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    Prose by Eric Baugh. Finalist in the 2018 Manuscripts Prose Contest


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    This essay surveys the different types of infinity that occur in pure and applied mathematics, with emphasis on: 1. the contrast between potential infinity and actual infinity; 2. Cantor's distinction between transfinite sets and absolute infinity; 3. the constructivist view of infinite quantifiers and the meaning of constructive proof; 4. the concept of feasibility and the philosophical problems surrounding feasible arithmetic; 5. Zeno's paradoxes and modern paradoxes of physical infinity involving supertasks

    Infinity-harmonic maps and morphisms

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    We propose a new notion called \emph{infinity-harmonic maps}between Riemannain manifolds. These are natural generalizations of the well known notion of infinity harmonic functions and are also the limiting case of pp% -harmonic maps as pp\to \infty . Infinity harmoncity appears in many familiar contexts. For example, metric projection onto the orbit of an isometric group action from a tubular neighborhood is infinity harmonic. Unfortunately, infinity-harmonicity is not preserved under composition. Those infinity harmonic maps that always preserve infinity harmonicity under pull back are called infinity harmonic morphisms. We show that infinity harmonic morphisms are precisely horizontally homothetic mas. Many example of infinity-harmonic maps are given, including some very important and well-known classes of maps between Riemannian manifolds

    Principal infinity-bundles - General theory

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    The theory of principal bundles makes sense in any infinity-topos, such as that of topological, of smooth, or of otherwise geometric infinity-groupoids/infinity-stacks, and more generally in slices of these. It provides a natural geometric model for structured higher nonabelian cohomology and controls general fiber bundles in terms of associated bundles. For suitable choices of structure infinity-group G these G-principal infinity-bundles reproduce the theories of ordinary principal bundles, of bundle gerbes/principal 2-bundles and of bundle 2-gerbes and generalize these to their further higher and equivariant analogs. The induced associated infinity-bundles subsume the notions of gerbes and higher gerbes in the literature. We discuss here this general theory of principal infinity-bundles, intimately related to the axioms of Giraud, Toen-Vezzosi, Rezk and Lurie that characterize infinity-toposes. We show a natural equivalence between principal infinity-bundles and intrinsic nonabelian cocycles, implying the classification of principal infinity-bundles by nonabelian sheaf hyper-cohomology. We observe that the theory of geometric fiber infinity-bundles associated to principal infinity-bundles subsumes a theory of infinity-gerbes and of twisted infinity-bundles, with twists deriving from local coefficient infinity-bundles, which we define, relate to extensions of principal infinity-bundles and show to be classified by a corresponding notion of twisted cohomology, identified with the cohomology of a corresponding slice infinity-topos. In a companion article [NSSb] we discuss explicit presentations of this theory in categories of simplicial (pre)sheaves by hyper-Cech cohomology and by simplicial weakly-principal bundles; and in [NSSc] we discuss various examples and applications of the theory.Comment: 46 pages, published versio

    Operation Infinity

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    Principal infinity-bundles - Presentations

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    We discuss two aspects of the presentation of the theory of principal infinity-bundles in an infinity-topos, introduced in [NSSa], in terms of categories of simplicial (pre)sheaves. First we show that over a cohesive site C and for G a presheaf of simplicial groups which is C-acyclic, G-principal infinity-bundles over any object in the infinity-topos over C are classified by hyper-Cech-cohomology with coefficients in G. Then we show that over a site C with enough points, principal infinity-bundles in the infinity-topos are presented by ordinary simplicial bundles in the sheaf topos that satisfy principality by stalkwise weak equivalences. Finally we discuss explicit details of these presentations for the discrete site (in discrete infinity-groupoids) and the smooth site (in smooth infinity-groupoids, generalizing Lie groupoids and differentiable stacks). In the companion article [NSSc] we use these presentations for constructing classes of examples of (twisted) principal infinity-bundles and for the discussion of various applications.Comment: 55 page