589,497 research outputs found

    Characterization of seediness attributes of blackberry genotypes

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    Fresh market blackberries can feel “seedy” when consumed. This “seediness” is associated with the presence of pyrenes which are comprised of a single seed enclosed in an endocarp. Small pyrene size

    Cost-effectiveness of traffic enforcement: case study from Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: In October 2004, the Ugandan Police department deployed enhanced traffic safety patrols on the four major roads to the capital Kampala. OBJECTIVE: To assess the costs and potential effectiveness of increasing traffic enforcement in Uganda. METHODS: Record review and key informant interviews were conducted at 10 police stations along the highways that were patrolled. Monthly data on traffic citations and casualties were reviewed for January 2001 to December 2005; time series (ARIMA) regression was used to assess for a statistically significant change in traffic deaths. Costs were computed from the perspective of the police department in US2005.Costoffsetsfromsavingstothehealthsectorwerenotincluded.RESULTS:Theannualcostofdeployingthefoursquadsoftrafficpatrols(20officers,fourvehicles,equipment,administration)isestimatedatUS 2005. Cost offsets from savings to the health sector were not included. RESULTS: The annual cost of deploying the four squads of traffic patrols (20 officers, four vehicles, equipment, administration) is estimated at 72,000. Since deployment, the number of citations has increased substantially with a value of 327311annually.Monthlycrashdatapre−andpost−interventionshowastatisticallysignificant17327 311 annually. Monthly crash data pre- and post-intervention show a statistically significant 17% drop in road deaths after the intervention. The average cost-effectiveness of better road safety enforcement in Uganda is 603 per death averted or 27perlifeyearsaveddiscountedat327 per life year saved discounted at 3% (equivalent to 9% of Uganda's 300 GDP per capita). CONCLUSION: The costs of traffic safety enforcement are low in comparison to the potential number of lives saved and revenue generated. Increasing enforcement of existing traffic safety norms can prove to be an extremely cost-effective public health intervention in low-income countries, even from a government perspective

    Risk Assessment for Developmental Toxicity: Airborne Occupational Exposure to Ethanol and Iodine

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    Dean Mattison explains hazard identification, hazard characterization and exposure characterization as furnishing a foundation for Risk assessment generally. He then illustrates their application in assessing the fetal Risk posed by two common substances. Ultimately, he argues that only after Risks have been so examined can women of child bearing age (or anyone) decide what if any measures are appropriate to avoid them

    Evaluation of ASTER GDEM ver2 using GPS measurements and SRTM ver4.1 in China

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    The freely available ASTER GDEM ver2 was released by NASA and METI on October 17, 2011. As one of the most complete high resolution digital topographic data sets of the world to date, the ASTER GDEM covers land surfaces between 83°N and 83°S at a spatial resolution of 1 arc-second and will be a useful product for many applications, such as relief analysis, hydrological studies and radar interferometry. The stated improvements in the second version of ASTER GDEM benefit from finer horizontal resolution, offset adjustment and water body detection in addition to new observed ASTER scenes. This study investigates the absolute vertical accuracy of the ASTER GDEM ver2 at five study sites in China using ground control points (GCPs) from high accuracy GPS benchmarks, and also using a DEM-to-DEM comparison with the Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI) SRTM DEM (Version 4.1). And then, the results are separated into GlobCover land cover classes to derive the spatial pattern of error. It is demonstrated that the RMSE (19m) and mean (-13m) values of ASTER GDEM ver2 against GPS-GCPs in the five study areas is lower than its first version ASTER GDEM ver1 (26m and -21m) as a result of the adjustment of the elevation offsets in the new version. It should be noted that the five study areas in this study are representative in terms of terrain types and land covers in China, and even for most of mid-latitude zones. It is believed that the ASTER GDEM offers a major alternative in accessibility to high quality elevation data
