8 research outputs found

    Infinite Horizon and Ergodic Optimal Quadratic Control for an Affine Equation with Stochastic Coefficients

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    We study quadratic optimal stochastic control problems with control dependent noise state equation perturbed by an affine term and with stochastic coefficients. Both infinite horizon case and ergodic case are treated. To this purpose we introduce a Backward Stochastic Riccati Equation and a dual backward stochastic equation, both considered in the whole time line. Besides some stabilizability conditions we prove existence of a solution for the two previous equations defined as limit of suitable finite horizon approximating problems. This allows to perform the synthesis of the optimal control

    Ergodic Optimal Quadratic Control for an Affine Equation with Stochastic and Stationary Coefficients

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    We study ergodic quadratic optimal stochastic control problems for an affine state equation with state and control dependent noise and with stochastic coefficients. We assume stationarity of the coefficients and a finite cost condition. We first treat the stationary case and we show that the optimal cost corresponding to this ergodic control problem coincides with the one corresponding to a suitable stationary control problem and we provide a full characterization of the ergodic optimal cost and control

    Linear-quadratic optimal control under non-Markovian switching

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    We study an infinite-dimensional continuous-time optimal control problem on finite horizon for a controlled diffusion driven by Brownian motion, in the linear-quadratic case. We admit stochastic coecients, possibly depending on an underlying independent marked point process, so that our model is general enough to include controlled switching systems where the switching mechanism is not required to be Markovian. The problem is solved by means of a Riccati equation, which a backward stochastic differential equation driven by the Bronwian motion and by the random measure associated to the marked point process

    Linear-quadratic optimal control under non-Markovian switching

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    We study a finite-dimensional continuous-time optimal control problem on finite horizon for a controlled diffusion driven by Brownian motion, in the linear-quadratic case. We admit stochastic coefficients, possibly depending on an underlying independent marked point process, so that our model is general enough to include controlled switching systems where the switching mechanism is not required to be Markovian. The problem is solved by means of a Riccati equation, which a backward stochastic differential equation driven by the Brownian motion and by the random measure associated to the marked point process