7 research outputs found

    Monotonicity and phase diagram for multirange percolation on oriented trees

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    We consider Bernoulli bond percolation on oriented regular trees, where besides the usual short bonds, all bonds of a certain length are added. Independently, short bonds are open with probability p and long bonds are open with probability q. We study properties of the critical curve which delimits the set of pairs (p,q) for which there are almost surely no infinite paths. We also show that this curve decreases with respect to the length of the long bonds

    Limiting geodesics for first-passage percolation on subsets of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2

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    It is an open problem to show that in two-dimensional first-passage percolation, the sequence of finite geodesics from any point to (n,0)(n,0) has a limit in nn. In this paper, we consider this question for first-passage percolation on a wide class of subgraphs of Z2\mathbb {Z}^2: those whose vertex set is infinite and connected with an infinite connected complement. This includes, for instance, slit planes, half-planes and sectors. Writing xnx_n for the sequence of boundary vertices, we show that the sequence of geodesics from any point to xnx_n has an almost sure limit assuming only existence of finite geodesics. For all passage-time configurations, we show existence of a limiting Busemann function. Specializing to the case of the half-plane, we prove that the limiting geodesic graph has one topological end; that is, all its infinite geodesics coalesce, and there are no backward infinite paths. To do this, we prove in the Appendix existence of geodesics for all product measures in our domains and remove the moment assumption of the Wehr-Woo theorem on absence of bigeodesics in the half-plane.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AAP999 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    50 years of first passage percolation

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    We celebrate the 50th anniversary of one the most classical models in probability theory. In this survey, we describe the main results of first passage percolation, paying special attention to the recent burst of advances of the past 5 years. The purpose of these notes is twofold. In the first chapters, we give self-contained proofs of seminal results obtained in the '80s and '90s on limit shapes and geodesics, while covering the state of the art of these questions. Second, aside from these classical results, we discuss recent perspectives and directions including (1) the connection between Busemann functions and geodesics, (2) the proof of sublinear variance under 2+log moments of passage times and (3) the role of growth and competition models. We also provide a collection of (old and new) open questions, hoping to solve them before the 100th birthday.Comment: 160 pages, 17 figures. This version has updated chapters 3-5, with expanded and additional material. Small typos corrected throughou

    Inequalities for Means of Restricted First-Passage Times in Percolation Theory

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