2,548,534 research outputs found

    Modeling Driver\u27s Route Choice Behavior Under the Influence of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (Vol. 2; Vol. 1: 96/10)

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    This research consisted of two parts; this report is volume 2 of 2 volumes; Volume 1 is Report No. FHWA/IN/JHRP-96/10. The first part developed a set of incident clearance time prediction models for the Borman Expressway. The second part consisted of modeling driver’s route choice behavior under the influence of advanced traveler information systems. Volume 2 of this report describes the modeling driver\u27s route choice behavior under the iinfluence of Advanced Traveler Information Systems. These models can help in understanding the behavior and response of travelers under the influeince of Advanced Traveler Information Systmes.r The products of this research project will be incorpored in the Advanced Traffic Managment System that is being implemented on the Morman Expressway, a 16-mile segment of *-80 n northwest Indiana

    Selected topics in information technology : series 1

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    This volume is devoted to the recent developments on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems and applications spread across various domain. It seeks to illustrate the potential of Information Technology for a wide range of applications via a systematic collection of recent methods, procedures, and applications designed to solve real-life problems. This book contains ten chapters that emphasize recent information technologies development. Each chapter has been carefully selected to represent a distinctive domain, each with its own unique theoretical, methodological, and empirical developments of solutions on different platforms. The content of this book is organized as follows: Chapter 1 models an assistive ICT solution for people with health concerns by monitoring the patients’ general well-being and medicine intake. In Chapter 2, a standard brick-and-mortar directory kiosk is transformed to allow a virtual walkthrough through an experiential approach. Chapter 3 details out a proof of concept for a monitoring system dedicated for air quality for upto-the-minute information that helps user optimize their decisions. Chapter 4 looks into tailoring human resource management system for home furnishing business. Apart from monitoring and management system, Chapter 5 presents a yet another management system but for facilitators in managing campus orientation programs. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 are social systems for planning a wedding and marriage matchmaking. The online systems cater from pre-to post wedding, hence suggesting a complete chain of new business model. In Chapter 8, an online practical exam system focuses on one specific course for an undergraduate program at UTHM. Finally, Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 present interesting information systems for expecting mothers and a decision support system for promoting Korean skincare products online. The opportunities now afforded by ICT as deliberated in this book ensures that there is great potential to serve a wide range of audiences. The editors would like to thank chapters’ contributors for their valuable contributions to make this book a success. The edited research book would not have been possible without them

    Computerized Urban Transportation Systems in the U.S.A - A Trip Report

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    The U.S. trip was undertaken with the following aims: (1) To provide one essential part of the information needed for the preparation of the volume on "Computerized Urban Traffic Control and Guidance Systems (CUTC)" of IIASA's state-of-the-art series. This CUTC volume will contain several case descriptions dealing with advanced computer applications operational in tile U.S. Therefore, an essential concern of the trip was to meet with possible authors of these case descriptions and to visit the corresponding advanced systems. (2) To meet with possible participants for a planning conference on future transportation research work at IIASA. This conference will take place during the week of February 16-20, 1976, in connection with the IFAC workshop on "Optimization Applied to Transportation" sponsored by IIASA. (3) To take part in the IFAC (International Federation on Automatic Control) World Congress in Boston, August 24-10, 1975; presentation of a paper and serving as vice-chairman of session 4, "Transportation Systems.

    What’s Past is Prologue

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    Over one hundred presentations from the 37th annual Charleston Library Conference (held November 6–10, 2017) are included in this annual proceedings volume. Major themes of the meeting included data visualization, analysis and assessment of collections and library users, demand-driven acquisition, the future of print collections, and open access publishing. While the Charleston meeting remains a core one for acquisitions librarians in dialog with publishers and vendors, the breadth of coverage of this volume reflects the fact that this conference continues to be one of the major venues for leaders in the publishing and library communities to shape strategy and prepare for the future. Almost 2,000 delegates attended the 2017 meeting, ranging from the staff of small public library systems to the CEOs of major corporations. This fully indexed, copyedited volume provides a rich source for the latest evidence-based research and lessons from practice in a range of information science fields. The contributors are leaders in the library, publishing, and vendor communities

    NASA Space Mechanisms Handbook and Reference Guide Expanded Into CD-ROM Set

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    Several NASA missions suffered failures and anomalies due to problems in applying space mechanisms technology to specific projects. Research shows that engineers often lack either adequate knowledge of mechanism design or sufficient understanding of how mechanisms affect sensitive systems. The Space Mechanisms Project conducted a Lessons Learned study and published a Space Mechanisms Handbook to help space industry engineers avoid recurring design, qualification, and application problems. The Space Mechanisms Handbook written at the NASA Glenn Research Center details the state-of-the-art in space mechanisms design as of 1998. NASA's objective in developing this Space Mechanisms Handbook was to provide readily accessible information on such areas as space mechanisms design, mechanical component availability and use, testing and qualification of mechanical systems, and a listing of worldwide space mechanisms experts and testing facilities in the United States. This handbook has been expanded into a two-volume CD-ROM set in an Adobe Acrobat format. In addition to the handbook, the CD's include (1) the two volume Space Mechanisms Lessons Learned Study, (2) proceedings from all the NASA hosted Aerospace Mechanisms Symposia held through the year 2000, (3) the Space Materials Handbook, (4) the Lubrication Handbook for the Space Industry, (5) the Structural & Mechanical Systems Long-Life Assurance Design Guidelines, (6) the Space Environments and Effects Source-Book, (7) the Spacecraft Deployable Appendages manual, (8) the Fastener Design Manual, (9) A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification, (10) the Report on Alternative Devices to Pyrotechnics on Spacecraft, and (11) Gearing (a manual). In addition, numerous other papers on tribology and lubrication are included.This technical summary of the project provides information on how to obtain the handbook and related information


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    Accurate calibration of the harvester head relies on accurate manual log measurements. According to the recommended calibration procedures as proposed by the harvester manufacturer the differences between the volume measurements from harvester measurement system and the caliper-and-tape system must be within ± 3% and harvester diameter measurements within ± 6mm of manual measurements in 80% cases. Requirements in Latvia stipulate that total volume measurement accuracy levels must be within ± 5% of actual volume if veneer or birch logs are being harvested, ± 3% if saw logs are being harvested and ± 10% if pulp wood or fire wood are being harvested. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of harvester calibration on the accuracy of birch veneer logs measurements by Measuring Diameter in Short Intervals using electronic 3D systems when different double bark volume determination algorithm are used in harvester and stacionar measurement system. The research was carried out in December 2016 in the region Latgale in Latvia. The wood felling area was chosen - Mercurialiosa mel. For volume estimation the sequent measurement equipment were applied: harvester Ponsse ERGO 8W, harvester information system Opti 4G and electronic 3D scanner system Elmes 3600. The research is a continuation to the work done in the project „Harmonisation of piece-by-piece measurement methods of roundwood approved by Standard LVS 82:2003 „Apaļo kokmateriālu uzmērīšana” [6], the project “Harmonization of piece-by-piece measurement methods in all stages of roundwood manufacturing processes” [7] and the project "Investigation and evaluation of the methodology of determination of solid volume according to the stacked volume on roadside and in forwarder loads for logistics purposes in LATVIA" [8]

    Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Security Issues in Concurrency (SecCo, Paris, France, August 30, 2010)

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Security Issues in Concurrency (SecCo 2010). The workshop was held in Paris, France on August 30th, 2010, as a satellite workshop of CONCUR'10. The aim of the SecCo workshop series is to cover the gap between the security and the concurrency communities. More precisely, the workshop promotes the exchange of ideas, trying to focus on common interests and stimulating discussions on central research questions. In particular, we called for papers dealing with security issues (such as authentication, integrity, privacy, confidentiality, access control, denial of service, service availability, safety aspects, fault tolerance, trust, language-based security, probabilistic and information theoretic models) in emerging fields like web services, mobile ad-hoc networks, agent-based infrastructures, peer-to-peer systems, context-aware computing, global/ubiquitous/pervasive computing

    A Bibliometric Study of Accounting Information Systems Research from 1975-2017

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    Accounting Information Systems automates accounting information. In prior literature, there is no consensus as to research areas to be included or excluded from AIS researches, coupled with the relatively scarce literature on AIS. The objective of this paper was to quantitatively analyze the volume and impact of AIS literature. Research documents retrieved from the Scopus database were based on defined search terms relating to Accounting Information System (AIS). A bibliometric approach was employed to quantitatively analyze the volume and impact of 727 publications in the AIS research domain, this study focussed on determining the yearly distribution, national contributions, authorship patterns, leading prolific authors, productive institutions, publication outlets, documents types, key issues, citation trends of AIS research publication from 1975-2017. Key findings in this work indicated that there was no steady growth in volume of AIS research publication, Malaysia was the only developing country that featured as one of the top 10 national contributors to AIS research with China and Indonesia being the only emerging economies, also only 159 authors contribute to the 727 publications on AIS research, double authored publications had the highest number of publication as against others, only 5 of the top 10 outlets of AIS research were core accounting outlets, asides the obvious keywords of ‘accounting information system’, ‘information system’ keywords such as Internal Controls, Auditing, Regulatory Compliance, Management Control were the most dominant. While AIS adoption is becoming the mainstream in most developed countries, more investments in ICTs deployment and education will enable developing countries to reap the benefits of these innovations. Key words: Accounting information system, AIS, bibliometrics, scientometrics, citation analysi

    Visualising COVID-19 Research

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    The world has seen in 2020 an unprecedented global outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, a new strain of coronavirus, causing the COVID-19 pandemic, and radically changing our lives and work conditions. Many scientists are working tirelessly to find a treatment and a possible vaccine. Furthermore, governments, scientific institutions and companies are acting quickly to make resources available, including funds and the opening of large-volume data repositories, to accelerate innovation and discovery aimed at solving this pandemic. In this paper, we develop a novel automated theme-based visualisation method, combining advanced data modelling of large corpora, information mapping and trend analysis, to provide a top-down and bottom-up browsing and search interface for quick discovery of topics and research resources. We apply this method on two recently released publications datasets (Dimensions' COVID-19 dataset and the Allen Institute for AI's CORD-19). The results reveal intriguing information including increased efforts in topics such as social distancing; cross-domain initiatives (e.g. mental health and education); evolving research in medical topics; and the unfolding trajectory of the virus in different territories through publications. The results also demonstrate the need to quickly and automatically enable search and browsing of large corpora. We believe our methodology will improve future large volume visualisation and discovery systems but also hope our visualisation interfaces will currently aid scientists, researchers, and the general public to tackle the numerous issues in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.Comment: 11 pages. 10 figures. Preprint paper made available here prior to submission. Update: special characters correcte