5 research outputs found

    Factors influencing cyber café users’ ethical behavior

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    This paper attempts to report on a recent study in investigating the ethical use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services at cyber cafe in Malaysia.It aims to identify the factors that could have influenced ethical behavior of cyber cafe users based on Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).TPB is known for three factors namely (i) attitude,(ii) subjective norms, and (iii) perceived behavioral control.Out of six hundred and fifty (650) questionnaires distributed to cyber café users, four hundred (400) responses were received which represent 61.5% returns.The result shows that all the factors; (i) attitude, (ii) subjective norms, (iii) perceived behavioral control and (iv) external factor have a strong relationships with the behavioral intention towards the usage of ICT services at cyber café

    Caracterização da ética profissional dos estudantes de tecnologias e sistemas de informação

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoNo panorama atual das organizações empresariais, as Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação (TSI), porque lidam com as atividades organizacionais mais relevantes na manipulação da informação, são um fator estratégico de suporte e procura de novas formas para acrescentar valor ao negócio. Desta visão resulta a expectativa legítima de que os profissionais de TSI, quando confrontados com uma miríade de dilemas éticos, que surgem no decurso da realização dos seus atos de profissão, sejam capazes de manifestar um posicionamento ético que se coadune com os melhores interesses das organizações e da própria área de atividade profissional. Tendo em consideração estas circunstâncias, este trabalho de investigação consistiu em perceber qual o posicionamento dos estudantes de TSI do ensino superior, face a dilemas éticos que possam surgir no decurso da realização dos respetivos atos de profissão. Para esse efeito foi adotado, metodologicamente, o estudo de campo, como estratégia de investigação. Este método foi operacionalizado através da técnica de seleção, conceção e aplicação de cenários hipotéticos, que configuram dilemas éticos que podem surgir no decurso da realização dos respetivos atos de profissão e da identificação dos fatores potencialmente influenciadores do comportamento ético dos profissionais de TSI, e foi implementado através da elaboração de um questionário que foi passado aos estudantes de TSI do ensino superior, como meio de produção de dados. Com os dados emanados dos questionários, procedeu-se à elaboração de uma análise interpretativa que possibilitou a caracterização da ética profissional dos estudantes de TSI.In the current scenario of business organizations, Information Systems and Technologies (IST), because they deal with organizational activities more relevant to the manipulation of information, are a strategic factor of support and finding new ways to add value to the business. From this vision results the expectation that IST professionals, when faced with a myriad of ethical dilemmas, that arise in the course of carrying out the acts of their profession, will be able to express an ethical position that is consistent with the best interests of organizations and own area of professional activity. Considering these circumstances, this research work aims to understand what is the positioning of higher education IST students, about ethical dilemmas that may arise in the course of carrying out the acts of their profession. For this purpose, it was adopted methodologically, the field study as research strategy. This method was operationalized through the technique of selection, design and implementation of hypothetical scenarios, which constitute ethical dilemmas that may arise in the course of carrying out the acts of their profession and was implemented through the development of a questionnaire that was passed to higher education IST students, as a means of generating data. With the data from those questionnaires, was proceeded to the development of an interpretative analysis which allowed evaluating the professional ethics of Information Systems and Technologies Students

    An investigation of the determinants of employees' decisions to use organizational computing resources for non-work purposes.

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    Internet access in the workplace has become ubiquitous in many organizations. Often, employees need this access to perform their duties. However, many studies report a large percentage of employees use their work Internet access for non-work-related activities. These activities can result in reduced efficiency, increased vulnerability to cyber attack, and legal liability. Previous models of technology adoption and usage can give us some insight into this phenomenon, but they lack the ability to explain the moral decision making aspect that is involved when technology is used in a manner other than allowed by organizational policies. In this dissertation, we create and test a predictive model of the moral decision making process concerning three different categories of personal Internet usage at work (PIUW): informational, social, and adult-related. Our results indicate that perceived difficulty, perceived moral intensity, social influence, perceived personal risk, perceived benefits, and knowledge of organizational policy all have significant impacts on moral judgment concerning informational and social PIUW and all of these except perceived moral intensity and social influence also significantly impact intention for both informational and social PIUW. However, many of these factors are not significant in predicting moral judgment and intention concerning adult-related PIUW

    Holistic Approach to the Factors Affecting Individual Investor’s Decision Making in the GCC Markets: Evidence from Oman and Saudi Arabia

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    Behavioural finance studies have documented that investors are subject to psychological factors (cognitive and emotional) and demographic factors (internal), and external factors that make their financial decisions less than fully rational. However, most of these studies have concentrated on developed countries and few on emerging countries. This study is aimed at investigating the internal and external factors that influence individual investors’ financial decision making in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. It contributes to the behavioural finance literature by filling the gaps existing in the GCC countries in particular and emerging countries in general. The study adopts a holistic approach in using perspective theories in the analysis of data collected using questionnaires from 620 individual investors in Saudi Arabia and 590 individual investors in Oman. The data collected is analysed using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) in order to understand the behavioural constructs developed. The study has revealed that religiosity factors have a significant influence on individual investors in both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman. However, the impact was negative in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but positive in Oman. Positive psychological capital and psychological (cognitive and emotions emotional) factors are found to have a positive influence on investors’ decision making. Among these internal factors, religiosity factors have the highest impact while positive psychological factors have the least effect. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, investors’ decision making is positively significantly affected by economic factors and ethical and social factors, while political factors, governance and environmental factors and cultural factors do not significantly influence investors. In the Sultanate of Oman, however, political factors and cultural factors have a positive influence, while corporate governance and environmental factors influence investors negatively. Economic factors do not influence investors’ decision making in the Sultanate of Oman, contrary to the observed effect in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study indicates that there is a difference between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman’s individual investors in relation to the study variables, except for the cultural and psychological (cognitive and emotional) variables. These results have important implications on investors’ participation and future development of financial markets in the Sultanate of Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The government of Sultanate of Oma