11 research outputs found

    Study of Multi-Classification of Advanced Daily Life Activities on SHIMMER Sensor Dataset

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    Today the field of wireless sensors have the dominance in almost every person’s daily life. Therefore researchers are exasperating to make these sensors more dynamic, accurate and high performance computational devices as well as small in size, and also in the application area of these small sensors. The wearable sensors are the one type which are used to acquire a person’s behavioral characteristics. The applications of wearable sensors are healthcare, entertainment, fitness, security and military etc. Human activity recognition (HAR) is the one example, where data received from wearable sensors are further processed to identify the activities executed by the individuals. The HAR system can be used in fall detection, fall prevention and also in posture recognition. The recognition of activities is further divided into two categories, the un-supervised learning and the supervised learning. In this paper we first discussed some existing wearable sensors based HAR systems, then briefly described some classifiers (supervised learning) and then the methodology of how we applied the multiple classification techniques using a benchmark data set of the shimmer sensors placed on human body, to recognize the human activity. Our results shows that the methods are exceptionally accurate and efficient in comparison with other classification methods. We also compare the results and analyzed the accuracy of different classifiers

    Fuzzy multi-task learning for hate speech type identification

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    In traditional machine learning, classifiers training is typically un-dertaken in the setting of single-task learning, so the trained classi-fier can discriminate between different classes. However, this must be based on the assumption that different classes are mutually exclusive. In real applications, the above assumption does not always hold. For example, the same book may belong to multiple subjects. From this point of view, researchers were motivated to formulate multi-label learning problems. In this context, each instance can be assigned multiple labels but the classifiers training is still typically undertaken in the setting of single-task learning. When probabilistic approaches are adopted for classifiers training, multi-task learning can be enabled through transformation of a multi-labelled data set into several binary data sets. The above data transformation could usually result in the class imbalance issue. Without the above data transformation, multi-labelling of data results in an exponential increase of the number of classes, leading to fewer instances for each class and a higher difficulty for identifying each class. In addition, multi-labelling of data is very time consuming and expensive in some application areas, such as hate speech detection. In this paper, we introduce a novel formulation of the hate speech type identification problem in the setting of multi-task learning through our proposed fuzzy ensemble approach. In this setting, single-labelled data can be used for semi-supervised multi-label learning and two new metrics (detection rate and irrelevance rate) are thus proposed to measure more effectively the performance for this kind of learning tasks. We report an experimental study on identification of four types of hate speech, namely: religion, race, disability and sexual orientation. The experimental results show that our proposed fuzzy ensemble approach outperforms other popular probabilistic approaches, with an overall detection rate of 0.93

    A fuzzy approach to text classification with two-stage training for ambiguous instances

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    Sentiment analysis is a very popular application area of text mining and machine learning. The popular methods include Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees and Deep Neural Networks. However, these methods generally belong to discriminative learning, which aims to distinguish one class from others with a clear-cut outcome, under the presence of ground truth. In the context of text classification, instances are naturally fuzzy (can be multi-labeled in some application areas) and thus are not considered clear-cut, especially given the fact that labels assigned to sentiment in text represent an agreed level of subjective opinion for multiple human annotators rather than indisputable ground truth. This has motivated researchers to develop fuzzy methods, which typically train classifiers through generative learning, i.e. a fuzzy classifier is used to measure the degree to which an instance belongs to each class. Traditional fuzzy methods typically involve generation of a single fuzzy classifier and employ a fixed rule of defuzzification outputting the class with the maximum membership degree. The use of a single fuzzy classifier with the above fixed rule of defuzzification is likely to get the classifier encountering the text ambiguity situation on sentiment data, i.e. an instance may obtain equal membership degrees to both the positive and negative classes. In this paper, we focus on cyberhate classification, since the spread of hate speech via social media can have disruptive impacts on social cohesion and lead to regional and community tensions. Automatic detection of cyberhate has thus become a priority research area. In particular, we propose a modified fuzzy approach with two stage training for dealing with text ambiguity and classifying four types of hate speech, namely: religion, race, disability and sexual orientation - and compare its performance with those popular methods as well as some existing fuzzy approaches, while the features are prepared through the Bag-of-Words and Word Embedding feature extraction methods alongside the correlation based feature subset selection method. The experimental results show that the proposed fuzzy method outperforms the other methods in most cases

    Heuristic creation of deep rule ensemble through iterative expansion of feature space

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    Rule learning approaches, which essentially aim to gerenate a decision tree or a set of “if-then” rules, have been popularly used in practice for automatically building rule-based models for prediction tasks, e.g., classification and regression. The key strength of rule-based models is their ability to interpret how an output is obtained given an input, in comparison with models trained by other machine learning approaches, e.g., neural networks. Moreover, ensemble learning approaches have been adopted as a popular way for advancing the performance of rule-based prediction through producing multiple rule-based models with diversity. Traditional approaches of ensemble learning are typically designed to train a single ensemble. In recent years, there have been some studies on creation of multiple ensembles towards increasing the diversity among rule-based models and the depth of ensemble learning. In this paper, we propose a feature expansion driven approach for automatic creation of deep rule ensembles, i.e., the dimensionality of the feature space is increased at each iteration by adding features newly created at the previous iteration. The proposed approach is compared with more recent approaches of rule learning and ensemble creation. The experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves improved performance on various data sets

    Multi-stage mixed rule learning approach for advancing performance of rule-based classification

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    Rule learning is a special type of machine learning approaches, and its key advantage is the generation of interpretable models, which provides a transparent process of showing how an input is mapped to an output. Traditional rule learning algorithms are typically based on Boolean logic for inducing rule antecedents, which are very effective for training models on data sets that involve discrete attributes only. When continuous attributes are present in a data set, traditional rule learning approaches need to employ crisp intervals. However, in reality, problems usually show shades of grey, which motivated the development of fuzzy rule learning approaches by employing fuzzy intervals for handling continuous attributes. While a data set contains a large portion of discrete attributes or even no continuous attributes, fuzzy approaches cannot be used to learn rules effectively, leading to a drop in the performance. In this paper, a multi-stage approach of mixed rule learning is proposed, which involves strategic combination of both traditional and fuzzy approaches to handle effectively various types of attributes. We compare our proposed approach with existing algorithms of rule learning. Our experimental results show that our proposed approach leads to significant advances in the performance compared with the existing algorithms

    Influence of fuzzy norms and other heuristics on "Mixed fuzzy rule formation"

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    In Mixed Fuzzy Rule Formation [Int. J. Approx. Reason. 32 (2003) 67] a method to extract mixed fuzzy rules from data was introduced. The underlying algorithm s performance is influenced by the choice of fuzzy t-norm and t-conorm, and a heuristic to avoid conflicts between patterns and rules of different classes throughout training. In the following addendum to [Int. J. Approx. Reason. 32 (2003) 67], we discuss in more depth how these parameters affect the generalization performance of the resulting fuzzy rule models

    Influence of fuzzy norms and other heuristics on "Mixed fuzzy rule formation" - [Corrigendum]

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    We hereby correct an error in Ref. [2], in which we studied the influence of various parameters that affect the generalization performance of fuzzy models constructed using the mixed fuzzy rule formation method [1]

    Investigation of data centric diagnostic techniques for transformer condition assessment

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