4,249 research outputs found

    Why do These Match? Explaining the Behavior of Image Similarity Models

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    Explaining a deep learning model can help users understand its behavior and allow researchers to discern its shortcomings. Recent work has primarily focused on explaining models for tasks like image classification or visual question answering. In this paper, we introduce Salient Attributes for Network Explanation (SANE) to explain image similarity models, where a model's output is a score measuring the similarity of two inputs rather than a classification score. In this task, an explanation depends on both of the input images, so standard methods do not apply. Our SANE explanations pairs a saliency map identifying important image regions with an attribute that best explains the match. We find that our explanations provide additional information not typically captured by saliency maps alone, and can also improve performance on the classic task of attribute recognition. Our approach's ability to generalize is demonstrated on two datasets from diverse domains, Polyvore Outfits and Animals with Attributes 2. Code available at: https://github.com/VisionLearningGroup/SANEComment: Accepted at ECCV 202

    Influence of Low-Level Stimulus Features, Task Dependent Factors, and Spatial Biases on Overt Visual Attention

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    Visual attention is thought to be driven by the interplay between low-level visual features and task dependent information content of local image regions, as well as by spatial viewing biases. Though dependent on experimental paradigms and model assumptions, this idea has given rise to varying claims that either bottom-up or top-down mechanisms dominate visual attention. To contribute toward a resolution of this discussion, here we quantify the influence of these factors and their relative importance in a set of classification tasks. Our stimuli consist of individual image patches (bubbles). For each bubble we derive three measures: a measure of salience based on low-level stimulus features, a measure of salience based on the task dependent information content derived from our subjects' classification responses and a measure of salience based on spatial viewing biases. Furthermore, we measure the empirical salience of each bubble based on our subjects' measured eye gazes thus characterizing the overt visual attention each bubble receives. A multivariate linear model relates the three salience measures to overt visual attention. It reveals that all three salience measures contribute significantly. The effect of spatial viewing biases is highest and rather constant in different tasks. The contribution of task dependent information is a close runner-up. Specifically, in a standardized task of judging facial expressions it scores highly. The contribution of low-level features is, on average, somewhat lower. However, in a prototypical search task, without an available template, it makes a strong contribution on par with the two other measures. Finally, the contributions of the three factors are only slightly redundant, and the semi-partial correlation coefficients are only slightly lower than the coefficients for full correlations. These data provide evidence that all three measures make significant and independent contributions and that none can be neglected in a model of human overt visual attention

    MILD-Net: Minimal Information Loss Dilated Network for Gland Instance Segmentation in Colon Histology Images

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    The analysis of glandular morphology within colon histopathology images is an important step in determining the grade of colon cancer. Despite the importance of this task, manual segmentation is laborious, time-consuming and can suffer from subjectivity among pathologists. The rise of computational pathology has led to the development of automated methods for gland segmentation that aim to overcome the challenges of manual segmentation. However, this task is non-trivial due to the large variability in glandular appearance and the difficulty in differentiating between certain glandular and non-glandular histological structures. Furthermore, a measure of uncertainty is essential for diagnostic decision making. To address these challenges, we propose a fully convolutional neural network that counters the loss of information caused by max-pooling by re-introducing the original image at multiple points within the network. We also use atrous spatial pyramid pooling with varying dilation rates for preserving the resolution and multi-level aggregation. To incorporate uncertainty, we introduce random transformations during test time for an enhanced segmentation result that simultaneously generates an uncertainty map, highlighting areas of ambiguity. We show that this map can be used to define a metric for disregarding predictions with high uncertainty. The proposed network achieves state-of-the-art performance on the GlaS challenge dataset and on a second independent colorectal adenocarcinoma dataset. In addition, we perform gland instance segmentation on whole-slide images from two further datasets to highlight the generalisability of our method. As an extension, we introduce MILD-Net+ for simultaneous gland and lumen segmentation, to increase the diagnostic power of the network.Comment: Initial version published at Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 201

    Play It Back: Iterative Attention for Audio Recognition

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    A key function of auditory cognition is the association of characteristic sounds with their corresponding semantics over time. Humans attempting to discriminate between fine-grained audio categories, often replay the same discriminative sounds to increase their prediction confidence. We propose an end-to-end attention-based architecture that through selective repetition attends over the most discriminative sounds across the audio sequence. Our model initially uses the full audio sequence and iteratively refines the temporal segments replayed based on slot attention. At each playback, the selected segments are replayed using a smaller hop length which represents higher resolution features within these segments. We show that our method can consistently achieve state-of-the-art performance across three audio-classification benchmarks: AudioSet, VGG-Sound, and EPIC-KITCHENS-100.Comment: Accepted at IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 202

    Grounding deep models of visual data

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    Deep models are state-of-the-art for many computer vision tasks including object classification, action recognition, and captioning. As Artificial Intelligence systems that utilize deep models are becoming ubiquitous, it is also becoming crucial to explain why they make certain decisions: Grounding model decisions. In this thesis, we study: 1) Improving Model Classification. We show that by utilizing web action images along with videos in training for action recognition, significant performance boosts of convolutional models can be achieved. Without explicit grounding, labeled web action images tend to contain discriminative action poses, which highlight discriminative portions of a video’s temporal progression. 2) Spatial Grounding. We visualize spatial evidence of deep model predictions using a discriminative top-down attention mechanism, called Excitation Backprop. We show how such visualizations are equally informative for correct and incorrect model predictions, and highlight the shift of focus when different training strategies are adopted. 3) Spatial Grounding for Improving Model Classification at Training Time. We propose a guided dropout regularizer for deep networks based on the evidence of a network prediction. This approach penalizes neurons that are most relevant for model prediction. By dropping such high-saliency neurons, the network is forced to learn alternative paths in order to maintain loss minimization. We demonstrate better generalization ability, an increased utilization of network neurons, and a higher resilience to network compression. 4) Spatial Grounding for Improving Model Classification at Test Time. We propose Guided Zoom, an approach that utilizes spatial grounding to make more informed predictions at test time. Guided Zoom compares the evidence used to make a preliminary decision with the evidence of correctly classified training examples to ensure evidenceprediction consistency, otherwise refines the prediction. We demonstrate accuracy gains for fine-grained classification. 5) Spatiotemporal Grounding. We devise a formulation that simultaneously grounds evidence in space and time, in a single pass, using top-down saliency. We visualize the spatiotemporal cues that contribute to a deep recurrent neural network’s classification/captioning output. Based on these spatiotemporal cues, we are able to localize segments within a video that correspond with a specific action, or phrase from a caption, without explicitly optimizing/training for these tasks

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationScene labeling is the problem of assigning an object label to each pixel of a given image. It is the primary step towards image understanding and unifies object recognition and image segmentation in a single framework. A perfect scene labeling framework detects and densely labels every region and every object that exists in an image. This task is of substantial importance in a wide range of applications in computer vision. Contextual information plays an important role in scene labeling frameworks. A contextual model utilizes the relationships among the objects in a scene to facilitate object detection and image segmentation. Using contextual information in an effective way is one of the main questions that should be answered in any scene labeling framework. In this dissertation, we develop two scene labeling frameworks that rely heavily on contextual information to improve the performance over state-of-the-art methods. The first model, called the multiclass multiscale contextual model (MCMS), uses contextual information from multiple objects and at different scales for learning discriminative models in a supervised setting. The MCMS model incorporates crossobject and interobject information into one probabilistic framework, and thus is able to capture geometrical relationships and dependencies among multiple objects in addition to local information from each single object present in an image. The second model, called the contextual hierarchical model (CHM), learns contextual information in a hierarchy for scene labeling. At each level of the hierarchy, a classifier is trained based on downsampled input images and outputs of previous levels. The CHM then incorporates the resulting multiresolution contextual information into a classifier to segment the input image at original resolution. This training strategy allows for optimization of a joint posterior probability at multiple resolutions through the hierarchy. We demonstrate the performance of CHM on different challenging tasks such as outdoor scene labeling and edge detection in natural images and membrane detection in electron microscopy images. We also introduce two novel classification methods. WNS-AdaBoost speeds up the training of AdaBoost by providing a compact representation of a training set. Disjunctive normal random forest (DNRF) is an ensemble method that is able to learn complex decision boundaries and achieves low generalization error by optimizing a single objective function for each weak classifier in the ensemble. Finally, a segmentation framework is introduced that exploits both shape information and regional statistics to segment irregularly shaped intracellular structures such as mitochondria in electron microscopy images

    Machine Intelligence for Advanced Medical Data Analysis: Manifold Learning Approach

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    In the current work, linear and non-linear manifold learning techniques, specifically Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Laplacian Eigenmaps, are studied in detail. Their applications in medical image and shape analysis are investigated. In the first contribution, a manifold learning-based multi-modal image registration technique is developed, which results in a unified intensity system through intensity transformation between the reference and sensed images. The transformation eliminates intensity variations in multi-modal medical scans and hence facilitates employing well-studied mono-modal registration techniques. The method can be used for registering multi-modal images with full and partial data. Next, a manifold learning-based scale invariant global shape descriptor is introduced. The proposed descriptor benefits from the capability of Laplacian Eigenmap in dealing with high dimensional data by introducing an exponential weighting scheme. It eliminates the limitations tied to the well-known cotangent weighting scheme, namely dependency on triangular mesh representation and high intra-class quality of 3D models. In the end, a novel descriptive model for diagnostic classification of pulmonary nodules is presented. The descriptive model benefits from structural differences between benign and malignant nodules for automatic and accurate prediction of a candidate nodule. It extracts concise and discriminative features automatically from the 3D surface structure of a nodule using spectral features studied in the previous work combined with a point cloud-based deep learning network. Extensive experiments have been conducted and have shown that the proposed algorithms based on manifold learning outperform several state-of-the-art methods. Advanced computational techniques with a combination of manifold learning and deep networks can play a vital role in effective healthcare delivery by providing a framework for several fundamental tasks in image and shape processing, namely, registration, classification, and detection of features of interest
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