252,821 research outputs found

    Modeling intelligent agents for web-based information gathering

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    The recent emergence of intelligent agent technology and advances in information gathering have been the important steps forward in efficiently managing and using the vast amount of information now available on the Web to make informed decisions. There are, however, still many problems that need to be overcome in the information gathering research arena to enable the delivery of relevant information required by end users. Good decisions cannot be made without sufficient, timely, and correct information. Traditionally it is said that knowledge is power, however, nowadays sufficient, timely, and correct information is power. So gathering relevant information to meet user information needs is the crucial step for making good decisions. The ideal goal of information gathering is to obtain only the information that users need (no more and no less). However, the volume of information available, diversity formats of information, uncertainties of information, and distributed locations of information (e.g. World Wide Web) hinder the process of gathering the right information to meet the user needs. Specifically, two fundamental issues in regard to efficiency of information gathering are mismatch and overload. The mismatch means some information that meets user needs has not been gathered (or missed out), whereas, the overload means some gathered information is not what users need. Traditional information retrieval has been developed well in the past twenty years. The introduction of the Web has changed people\u27s perceptions of information retrieval. Usually, the task of information retrieval is considered to have the function of leading the user to those documents that are relevant to his/her information needs. The similar function in information retrieval is to filter out the irrelevant documents (or called information filtering). Research into traditional information retrieval has provided many retrieval models and techniques to represent documents and queries. Nowadays, information is becoming highly distributed, and increasingly difficult to gather. On the other hand, people have found a lot of uncertainties that are contained in the user information needs. These motivate the need for research in agent-based information gathering. Agent-based information systems arise at this moment. In these kinds of systems, intelligent agents will get commitments from their users and act on the users behalf to gather the required information. They can easily retrieve the relevant information from highly distributed uncertain environments because of their merits of intelligent, autonomy and distribution. The current research for agent-based information gathering systems is divided into single agent gathering systems, and multi-agent gathering systems. In both research areas, there are still open problems to be solved so that agent-based information gathering systems can retrieve the uncertain information more effectively from the highly distributed environments. The aim of this thesis is to research the theoretical framework for intelligent agents to gather information from the Web. This research integrates the areas of information retrieval and intelligent agents. The specific research areas in this thesis are the development of an information filtering model for single agent systems, and the development of a dynamic belief model for information fusion for multi-agent systems. The research results are also supported by the construction of real information gathering agents (e.g., Job Agent) for the Internet to help users to gather useful information stored in Web sites. In such a framework, information gathering agents have abilities to describe (or learn) the user information needs, and act like users to retrieve, filter, and/or fuse the information. A rough set based information filtering model is developed to address the problem of overload. The new approach allows users to describe their information needs on user concept spaces rather than on document spaces, and it views a user information need as a rough set over the document space. The rough set decision theory is used to classify new documents into three regions: positive region, boundary region, and negative region. Two experiments are presented to verify this model, and it shows that the rough set based model provides an efficient approach to the overload problem. In this research, a dynamic belief model for information fusion in multi-agent environments is also developed. This model has a polynomial time complexity, and it has been proven that the fusion results are belief (mass) functions. By using this model, a collection fusion algorithm for information gathering agents is presented. The difficult problem for this research is the case where collections may be used by more than one agent. This algorithm, however, uses the technique of cooperation between agents, and provides a solution for this difficult problem in distributed information retrieval systems. This thesis presents the solutions to the theoretical problems in agent-based information gathering systems, including information filtering models, agent belief modeling, and collection fusions. It also presents solutions to some of the technical problems in agent-based information systems, such as document classification, the architecture for agent-based information gathering systems, and the decision in multiple agent environments. Such kinds of information gathering agents will gather relevant information from highly distributed uncertain environments

    A Multi Agent System for Flow-Based Intrusion Detection

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    The detection and elimination of threats to cyber security is essential for system functionality, protection of valuable information, and preventing costly destruction of assets. This thesis presents a Mobile Multi-Agent Flow-Based IDS called MFIREv3 that provides network anomaly detection of intrusions and automated defense. This version of the MFIRE system includes the development and testing of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) for feature selection that provides agents with the optimal set of features for classifying the state of the network. Feature selection provides separable data points for the selected attacks: Worm, Distributed Denial of Service, Man-in-the-Middle, Scan, and Trojan. This investigation develops three techniques of self-organization for multiple distributed agents in an intrusion detection system: Reputation, Stochastic, and Maximum Cover. These three movement models are tested for effectiveness in locating good agent vantage points within the network to classify the state of the network. MFIREv3 also introduces the design of defensive measures to limit the effects of network attacks. Defensive measures included in this research are rate-limiting and elimination of infected nodes. The results of this research provide an optimistic outlook for flow-based multi-agent systems for cyber security. The impact of this research illustrates how feature selection in cooperation with movement models for multi agent systems provides excellent attack detection and classification

    Virtual Interactions With Real-agents For Sustainable Natural Resource Management

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    Common pool resource management systems are complex to manage due to the absence of a clear understanding of the effects of users’ behavioral characteristics. Non-cooperative decision making based on individual rationality (as opposed to group rationality) and a tendency to free ride due to lack of trust and information about other users’ behavior creates externalities and can lead to tragedy of the commons without intervention by a regulator. Nevertheless, even regulatory institutions often fail to sustain natural common pool resources in the absence of clear understanding of the responses of multiple heterogeneous decision makers to different regulation schemes. While modeling can help with our understanding of complex coupled human-natural systems, past research has not been able to realistically simulate these systems for two major limitations: 1) lack of computational capacity and proper mathematical models for solving distributed systems with self-optimizing agents; and 2) lack of enough information about users’ characteristics in common pool resource systems due to absence of reliable monitoring information. Recently, different studies have tried to address the first limitation by developing agent-based models, which can be appropriately handled with today’s computational capacity. While these models are more realistic than the social planner’s models which have been traditionally used in the field, they normally rely on different heuristics for characterizing users’ behavior and incorporating heterogeneity. This work is a step-forward in addressing the second limitation, suggesting an efficient method for collecting information on diverse behavioral characteristics of real agents for incorporation in distributed agent-based models. Gaming in interactive virtual environments is suggested as a reliable method for understanding different variables that promote sustainable resource use through observation of decision making and iii behavior of the resource system beneficiaries under various institutional frameworks and policies. A review of educational or serious games for environmental management was undertaken to determine an appropriate game for collecting information on real-agents and also to investigate the state of environmental management games and their potential as an educational tool. A web-based groundwater sharing simulation game—Irrigania—was selected to analyze the behavior of real agents under different common pool resource management institutions. Participants included graduate and undergraduate students from the University of Central Florida and Lund University. Information was collected on participants’ resource use, behavior and mindset under different institutional settings through observation and discussion with participants. Preliminary use of water resources gaming suggests communication, cooperation, information disclosure, trust, credibility and social learning between beneficiaries as factors promoting a shift towards sustainable resource use. Additionally, Irrigania was determined to be an effective tool for complementing traditional lecture-based teaching of complex concepts related to sustainable natural resource management. The different behavioral groups identified in the study can be used for improved simulation of multi-agent groundwater management systems

    Information fusion in multi-agent system based on reliability criterion

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00369-6_13The paper addresses the problem of information fusion in Multi-Agent System. Since the knowledge of the process state is distributed between agents, the efficiency of the task performance depends on a proper information fusion technique applied to the agents. In this paper we study the case in which each agent has its own sensing device and is able to collect information with some certainty. Since the same information can be detected by multiple agents, the global certainty about the given fact derives from the fusion of information exchanged by interconnecting agents. The key issue in the method proposed, is an assumption that each agent is able to asses its own reliability during the task performance. The method is illustrated by the pick-up-and-collection task example. The effectiveness of the method proposed is evaluated using relevant simulation experiments.Mellado Arteche, M.; Skrzypczyk, K. (2013). Information fusion in multi-agent system based on reliability criterion. En Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications. Springer. 207-217. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00369-6_13S207217Cheng, X., Shen, J., Liu, H., Gu, G.: Multi-robot Cooperation Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. In: Shi, Y., van Albada, G.D., Dongarra, J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds.) ICCS 2007, Part III. LNCS, vol. 4489, pp. 90–97. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Harmati, I., Skrzypczyk, K.: Robot team coordination for target tracking using fuzzy logiccontroller in game theoretic framework. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57(1) (2009)Jones, C., Mataric, M.: Adaptive Division of Labor in Large-Scale Minimalist Multi-Robot Systems. In: Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, pp. 1969–1974 (2003)Kaminka, G.A., Erusalimchik, D., Kraus, S.: Adaptive Multi-Robot Coordination: A Game-Theoretic Perspective. In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage Convention District, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (2002)Kok, J.R., Spaan, M.T.J., Vlassis, N.: Non-communicative multi-robot coordination in dynamic environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 50(2-3), 99–114 (2005)Klusch, M., Gerber, A.: Dynamic coalition formation among rational agents. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(3), 42–47 (2002)Kraus, S., Winkfeld, J., Zlotkin, G.: Multiagent negotiation under time constraints. Artificial Intelligence 75, 297–345 (1995)Kraus, S.: Negotiation and cooperation in multiagent environments. Artificial Intelligence 94(1-2), 79–98 (1997)Mataric, M., Sukhatme, G., Ostergaard, E.: Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Uncertain Environments. Autonomous Robots 14, 255–263 (2003)Schneider-Fontan, M., Mataric, M.J.: Territorial Multi-Robot Task Division. IEEE Transactionson Robotics and Automation 14(5), 815–822 (1998)Winkfeld, K.J., Zlotkin, G.: Multiagent negotiation under time constraints. Artificial Intelligence (75), 297–345 (1995)Wooldridge, M.: An Introduction to Multiagent Systems. Johnn Wiley and Sons Ltd., UK (2009) ISBN:978-0-470-51946-2Vail, D., Veloso, M.: Dynamic Multi-Robot Coordination. In: Schultz, A., et al. (eds.) Multi Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata, vol. II, pp. 87–98. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands (2003)Gałuszka, A., Pacholczyk, M., Bereska, D., Skrzypczyk, K.: Planning as Artifficial Intelligence Problem-short introduction and overview. In: Nawrat, A., Simek, K., Świerniak, A. (eds.) Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Systems of National Border Security. SCI, vol. 440, pp. 95–104. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Jędrasiak, K., Bereska, D., Nawrat, A.: The Prototype of Gyro-Stabilized UAV Gimbal for Day-Night Surveillance. In: Nawrat, A., Simek, K., Świerniak, A. (eds.) Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Systems of National Border Security. SCI, vol. 440, pp. 107–116. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Galuszka, A., Bereska, D., Simek, K., Skrzypczyk, K., Daniec, K.: Application of graphs theory methods to criminal analysis system. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 86(9), 278–283 (2010

    An Agent-based Approach for Improving the Performance of Distributed Business Processes in Maritime Port Community

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    In the recent years, the concept of “port community” has been adopted by the maritime transport industry in order to achieve a higher degree of coordination and cooperation amongst organizations involved in the transfer of goods through the port area. The business processes of the port community supply chain form a complicated process which involves several process steps, multiple actors, and numerous information exchanges. One of the widely used applications of ICT in ports is the Port Community System (PCS) which is implemented in ports in order to reduce paperwork and to facilitate the information flow related to port operations and cargo clearance. However, existing PCSs are limited in functionalities that facilitate the management and coordination of material, financial, and information flows within the port community supply chain. This research programme addresses the use of agent technology to introduce business process management functionalities, which are vital for port communities, aiming to the enhancement of the performance of the port community supply chain. The investigation begins with an examination of the current state in view of the business perspective and the technical perspective. The business perspective focuses on understanding the nature of the port community, its main characteristics, and its problems. Accordingly, a number of requirements are identified as essential amendments to information systems in seaports. On the other hand, the technical perspective focuses on technologies that are convenient for solving problems in business process management within port communities. The research focuses on three technologies; the workflow technology, agent technology, and service orientation. An analysis of information systems across port communities enables an examination of the current PCSs with regard to their coordination and workflow management capabilities. The most important finding of this analysis is that the performance of the business processes, and in particular the performance of the port community supply chain, is not in the scope of the examined PCSs. Accordingly, the Agent-Based Middleware for Port Community Management (ABMPCM) is proposed as an approach for providing essential functionalities that would facilitate collaborative planning and business process management. As a core component of the ABMPCM, the Collaborative Planning Facility (CPF) is described in further details. A CPF prototype has been developed as an agent-based system for the domain of inland transport of containers to demonstrate its practical effectiveness. To evaluate the practical application of the CPF, a simulation environment is introduced in order to facilitate the evaluation process. The research started with the definition of a multi-agent simulation framework for port community supply chain. Then, a prototype has been implemented and employed for the evaluation of the CPF. The results of the simulation experiments demonstrate that our agent-based approach effectively enhances the performance of business process in the port community

    CoLight: Learning Network-level Cooperation for Traffic Signal Control

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    Cooperation among the traffic signals enables vehicles to move through intersections more quickly. Conventional transportation approaches implement cooperation by pre-calculating the offsets between two intersections. Such pre-calculated offsets are not suitable for dynamic traffic environments. To enable cooperation of traffic signals, in this paper, we propose a model, CoLight, which uses graph attentional networks to facilitate communication. Specifically, for a target intersection in a network, CoLight can not only incorporate the temporal and spatial influences of neighboring intersections to the target intersection, but also build up index-free modeling of neighboring intersections. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to use graph attentional networks in the setting of reinforcement learning for traffic signal control and to conduct experiments on the large-scale road network with hundreds of traffic signals. In experiments, we demonstrate that by learning the communication, the proposed model can achieve superior performance against the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 10 pages. Proceedings of the 28th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 201

    Cooperation in Industrial Systems

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    ARCHON is an ongoing ESPRIT II project (P-2256) which is approximately half way through its five year duration. It is concerned with defining and applying techniques from the area of Distributed Artificial Intelligence to the development of real-size industrial applications. Such techniques enable multiple problem solvers (e.g. expert systems, databases and conventional numerical software systems) to communicate and cooperate with each other to improve both their individual problem solving behavior and the behavior of the community as a whole. This paper outlines the niche of ARCHON in the Distributed AI world and provides an overview of the philosophy and architecture of our approach the essence of which is to be both general (applicable to the domain of industrial process control) and powerful enough to handle real-world problems