5 research outputs found

    Development of a Novel Haptic Feedback System for Gait Training Applications

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    Until recently, study and correction of motor or gait functions required costly sensors and measurement setups (e.g., optical motion capture systems) which were only available in laboratories or clinical environments. However, due to (1) the growing availability and affordability of inertial measurement units (IMUs) with high accuracy, and (2) progress in wireless, high bandwidth, and energy-efficient networking technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), it is now possible to measure and provide feedback in real-time for biomechanical parameters outside of those specialized settings. To enable gait training without an expert who can provide verbal feedback, augmented feedback, which is divided into three categories of visual, auditory, and haptic is necessary. Vibrotactile haptic feedback is of particular interest because it is both affordable and does not interfere with the situational awareness of the user. Among the systems proposed in the literature, there has been an absence of a system that is user-friendly, modular (i.e., it has individual, configurable sensing and feedback components), and completely wearable (i.e., all the components can be worn and carried by the user). In this work, we aim to address that gap by developing a novel wearable and modular smartphone-based system that provides vibrotactile feedback for gait training. The system\u27s modularity and its smartphone-based controller and user interface can enhance its usability and promote regular gait training of users, particularly older adults, during their daily living. Given the prevalence of stride length and speed decline in older adults, we developed a biomechanical data-driven approach to enable improving those outcomes via modifying their underlying surrogates. A subject study was performed by recruiting 12 young participants to assess the efficacy of the haptic system and our approach based on the notion of biomechanical surrogates. We found that the participants could significantly increase their thigh and shank extensions (i.e., the biomechanical surrogates) via the feedback provided by our system, and those increases led to higher values of stride length and walking speed. Our results provide a clear proof-of-concept for the developed biomechanics-driven haptic system for gait training of older adults to potentially improve their mobility and living independence

    Master of Science

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    thesisComputing and data acquisition have become an integral part of everyday life. From reading emails on a cell phone, to kids playing with motion sensing game consoles, we are surrounded with sensors and mobile devices. As the availability of powerful mobile computing devices expands, the road is paved for applications in previously limited environments. Rehabilitative devices are emerging that embrace these mobile advances. Research has explored the use of smartphones in rehabilitation as a means to process data and provide feedback in conjunction with established rehabilitative methods. Smartphones, combined with sensor embedded insoles, provide a powerful tool for the clinician in gathering data and may act as a standalone training technique. This thesis presents continuing research of a sensor integrated insole system that provides real-time feedback through a mobile platform, the Adaptive Real-Time Instrumentation System for Tread Imbalance Correction (ARTISTIC). The system interfaces a wireless instrumented insole with an Android smartphone application to receive gait data and provide sensory feedback to modify gait patterns. Revisions to the system hardware, software, and feedback modes brought about the introduction of the ARTISTIC 2.0. The number of sensors in the insole was increased from two to 10. The microprocessor and a vibrotactile motor were embedded in the insole and the communications box was reduced in size and weight by more than 50%. Stance time iv measurements were validated against force plate equipment and found to be within 13.5 ± 3.3% error of force plate time measurements. Human subjects were tested using each of the feedback modes to alter gait symmetry. Results from the testing showed that more than one mode of feedback caused a statistically significant change in gait symmetry ratios (p < 0.05). Preference of feedback modes varied among subjects, with the majority agreeing that several feedback modes made a difference in their gait. Further improvements will prepare the ARTISTIC 2.0 for testing in a home environment for extended periods of time and improve data capture techniques, such as including a database in the smartphone application

    Design and Development of Biofeedback Stick Technology (BfT) to Improve the Quality of Life of Walking Stick Users

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    Biomedical engineering has seen a rapid growth in recent times, where the aim to facilitate and equip humans with the latest technology has become widespread globally. From high-tech equipment ranging from CT scanners, MRI equipment, and laser treatments, to the design, creation, and implementation of artificial body parts, the field of biomedical engineering has significantly contributed to mankind. Biomedical engineering has facilitated many of the latest developments surrounding human mobility, with advancement in mobility aids improving human movement for people with compromised mobility either caused by an injury or health condition. A review of the literature indicated that mobility aids, especially walking sticks, and appropriate training for their use, are generally prescribed by allied health professionals (AHP) to walking stick users for rehabilitation and activities of daily living (ADL). However, feedback from AHP is limited to the clinical environment, leaving walking stick users vulnerable to falls and injuries due to incorrect usage. Hence, to mitigate the risk of falls and injuries, and to facilitate a routine appraisal of individual patient’s usage, a simple, portable, robust, and reliable tool was developed which provides the walking stick users with real-time feedback upon incorrect usage during their activities of daily living (ADL). This thesis aimed to design and develop a smart walking stick technology: Biofeedback stick technology (BfT). The design incorporates the approach of patient and public involvement (PPI) in the development of BfT to ensure that BfT was developed as per the requirements of walking stick users and AHP recommendations. The newly developed system was tested quantitatively for; validity, reliability, and reproducibility against gold standard equipment such as the 3D motion capture system, force plates, optical measurement system for orientation, weight bearing, and step count. The system was also tested qualitatively for its usability by conducting semi-informal interviews with AHPs and walking stick users. The results of these studies showed that the newly developed system has good accuracy, reported above 95% with a maximum inaccuracy of 1°. The data reported indicates good reproducibility. The angles, weight, and steps recorded by the system during experiments are within the values published in the literature. From these studies, it was concluded that, BfT has the potential to improve the lives of walking stick users and that, with few additional improvements, appropriate approval from relevant regulatory bodies, and robust clinical testing, the technology has a huge potential to carve its way to a commercial market