3 research outputs found

    A Nonlinear System Identification Method Based on Adaptive Neural Network

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    Nonlinear system identification (NSI) is of great significance to modern scientific engineering and control engineering. Despite their identification ability, the existing analysis methods for nonlinear systems have several limitations. The neural network (NN) can overcome some of these limitations in NSI, but fail to achieve desirable accuracy or training speed. This paper puts forward an NSI method based on adaptive NN, with the aim to further improve the convergence speed and accuracy of NN-based NSI. Specifically, a generic model-based nonlinear system identifier was constructed, which integrates the error feedback and correction of predictive control with the generic model theory. Next, the radial basis function (RBF) NN was optimized by adaptive particle swarm optimization (PSO), and used to build an NSI model. The effectiveness and speed of our model were verified through experiments. The research results provide a reference for applying the adaptive PSO-optimized RBFNN in other fields

    Fuzzy current analysis-based fault diagnostic of induction motor using hardware co-simulation with field programmable gate array

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    Introduction. Presently, signal analysis of stator current of induction motor has become a popular technique to assess the health state of asynchronous motor in order to avoid failures. The classical implementations of failure detection algorithms for rotating machines, based on microprogrammed sequential systems such as microprocessors and digital signal processing have shown their limitations in terms of speed and real time constraints, which requires the use of new technologies providing more efficient diagnostics such as application specific integrated circuit or field programmable gate array (FPGA). The purpose of this work is to study the contribution of the implementation of fuzzy logic on FPGA programmable logic circuits in the diagnosis of asynchronous machine failures for a phase unbalance and a missing phase faults cases. Methodology. In this work, we propose hardware architecture on FPGA of a failure detection algorithm for asynchronous machine based on fuzzy logic and motor current signal analysis by taking the RMS signal of stator current as a fault indicator signal. Results. The validation of the proposed architecture was carried out by a co-simulation hardware process between the ML402 boards equipped with a Virtex-4 FPGA circuit of the Xilinx type and Xilinx system generator under MATLAB/Simulink. Originality. The present work combined the performance of fuzzy logic techniques, the simplicity of stator current signal analysis algorithms and the execution power of ML402 FPGA board, for the fault diagnosis of induction machine achieving the best ratios speed/performance and simplicity/performance. Practical value. The emergence of this method has improved the performance of fault detection for asynchronous machine, especially in terms of hardware resource consumption, real-time online detection and speed of detection.Вступ. В даний час аналіз сигналу струму статора асинхронного двигуна став популярним методом оцінки стану працездатності асинхронного двигуна, щоб уникнути відмов. Класичні реалізації алгоритмів виявлення несправностей машин, що обертаються, засновані на мікропрограмних послідовних системах, таких як мікропроцесори і цифрова обробка сигналів, показали свої обмеження з точки зору швидкості та обмежень у реальному часі, що вимагає використання нових технологій, що забезпечують більш ефективну діагностику. наприклад, інтегральна схема для конкретної програми або програмована вентильна матриця (FPGA). Метою даної є дослідження внеску реалізації нечіткої логіки на програмованих логічних схемах FPGA в діагностику відмов асинхронних машин при несиметрії фаз і обривах фази. Методологія. У цій роботі ми пропонуємо апаратну архітектуру на FPGA алгоритму виявлення відмов асинхронної машини на основі нечіткої логіки та аналізу сигналів струму двигуна, приймаючи середньоквадратичний сигнал статора струму як сигнал індикатора несправності. Результати. Валідація запропонованої архітектури проводилася шляхом апаратного моделювання між платами ML402, оснащеними схемою Virtex-4 FPGA типу Xilinx та генератором системи Xilinx під керуванням MATLAB/Simulink. Оригінальність. Дана робота поєднала в собі ефективність методів нечіткої логіки, простоту алгоритмів аналізу сигналів струму статора та виконавчу потужність плати ML402 FPGA для діагностики несправностей асинхронних машин, досягаючи найкращих співвідношень швидкість/продуктивність та простота/продуктивність. Практична цінність. Поява цього методу покращила продуктивність виявлення несправностей асинхронної машини, особливо з точки зору споживання апаратних ресурсів, онлайн-виявлення в реальному часі та швидкості виявлення

    Advancements in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery: A comprehensive review of image-based intelligent techniques for induction motors

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    Recently, condition monitoring (CM) and fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) techniques for rotating machinery (RM) have witnessed substantial advancements in recent decades, driven by the increasing demand for enhanced reliability, efficiency, and safety in industrial operations. CM of valuable and high-cost machinery is crucial for performance tracking, reducing maintenance costs, enhancing efficiency and reliability, and minimizing mechanical failures. While various FDD methods for RM have been developed, these predominantly focus on signal processing diagnostics techniques encompassing time, frequency, and time-frequency domains, intelligent diagnostics, image processing, data fusion, data mining, and expert systems. However, there is a noticeable knowledge gap regarding the specific review of image-based CM and FDD. The objective of this research is to address the aforementioned gap in the literature by conducting a comprehensive review of image-based intelligent techniques for CM and fault FDD specifically applied to induction motors (IMs). The focus of the study is to explore the utilization of image-based methods in the context of IMs, providing a thorough examination of the existing literature, methodologies, and applications. Furthermore, the integration of image-based techniques in CM and FDD holds promise for enhanced accuracy, as visual information can provide valuable insights into the physical condition and structural integrity of the IMs, thereby facilitating early FDD and proactive maintenance strategies. The review encompasses the three main faults associated with IMs, namely bearing faults, stator faults, and rotor faults. Furthermore, a thorough assessment is conducted to analyze the benefits and drawbacks associated with each approach, thereby enabling an evaluation of the efficacy of image-based intelligent techniques in the context of CM and FDD. Finally, the paper concludes by highlighting key issues and suggesting potential avenues for future research