3 research outputs found


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    This research, when complete, will represent a prototype of the development of a virtual teaching case and the use and assessment of the initial versions of research instruments whose aim is the assessment of this new form of teaching case, or any type of teaching case, with regards to learning efficacy, gains, satisfaction, and environment. The purpose of this virtual teaching case (that is, a teaching case, embedded within a virtual world) is to leverage the rich heritage of casebased teaching while helping today’s students to learn by providing a more engaging environment where these students (experienced with multiplayer computer games and the Internet) can collaboratively practice project management skills such as planning scopes of work, schedules, and budgets—skills they have already learnt in class. In a virtual teaching case, students can experience the challenges of discovering problems; collaboratively creating, judging, and transforming resolutions; and reacting to changing circumstances

    Inhabited Virtual Learning Worlds and Impacts on Learning Behaviors in Young School Learners

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    The paper outlines a new paradigm and its underlying rationales for implementing networked learning environments that is emerging from new technologies such as multi-user platform, virtual worlds, virtual learning community, and intelligent agents. The proposed paradigm of the networked learning environments is described as inhabited virtual learning worlds (IVLW), which is a shared learning space in 3-D format and populated with avatars that are the representations of learners who are geographically dispersed around the world. The virtual learning worlds are also composed of objects such as intelligent agents and learning materials. A pilot system is created based on the discussed rationales of inhabited virtual learning worlds. A preliminary empirical study focusing on the selected learning behaviors in young learners also has been conducted with the pilot system. The results of the empirical study and suggestions for enhancing the pilot system are discussed in the closing section of the article