4 research outputs found

    Statistical inference framework for source detection of contagion processes on arbitrary network structures

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    In this paper we introduce a statistical inference framework for estimating the contagion source from a partially observed contagion spreading process on an arbitrary network structure. The framework is based on a maximum likelihood estimation of a partial epidemic realization and involves large scale simulation of contagion spreading processes from the set of potential source locations. We present a number of different likelihood estimators that are used to determine the conditional probabilities associated to observing partial epidemic realization with particular source location candidates. This statistical inference framework is also applicable for arbitrary compartment contagion spreading processes on networks. We compare estimation accuracy of these approaches in a number of computational experiments performed with the SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered), SI (susceptible-infected) and ISS (ignorant-spreading-stifler) contagion spreading models on synthetic and real-world complex networks

    A Robust Information Source Estimator with Sparse Observations

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of locating the information source with sparse observations. We assume that a piece of information spreads in a network following a heterogeneous susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model and that a small subset of infected nodes are reported, from which we need to find the source of the information. We adopt the sample path based estimator developed in [1], and prove that on infinite trees, the sample path based estimator is a Jordan infection center with respect to the set of observed infected nodes. In other words, the sample path based estimator minimizes the maximum distance to observed infected nodes. We further prove that the distance between the estimator and the actual source is upper bounded by a constant independent of the number of infected nodes with a high probability on infinite trees. Our simulations on tree networks and real world networks show that the sample path based estimator is closer to the actual source than several other algorithms