS. Implementing robotic camera systems faces multiple challenges in fixation, manipulation, orientation control, tool-tissue interaction, in vivo illumination and clear imaging.In this dissertation a novel actuation and control mechanism is developed and validated for an insertable laparoscopic camera. This design uses permanent magnets and coils as force/torque generators in an external control unit to manipulate an in vivo camera capsule. The motorless design of this capsule reduces the, wight, size and power consumption of the driven unit. In order to guarantee the smooth motion of the camera inside the abdominal cavity, an interaction force control method was proposed and validated.Optimizing the system\u27s design, through minimizing the control unit size and power consumption and extending maneuverability of insertable camera, was achieved by a novel transformable design, which uses a single permanent magnet in the control unit. The camera robot uses a permanent magnet as fixation and translation unit, and two embedded motor for tilt motion actuation, as well as illumination actuation. Transformable design provides superior imaging quality through an optimized illumination unit and a cleaning module. The illumination module uses freeform optical lenses to control light beams from the LEDs to achieve optimized illumination over surgical zone. The cleaning module prevents lens contamination through a pump actuated debris prevention system, while mechanically wipes the lens in case of contamination. The performance of transformable design and its modules have been assessed experimentally

    Seaweed to Sealant : Multifunctional Polysaccharides for Regenerative Medicine and Drug Delivery Applications

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    Pneumothorax, or a collapsed lung, is a serious medical condition resulting when air or fluid escapes the lung into the chest cavity and prevents the lung from inflating. Few viable means of sealing the damaged and leaking tissues are currently available, leading to longer hospital stays, multiple interventions, and increasing costs of care. The motivation of this dissertation is to engineer a novel polysaccharide-based therapeutic surgical sealant, which can be utilized to seal trauma-induced damage to the outer lining of the lung, i.e. pleura, preventing or reversing lung collapse to restore normal breathing function. The use of polysaccharides, such as alginate and hyaluronan, has become increasingly prevalent in biomedical and tissue engineering applications due to the ability to add functionality through chemical modification, allowing for tunable mechanical and physical properties. These hydrophilic polymer chains can be crosslinked to form hydrogels, which can retain large volumes of water and can mimic the properties of tissues found within the body. In this work, polysaccharide hydrogel sealants were engineered with well-regulated gelation and mechanical properties, and further modified to achieve adhesion to biological tissues. This was accomplished by mimicking the mechanical and physical properties of the complex tissues, and crosslinking the hydrogels in situ using a visible light-initiated system. Methacrylated alginate and oxidized alginate were successfully synthesized and utilized to fabricate adhesive sealant patches, which can adhere and seal damaged tissues in vivo. Methacrylation was implemented to allow covalent photo-crosslinking between adjacent polymer chains in solution. Here, a novel anhydrous chemistry was developed to allow for precise control over the degree of methacrylation and thus tune the mechanical properties of the resulting hydrogels by modulating the number of crosslinkable side-groups attached to the polysaccharide chain. To increase the adhesive properties of the resulting hydrogels, oxidation of the polysaccharide chain was subsequently implemented to form functional aldehyde groups capable of protein interactions through the formation of imine bonds on biological tissue surfaces. To test the performance of this multifunctional material, burst pressure testing was executed, revealing the relationship between the two distinct chemical modifications performed and the mechanical and adhesive properties of the resulting sealant. In addition, methacrylated alginate was utilized to synthesize therapeutic, drug-encapsulating hydrogel nanoparticles, which when incorporated within the polysaccharide-based surgical sealant allow for local drug release. The ability to control drug release at the site of application further broadens the potential uses of this surgical sealant patch and will be discussed further within this dissertation

    Renal Transplantation

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    This book presents a nice international compilation of scholarly papers and chapters which address the latest advances in renal transplant surgery. These works cover a variety of topics; the last advance and success of renal transplant science: biochemistry, immunology, molecular genetics, pharmacology - pharmacogenetics, pediatric transplant and a few rare uropathies that warrant organ replacement

    25th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) Frankfurt, Germany, 14-17 June 2017 : Oral Presentations

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    Introduction: Ouyang has recently proposed hiatal surface area (HSA) calculation by multiplanar multislice computer tomography (MDCT) scan as a useful tool for planning treatment of hiatus defects with hiatal hernia (HH), with or without gastroesophageal reflux (MRGE). Preoperative upper endoscopy or barium swallow cannot predict the HSA and pillars conditions. Aim to asses the efficacy of MDCT’s calculation of HSA for planning the best approach for the hiatal defects treatment. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 25 patients, candidates to laparoscopic antireflux surgery as primary surgery or hiatus repair concomitant with or after bariatric surgery. Patients were analyzed preoperatively and after one-year follow-up by MDCT scan measurement of esophageal hiatus surface. Five normal patients were enrolled as control group. The HSA’s intraoperative calculation was performed after complete dissection of the area considered a triangle. Postoperative CT-scan was done after 12 months or any time reflux symptoms appeared. Results: (1) Mean HSA in control patients with no HH, no MRGE was cm2 and similar in non-complicated patients with previous LSG and cruroplasty. (2) Mean HSA in patients candidates to cruroplasty was 7.40 cm2. (3) Mean HSA in patients candidates to redo cruroplasty for recurrence was 10.11 cm2. Discussion. MDCT scan offer the possibility to obtain an objective measurement of the HSA and the correlation with endoscopic findings and symptoms. The preoperative information allow to discuss with patients the proper technique when a HSA[5 cm2 is detected. During the follow-up a correlation between symptoms and failure of cruroplasty can be assessed. Conclusions: MDCT scan seems to be an effective non-invasive method to plan hiatal defect treatment and to check during the follow-up the potential recurrence. Future research should correlate in larger series imaging data with intraoperative findings

    A continuum robotic platform for endoscopic non-contact laser surgery: design, control, and preclinical evaluation

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    The application of laser technologies in surgical interventions has been accepted in the clinical domain due to their atraumatic properties. In addition to manual application of fibre-guided lasers with tissue contact, non-contact transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) of laryngeal tumours has been prevailed in ENT surgery. However, TLM requires many years of surgical training for tumour resection in order to preserve the function of adjacent organs and thus preserve the patient’s quality of life. The positioning of the microscopic laser applicator outside the patient can also impede a direct line-of-sight to the target area due to anatomical variability and limit the working space. Further clinical challenges include positioning the laser focus on the tissue surface, imaging, planning and performing laser ablation, and motion of the target area during surgery. This dissertation aims to address the limitations of TLM through robotic approaches and intraoperative assistance. Although a trend towards minimally invasive surgery is apparent, no highly integrated platform for endoscopic delivery of focused laser radiation is available to date. Likewise, there are no known devices that incorporate scene information from endoscopic imaging into ablation planning and execution. For focusing of the laser beam close to the target tissue, this work first presents miniaturised focusing optics that can be integrated into endoscopic systems. Experimental trials characterise the optical properties and the ablation performance. A robotic platform is realised for manipulation of the focusing optics. This is based on a variable-length continuum manipulator. The latter enables movements of the endoscopic end effector in five degrees of freedom with a mechatronic actuation unit. The kinematic modelling and control of the robot are integrated into a modular framework that is evaluated experimentally. The manipulation of focused laser radiation also requires precise adjustment of the focal position on the tissue. For this purpose, visual, haptic and visual-haptic assistance functions are presented. These support the operator during teleoperation to set an optimal working distance. Advantages of visual-haptic assistance are demonstrated in a user study. The system performance and usability of the overall robotic system are assessed in an additional user study. Analogous to a clinical scenario, the subjects follow predefined target patterns with a laser spot. The mean positioning accuracy of the spot is 0.5 mm. Finally, methods of image-guided robot control are introduced to automate laser ablation. Experiments confirm a positive effect of proposed automation concepts on non-contact laser surgery.Die Anwendung von Lasertechnologien in chirurgischen Interventionen hat sich aufgrund der atraumatischen Eigenschaften in der Klinik etabliert. Neben manueller Applikation von fasergeführten Lasern mit Gewebekontakt hat sich die kontaktfreie transorale Lasermikrochirurgie (TLM) von Tumoren des Larynx in der HNO-Chirurgie durchgesetzt. Die TLM erfordert zur Tumorresektion jedoch ein langjähriges chirurgisches Training, um die Funktion der angrenzenden Organe zu sichern und damit die Lebensqualität der Patienten zu erhalten. Die Positionierung des mikroskopis chen Laserapplikators außerhalb des Patienten kann zudem die direkte Sicht auf das Zielgebiet durch anatomische Variabilität erschweren und den Arbeitsraum einschränken. Weitere klinische Herausforderungen betreffen die Positionierung des Laserfokus auf der Gewebeoberfläche, die Bildgebung, die Planung und Ausführung der Laserablation sowie intraoperative Bewegungen des Zielgebietes. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, die Limitierungen der TLM durch robotische Ansätze und intraoperative Assistenz zu adressieren. Obwohl ein Trend zur minimal invasiven Chirurgie besteht, sind bislang keine hochintegrierten Plattformen für die endoskopische Applikation fokussierter Laserstrahlung verfügbar. Ebenfalls sind keine Systeme bekannt, die Szeneninformationen aus der endoskopischen Bildgebung in die Ablationsplanung und -ausführung einbeziehen. Für eine situsnahe Fokussierung des Laserstrahls wird in dieser Arbeit zunächst eine miniaturisierte Fokussieroptik zur Integration in endoskopische Systeme vorgestellt. Experimentelle Versuche charakterisieren die optischen Eigenschaften und das Ablationsverhalten. Zur Manipulation der Fokussieroptik wird eine robotische Plattform realisiert. Diese basiert auf einem längenveränderlichen Kontinuumsmanipulator. Letzterer ermöglicht in Kombination mit einer mechatronischen Aktuierungseinheit Bewegungen des Endoskopkopfes in fünf Freiheitsgraden. Die kinematische Modellierung und Regelung des Systems werden in ein modulares Framework eingebunden und evaluiert. Die Manipulation fokussierter Laserstrahlung erfordert zudem eine präzise Anpassung der Fokuslage auf das Gewebe. Dafür werden visuelle, haptische und visuell haptische Assistenzfunktionen eingeführt. Diese unterstützen den Anwender bei Teleoperation zur Einstellung eines optimalen Arbeitsabstandes. In einer Anwenderstudie werden Vorteile der visuell-haptischen Assistenz nachgewiesen. Die Systemperformanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit des robotischen Gesamtsystems werden in einer weiteren Anwenderstudie untersucht. Analog zu einem klinischen Einsatz verfolgen die Probanden mit einem Laserspot vorgegebene Sollpfade. Die mittlere Positioniergenauigkeit des Spots beträgt dabei 0,5 mm. Zur Automatisierung der Ablation werden abschließend Methoden der bildgestützten Regelung vorgestellt. Experimente bestätigen einen positiven Effekt der Automationskonzepte für die kontaktfreie Laserchirurgie
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