4 research outputs found

    DCC Digital Curation Manual: Instalment on Learning Object Metadata (LOM)

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    Instalment on the role of learning object metadata (LOM) within the digital curation life-cycle. Describes the increasingly important role of learning object metadata for the digital curation and re-use of educational resources, provides some practical applications, and describes the topic’s place within an international context

    Building blocks of metadata: What can we learn from Lego™?

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    The idea that metadata, particularly Dublin Core, could be usable as a Lego™-like construction kit has been a popular suggestion for over a decade. In this paper, we first explore what this metaphor originally meant – why the idea is so appealing, and what design lessons we might take from the idea. We take a look at how close we are today to that ideal, looking at examples of real-world metadata design projects, and suggest that at present the situation is often more analogous to a game of Tetris – that is, the construction kit is sometimes limited, time concerns are often an issue, and there is limited opportunity for creativity. We explore patterns of collaboration in existing projects, such as the Scholarly Works Application Profile development. Finally, we ask how what we know about the process of building a shared understanding and formalisation about a domain can help us come closer to the ideal of Dublin Core as an approachable puzzle-game or construction kit

    Do 'efémero' ao 'sistema de informação': a preservação na era digital

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    principal objectivo deste artigo é dar a conhecer, de uma forma sintética, alguma da informação já recolhida no âmbito da investigação em curso na área da gestão e preservação da informação digital, um dos grandes desafios das organizações do nosso tempo, incidindo, de forma especial, nos programas e projectos desenvolvidos,em desenvolvimento ou a desenvolver. Pretende-se proporcionar, não só a percepção do que se está a fazer a nível nacional e internacional, mas também incentivaro desenvolvimento de novos projectos nesta área e a prossecução da imprescindível reflexão teórica e científica, sustentáculo de uma «praxis» cada vez mais baseada na cooperação e na interdisciplinaridade, e, necessariamente, na emergência do sistema de informação social - uno e indivisível - objecto da Ciência da Informação.The main purpose of this article is to give a synthetic overview of the information collected in the research project that we have just started regarding management and preservation of digital information, which is one of the key challenges facing organizations at this time, focusing on the projects already developed, in course, or planned. We pretend not only to give a perception of the national and international developed work, but also promote new projects and reinforce the necessary theoretical and scientific reflection which is the basis of a «praxis» moreand more sustained in the cooperation, interdisciplinary, and, necessarily, in the assumption of the social information system, object of the Information Science

    Information Environment Metadata Schema Registry

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    Περιέχει το πλήρες κείμενοSeveral metadata schemas focusing on Dublin Core metadata are now in operation around the world. In this demonstration, we support participants in exploring various components that make up the IEMSR metadata schema registry: a desktop tool enabling creation of simple DC vocabularies and application profiles and their addition to the registry; a Web client that enables the registry to be browsed and searched; a series of prototype tools that demonstrate the use of the machine-to-machine SPARQL endpoint for practical scenarios such as internationalization and complex application profile creation using an explicitly stated entity-relationship model