2 research outputs found

    Protecting private information in event processing systems

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    With the increasing number of sensors and smart objects in our daily use, the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes realistic. Thereby, modern applications like "e-health applications" or "smart homes" join our everyday life. These applications have the capability to detect situations of the real world and react to them. Complex Event Processing (CEP) systems can detect such occurring situations, which are in the form of event patterns, efficiently. Besides many benefits which such applications entail, it should not be forgotten that they have a huge impact on privacy. Therefore, it is important that a user has the possibility to decide on his own which complex information he wants to share and which not. This thesis presents a pattern-based access control algorithm which tries to conceal all privacy information in an event stream without destroying the public information. The idea is to reorder a specific set of events of the event stream in such a way that patterns which would result in privacy violations do not longer occur. The evaluation shows that a reorganization of events is possible in many cases without loss of public information.Das Internet der Dinge (InD) wird mit zunehmender Anzahl von Sensoren und "Smart Objekten" im täglichen Gebrauch immer realistischer. Dadurch erhalten neuartige Anwendungen wie "E-Health Applikationen" oder "Smart Homes" Einzug in unseren Alltag. Diese Anwendungen besitzen die Fähigkeit, Situationen aus der realen Welt zu erkennen und entsprechend darauf zu reagieren. Complex Event Processing (CEP) Systeme können solche auftretenden Situationen effizient in Form von Ereignismustern erkennen. Neben den vielen Vorteilen, die solche Anwendungen mit sich bringen, sollte jedoch nicht vergessen werden, dass sie einen immensen Eingriff in die Privatsphäre vornehmen. Daher ist es wichtig, Nutzern die Möglichkeit zu bieten selbst zu entscheiden, welche ihrer komplexen Informationen geteilt werden sollen und welche nicht. Diese Masterarbeit stellt einen musterbasierten Algorithmus vor, welcher versucht alle privaten Informationen in einem Ereignisstrom zu verschleiern ohne dabei die öffentlichen Informationen zu zerstören. Die Idee ist, ausgewählte Ereignisse des Ereignisstroms so umzustellen, dass bestimmte Muster, welche eine Verletzung der Privatsphäre zur Folge hätten, nicht mehr auftreten. Die Evaluierung zeigt, dass in vielen Fällen eine Umstellung von Ereignissen ohne Verlust von öffentlichen Informationen möglich ist

    Awareness of Cybersecurity and its Relationship to Digital Transformation among Supervisors of the Education Department in Jazan Region

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    The study aimed to identify the degree of awareness of cybersecurity, and to reveal the reality of digital transformation and the relationship between them from the point of view of the supervisors of the Education Department in the Jazan region. The study followed the descriptive correlative approach, by stratified random sampling (257). a questionnaire was built , The study found that the degree of cybersecurity awareness is high with an arithmetic mean of (3.48), and also degree of awareness of cybersecurity concepts is high, (3,52), and awareness of cybersecurity risks and violations (3.45), and it was found that the total degree of transformation The digital dimension was high with an arithmetic average of (3.46) and the dimensions ranged from (3.60-3.23) in high degrees, except for the necessary funding, which appeared in a medium degree, and it was in order (technological infrastructure, legislation and administrative policies supporting digital transformation, technical skills, and the necessary funding It was also found that there is a statistically significant correlation at the level (0.01) between cybersecurity awareness and digital transformation. The value of the relationship is (0.83) Keywords: cyber security, digital transformation, education management in Jazan region