111 research outputs found

    Active Topology Inference using Network Coding

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    Our goal is to infer the topology of a network when (i) we can send probes between sources and receivers at the edge of the network and (ii) intermediate nodes can perform simple network coding operations, i.e., additions. Our key intuition is that network coding introduces topology-dependent correlation in the observations at the receivers, which can be exploited to infer the topology. For undirected tree topologies, we design hierarchical clustering algorithms, building on our prior work. For directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), first we decompose the topology into a number of two-source, two-receiver (2-by-2) subnetwork components and then we merge these components to reconstruct the topology. Our approach for DAGs builds on prior work on tomography, and improves upon it by employing network coding to accurately distinguish among all different 2-by-2 components. We evaluate our algorithms through simulation of a number of realistic topologies and compare them to active tomographic techniques without network coding. We also make connections between our approach and alternatives, including passive inference, traceroute, and packet marking

    Active Learning of Multiple Source Multiple Destination Topologies

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    We consider the problem of inferring the topology of a network with MM sources and NN receivers (hereafter referred to as an MM-by-NN network), by sending probes between the sources and receivers. Prior work has shown that this problem can be decomposed into two parts: first, infer smaller subnetwork components (i.e., 11-by-NN's or 22-by-22's) and then merge these components to identify the MM-by-NN topology. In this paper, we focus on the second part, which had previously received less attention in the literature. In particular, we assume that a 11-by-NN topology is given and that all 22-by-22 components can be queried and learned using end-to-end probes. The problem is which 22-by-22's to query and how to merge them with the given 11-by-NN, so as to exactly identify the 22-by-NN topology, and optimize a number of performance metrics, including the number of queries (which directly translates into measurement bandwidth), time complexity, and memory usage. We provide a lower bound, N2\lceil \frac{N}{2} \rceil, on the number of 22-by-22's required by any active learning algorithm and propose two greedy algorithms. The first algorithm follows the framework of multiple hypothesis testing, in particular Generalized Binary Search (GBS), since our problem is one of active learning, from 22-by-22 queries. The second algorithm is called the Receiver Elimination Algorithm (REA) and follows a bottom-up approach: at every step, it selects two receivers, queries the corresponding 22-by-22, and merges it with the given 11-by-NN; it requires exactly N1N-1 steps, which is much less than all (N2)\binom{N}{2} possible 22-by-22's. Simulation results over synthetic and realistic topologies demonstrate that both algorithms correctly identify the 22-by-NN topology and are near-optimal, but REA is more efficient in practice

    Analysis on binary loss tree classification with hop count for multicast topology discovery

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    Copyright © 2004 IEEEThe use of multicast inference on end-to-end measurement has recently been proposed as a means of obtaining the underlying multicast topology. We analyze the algorithm of binary loss tree classification with hop count (HBLT). We compare it with the binary loss tree classification algorithm (BLT) and show that the probability of misclassification of HBLT decreases more quickly than that of BLT as the number of probing packets increases. The inference accuracy of HBLT is always 1 (the inferred tree is identical to the physical tree) in the case of correct classification, whereas that of BLT is dependent on the shape of the physical tree and inversely proportional to the number of internal nodes with a single child. Our analytical result shows that HBLT is superior to BLT, not only on time complexity, but also on misclassification probability and inference accuracy.Hui Tian, Hong She

    Multicast-based Weight Inference in General Network Topologies

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    Network topology plays an important role in many network operations. However, it is very difficult to obtain the topology of public networks due to the lack of internal cooperation. Network tomography provides a powerful solution that can infer the network routing topology from end-to-end measurements. Existing solutions all assume that routes from a single source form a tree. However, with the rapid deployment of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), the routing paths in modern networks are becoming more complex. To address this problem, we propose a novel inference problem, called the weight inference problem, which infers the finest-granularity information from end-to-end measurements on general routing paths in general topologies. Our measurements are based on emulated multicast probes with a controllable “width”. We show that the problem has a unique solution when the multicast width is unconstrained; otherwise, we show that the problem can be treated as a sparse approximation problem, which allows us to apply variations of the pursuit algorithms. Simulations based on real network topologies show that our solution significantly outperforms a state-of-theart network tomography algorithm, and increasing the width of multicast substantially improves the inference accuracy

    Multi-source Cooperative Adaptation for QoE-aware Video Multicast Rate-control

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    Abstract-We consider a wide-area video conferencing application where the video sources adapt their send rates according to the available bandwidth in the network paths. We advocate a QoE-aware cooperative rate control of the sources to relieve the congestion, instead of running multiple (independent) instances of a singlesource adaptation algorithm in a QoE-oblivious manner and additively superposing their results. Our paper focuses on the architecture of such a QoE-aware video multicast system. Dove-tailed to the core functionality of rate adaptation is the session-layer configuration control mechanisms to deliver video to various end-user devices

    Finding the Right Tree: Topology Inference Despite Spatial Dependences

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    © 1963-2012 IEEE. Network tomographic techniques have almost exclusively been built on a strong assumption of mutual independence of link processes. We introduce model classes for link loss processes with non-Trivial spatial dependencies, for which the tree topology is nonetheless identifiable from leaf measurements using multicast probing. We show that these classes are large in a well-defined sense, and we provide an algorithm, SLTD, capable of returning the correct topology with certainty in the limit of infinite data