91 research outputs found

    Information Theoretical Analysis of Synaptic Communication for Nanonetworks

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    © 2018 IEEE. Communication among neurons is the highly evolved and efficient nanoscale communication paradigm, hence the most promising technique for biocompatible nanonetworks. This necessitates the understanding of neuro-spike communication from information theoretical perspective to reach a reference model for nanonetworks. This would also contribute towards developing ICT-based diagnostics techniques for neuro-degenerative diseases. Thus, in this paper, we focus on the fundamental building block of neuro-spike communication, i.e., signal transmission over a synapse, to evaluate its information transfer rate. We aim to analyze a realistic synaptic communication model, which for the first time, encompasses the variation in vesicle release probability with time, synaptic geometry and the re-uptake of neurotransmitters by pre-synaptic terminal. To achieve this objective, we formulate the mutual information between input and output of the synapse. Then, since this communication paradigm has memory, we evaluate the average mutual information over multiple transmissions to find its overall capacity. We derive a closed-form expression for the capacity of the synaptic communication as well as calculate the capacity-achieving input probability distribution. Finally, we find the effects of variation in different synaptic parameters on the information capacity and prove that the diffusion process does not decrease the information a neural response carries about the stimulus in real scenario

    What Really is `Molecule' in Molecular Communications? The Quest for Physics of Particle-based Information Carriers

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    Molecular communication, as implied by its name, uses molecules as information carriers for communication between objects. It has an advantage over traditional electromagnetic-wave-based communication in that molecule-based systems could be biocompatible, operable in challenging environments, and energetically undemanding. Consequently, they are envisioned to have a broad range of applications, such as in the Internet of Bio-nano Things, targeted drug delivery, and agricultural monitoring. Despite the rapid development of the field, with an increasing number of theoretical models and experimental testbeds established by researchers, a fundamental aspect of the field has often been sidelined, namely, the nature of the molecule in molecular communication. The potential information molecules could exhibit a wide range of properties, making them require drastically different treatments when being modeled and experimented upon. Therefore, in this paper, we delve into the intricacies of commonly used information molecules, examining their fundamental physical characteristics, associated communication systems, and potential applications in a more realistic manner, focusing on the influence of their own properties. Through this comprehensive survey, we aim to offer a novel yet essential perspective on molecular communication, thereby bridging the current gap between theoretical research and real-world applications

    Feed-forward and Feedback Control in Astrocytes for Ca2+-based Molecular Communications Nanonetworks

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    Synaptic plasticity depends on the gliotransmitters’ concentration in the synaptic channel. And, an abnormal concentration of gliotransmitters is linked to neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy. In this paper, a theoretical investigation of the cause of the abnormal concentration of gliotransmitters and how to achieve its control is presented through a Ca2+-signalling-based molecular communications framework. A feed-forward and feedback control technique is used to manipulate IP3 values to stabilise the concentration of Ca2+ inside the astrocytes. The theoretical analysis of the given model aims i) to stabilize the Ca2+ concentration around a particular desired level in order to prevent abnormal gliotransmitters’ concentration (extremely high or low concentration can result in neurodegeneration), ii) to improve the molecular communication performance that utilises Ca2+ signalling, and maintain gliotransmitters’ regulation remotely. It shows that the refractory periods from Ca2+ can be maintained to lower the noise propagation resulting in smaller time-slots for bit transmission, which can also improve the delay and gain performances. The proposed approach can potentially lead to novel nanomedicine solutions for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, where a combination of nanotechnology and gene therapy approaches can be used to elicit the regulated Ca2+ signalling in astrocytes, ultimately improving neuronal activity
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