4 research outputs found

    Big Data Major Security Issues: Challenges and Defense Strategies

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    Big data has unlocked the door to significant advances in a wide range of scientific fields, and it has emerged as a highly attractive subject both in the world of academia and in business as a result. It has also made significant contributions to innovation, productivity gains, and competitiveness enhancements. However, there are many difficulties associated with data collecting, storage, usage, analysis, privacy, and trust that must be addressed at this time. In addition, inaccurate or misleading big data may lead to an incorrect or invalid interpretation of findings, which can negatively impact the consumers\u27 experiences. This article examines the challenges related to implementing big data security and some important solutions for addressing these problems. So, a total of 12 papers have been extracted and analyzed to add to the corpus of literature by concentrating on several critical issues in the big data analytics sector as well as shedding light on how these challenges influence many domains such as healthcare, education, and business intelligence, among others. While studies have proven that big data poses issues, their approaches to overcoming these obstacles vary. The most frequently mentioned challenges were data, process, privacy, and management. To address these issues, this paper included previously discovered solutions

    Network Security Intelligence Centres for Information Security Incident Management

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    Programme: 6598 - Ph.D. on the Basis of Prior Published Works in Cyber SecurityIntensive IT development has led to qualitative changes in our living, which are driving current information security (IS) trends and require sophisticated structures and adequate approached to manage IS for different businesses. The wide range of threats is constantly growing in modern intranets; they have become not only numerous and diverse but more disruptive. In such circumstances, organizations realize that IS incidents’ timely detection and prevention in the future (what is more important) are not only possible but imperative. Any delay and only reactive actions to IS incidents put their assets under risk. A properly designed IS incident management system (ISIMS), operating as an integral part of the whole organization’s governance system, reduces IS incidents’ number and limits damage caused by them. To maximally automate IS incident management (ISIM) within one organization and to deepen its knowledge of IS level, this research proposes to unite together all advantages of a Security Intelligence Centre (SIC) and a Network Operations Centre (NOC) with their unique and joint toolkits and techniques in a unified Network SIC (NSIC). For this purpose the glossary of the research area was introduced, the taxonomy of IS threats, vulnerabilities, network attacks, and incidents was determined. Further, IS monitoring as one of the ISIM processes was described, the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems’ role in it and their evolution were shown. The transition from Security Operations Centres (SOCs) to SICs was followed up. At least, modern network environment’s requirements for new protection solutions were formulated and it was proven that the NSIC proposed as a combination of a SIC and a NOC fully meets them. The NSIC’s zone security infrastructure with corresponding IS controls is proposed. Its implementation description at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute concludes the research at this stage. In addition, some proposals for the training of highly qualified personnel for NSICs were formulated. The creation of an innovative NSIC concept, its interpretation, construction and initial implementation through original research presented are its main results. They contribute substantially to the modern networks’ security, as they extend the forefront of the SOCs and SICc used nowadays and generate significant new knowledge and understanding of network security requirements and solutions

    Toward More Predictive Models by Leveraging Multimodal Data

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    Data is often composed of structured and unstructured data. Both forms of data have information that can be exploited by machine learning models to increase their prediction performance on a task. However, integrating the features from both these data forms is a hard, complicated task. This is all the more true for models which operate on time-constraints. Time-constrained models are machine learning models that work on input where time causality has to be maintained such as predicting something in the future based on past data. Most previous work does not have a dedicated pipeline that is generalizable to different tasks and domains, especially under time-constraints. In this work, we present a systematic, domain-agnostic pipeline for integrating features from structured and unstructured data while maintaining time causality for building models. We focus on the healthcare and consumer market domain and perform experiments, preprocess data, and build models to demonstrate the generalizability of the pipeline. More specifically, we focus on the task of identifying patients who are at risk of an imminent ICU admission. We use our pipeline to solve this task and show how augmenting unstructured data with structured data improves model performance. We found that by combining structured and unstructured data we can get a performance improvement of up to 8.5