1,561,134 research outputs found

    Foreword: Control and Conservation of Lampreys Beyond 2020 – Proceedings from the 3rd Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III)

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    This special issue summarizes outcomes from the 3rd Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III; Fig. 1) held 28 July – 2 August 2019 at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. The first two symposia (SLIS I and SLIS II) were held 30 July – 8 August 1979 at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan and 14–18 August 2000 at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, respectively. The published volumes from these symposia in 1980 (Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Volume 37, Issue 11) and 2003 (Journal of Great Lakes Research Volume 29, Supplement 1) have been invaluable references for the broader scientific community and for management agencies around the Laurentian Great Lakes; cited over 4800 and 3300 times, respectively. SLIS III was attended by over 150 scientists, biologists, resource managers, graduate students, and Commission advisors, including participants from Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Fig. 2). Similar to SLIS I and SLIS II, the goals of SLIS III were to provide a forum to (i) update and publish information on sea lamprey control and research on lampreys since SLIS II, (ii) exchange knowledge and ideas to bring practitioners to a common plateau of understanding, and (iii) develop innovative initiatives and stimulate new vigor in efforts to control sea lamprey in the Great Lakes and to conserve lampreys in their native ranges. The emphasis on conservation of lampreys is unique to SLIS III and reflects a heightened international recognition that scientific and management advances supporting sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes can benefit the global effort to conserve native lampreys and vice versa

    Applications using estimates of forest parameters derived from satellite and forest inventory data

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    From the combination of optical satellite data, digital map data, and forest inventory plot data, continuous estimates have been made for several forest parameters (wood volume, age and biomass). Five different project areas within Sweden are presented which have utilized these estimates for a range of applications. The method for estimating the forest parameters was a ”k-Nearest Neighbor” algorithm, which used a weighted mean value of k spectrally similar reference plots. Reference data were obtained from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. The output was continuous estimates at the pixel level for each of the variables estimated. Validation results show that accuracy of the estimates for all parameters was low at the pixel level (e.g., for total wood volume RMSE ranged from 58-80%), with a tendency toward the mean, and an underestimation of higher values while overestimating lower values. However, when the accuracy of the estimates is assessed over larger areas, the errors are lower, with best results being 10% RMSE over a 100 ha aggregation, and 17% RMSE over a 19 ha aggregation. Applications presented in this paper include moose and bird habitat studies, county level planning activities, use as input information to prognostic programs, and computation of statistics on timber volume within drainage basins and smaller land holdings. This paper provides a background on the kNN method and gives examples of how end users are currently applying satellite-produced estimation data such as these


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    As rightly pointed out earlier, research ethics advises authors to avoid plagiarism. Citing the used references in scientific works is the best way of preventing plagiarism. There are some guidelines on the internet that helps authors to observe ethical writing tips. We cite others' works in many different ways. Firstly, we should know that what is the difference between a reference and citation and why we cite

    The State of e-Banking Implementation in Nigeria: A Post-Consolidation Review

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    The most widely used e-Banking instrument in �igeria is e-Payment, particularly the automatic teller machine (ATM) card. However, with the adoption of e-Banking by all the banks in �igeria, the volume of cash in circulation has continued to increase pre-and-post bank recapitalization/consolidation exercise. Furthermore, some of the 25 banks that survived the exercise were found lately to have depleted their capital base and have lost credibility before the consumers, e-Banking implementation notwithstanding. Therefore, in this paper, we review the state of e-Banking implementation in �igeria and evaluate the influence of trust on the adoption of e-Payment using an extended technology acceptance model (TAM). Similarly, we investigate organizational reputation, perceived risk and perceived trust in the management of banks as a factor for enhancing customer loyalty. The findings in this work reveal that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are not only antecedent to ebanking acceptance, they are also factors to retain customers to the use of e-banking system such as organizational reputation, perceived risk and trust

    Teaching critical appraisal to Sport & Exercise Sciences and Biosciences students

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    Seminars were implemented to develop undergraduates’ critical appraisal skills and their effectiveness was evaluated. Participants were 140 undergraduate students consisting of 103 students from Sport and Exercise Sciences and 37 from Biosciences. Four seminars were employed to develop and reinforce critical thinking and provide an opportunity for practise and group work. Source material included research proposals and published journal articles. Two linked pieces of coursework assessed critical thinking skills. Teaching method effectiveness was examined using the students’ questionnaire responses and comparison of coursework grades across the module. Students reported finding the seminars useful and helpful, and their self-ratings of critical appraisal skills improved from pre- to post-seminar. However, this was not generally reflected in assessment grades across the group. Overall, there was a significant decline in grades from the first to the second piece of coursework. However, although Sport and Exercise Sciences students’ scored significantly lower on the second coursework, Biosciences students scored higher. It is possible that this type of teaching helps to boost performance in students who originally are new to such skills. Future studies would need to examine whether different methods or longer follow-up might also yield improvements in objective measurements of students’ critical appraisal ability
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