23 research outputs found

    Approximate Closest Community Search in Networks

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    Recently, there has been significant interest in the study of the community search problem in social and information networks: given one or more query nodes, find densely connected communities containing the query nodes. However, most existing studies do not address the "free rider" issue, that is, nodes far away from query nodes and irrelevant to them are included in the detected community. Some state-of-the-art models have attempted to address this issue, but not only are their formulated problems NP-hard, they do not admit any approximations without restrictive assumptions, which may not always hold in practice. In this paper, given an undirected graph G and a set of query nodes Q, we study community search using the k-truss based community model. We formulate our problem of finding a closest truss community (CTC), as finding a connected k-truss subgraph with the largest k that contains Q, and has the minimum diameter among such subgraphs. We prove this problem is NP-hard. Furthermore, it is NP-hard to approximate the problem within a factor (2−ε)(2-\varepsilon), for any ε>0\varepsilon >0 . However, we develop a greedy algorithmic framework, which first finds a CTC containing Q, and then iteratively removes the furthest nodes from Q, from the graph. The method achieves 2-approximation to the optimal solution. To further improve the efficiency, we make use of a compact truss index and develop efficient algorithms for k-truss identification and maintenance as nodes get eliminated. In addition, using bulk deletion optimization and local exploration strategies, we propose two more efficient algorithms. One of them trades some approximation quality for efficiency while the other is a very efficient heuristic. Extensive experiments on 6 real-world networks show the effectiveness and efficiency of our community model and search algorithms

    Exploring Communities in Large Profiled Graphs

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    Given a graph GG and a vertex q∈Gq\in G, the community search (CS) problem aims to efficiently find a subgraph of GG whose vertices are closely related to qq. Communities are prevalent in social and biological networks, and can be used in product advertisement and social event recommendation. In this paper, we study profiled community search (PCS), where CS is performed on a profiled graph. This is a graph in which each vertex has labels arranged in a hierarchical manner. Extensive experiments show that PCS can identify communities with themes that are common to their vertices, and is more effective than existing CS approaches. As a naive solution for PCS is highly expensive, we have also developed a tree index, which facilitate efficient and online solutions for PCS

    An Augmented Index-based Efficient Community Search for Large Directed Graphs

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    Given a graph G and a query vertex q, the topic of community search (CS), aiming to retrieve a dense subgraph of G containing q, has gained much attention. Most existing works focus on undirected graphs which overlooks the rich information carried by the edge directions. Recently, the problem of community search over directed graphs (or CSD problem) has been studied; it finds a connected subgraph containing q, where the in-degree and out-degree of each vertex within the subgraph are at least k and l, respectively. However, existing solutions are inefficient, especially on large graphs. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel index called D-Forest, which allows a CSD query to be completed within the optimal time cost. We further propose efficient index construction methods. Extensive experiments on six real large graphs show that our index-based query algorithm is up to two orders of magnitude faster than existing solutions.Comment: Full version of our IJCAI20 pape

    K-Connected Cores Computation in Large Dual Networks

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Computing k- cores is a fundamental and important graph problem, which can be applied in many areas, such as community detection, network visualization, and network topology analysis. Due to the complex relationship between different entities, dual graph widely exists in the applications. A dual graph contains a physical graph and a conceptual graph, both of which have the same vertex set. Given that there exist no previous studies on the k- core in dual graphs, we formulate a k-connected core (k- CCO) model in dual graphs. A k- CCO is a k- core in the conceptual graph, and also connected in the physical graph. Given a dual graph and an integer k, we propose a polynomial time algorithm for computing all k- CCOs. We also propose three algorithms for computing all maximum-connected cores (MCCO), which are the existing k- CCOs such that a (k+ 1) -CCO does not exist. We further study a subgraph search problem, which is computing a k- CCO that contains a set of query vertices. We propose an index-based approach to efficiently answer the query for any given parameter k. We conduct extensive experiments on six real-world datasets and four synthetic datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms

    Identification of top-K influential communities in big networks

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    Effective Community Search over Large Spatial Graphs

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