11 research outputs found

    The Potential of Learned Index Structures for Index Compression

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    Inverted indexes are vital in providing fast key-word-based search. For every term in the document collection, a list of identifiers of documents in which the term appears is stored, along with auxiliary information such as term frequency, and position offsets. While very effective, inverted indexes have large memory requirements for web-sized collections. Recently, the concept of learned index structures was introduced, where machine learned models replace common index structures such as B-tree-indexes, hash-indexes, and bloom-filters. These learned index structures require less memory, and can be computationally much faster than their traditional counterparts. In this paper, we consider whether such models may be applied to conjunctive Boolean querying. First, we investigate how a learned model can replace document postings of an inverted index, and then evaluate the compromises such an approach might have. Second, we evaluate the potential gains that can be achieved in terms of memory requirements. Our work shows that learned models have great potential in inverted indexing, and this direction seems to be a promising area for future research.Comment: Will appear in the proceedings of ADCS'1

    An Approximate Algorithm for Maximum Inner Product Search over Streaming Sparse Vectors

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    Maximum Inner Product Search or top-k retrieval on sparse vectors is well-understood in information retrieval, with a number of mature algorithms that solve it exactly. However, all existing algorithms are tailored to text and frequency-based similarity measures. To achieve optimal memory footprint and query latency, they rely on the near stationarity of documents and on laws governing natural languages. We consider, instead, a setup in which collections are streaming -- necessitating dynamic indexing -- and where indexing and retrieval must work with arbitrarily distributed real-valued vectors. As we show, existing algorithms are no longer competitive in this setup, even against naive solutions. We investigate this gap and present a novel approximate solution, called Sinnamon, that can efficiently retrieve the top-k results for sparse real valued vectors drawn from arbitrary distributions. Notably, Sinnamon offers levers to trade-off memory consumption, latency, and accuracy, making the algorithm suitable for constrained applications and systems. We give theoretical results on the error introduced by the approximate nature of the algorithm, and present an empirical evaluation of its performance on two hardware platforms and synthetic and real-valued datasets. We conclude by laying out concrete directions for future research on this general top-k retrieval problem over sparse vectors

    Bridging Dense and Sparse Maximum Inner Product Search

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    Maximum inner product search (MIPS) over dense and sparse vectors have progressed independently in a bifurcated literature for decades; the latter is better known as top-kk retrieval in Information Retrieval. This duality exists because sparse and dense vectors serve different end goals. That is despite the fact that they are manifestations of the same mathematical problem. In this work, we ask if algorithms for dense vectors could be applied effectively to sparse vectors, particularly those that violate the assumptions underlying top-kk retrieval methods. We study IVF-based retrieval where vectors are partitioned into clusters and only a fraction of clusters are searched during retrieval. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of dimensionality reduction for sparse vectors, and examine standard and spherical KMeans for partitioning. Our experiments demonstrate that IVF serves as an efficient solution for sparse MIPS. As byproducts, we identify two research opportunities and demonstrate their potential. First, we cast the IVF paradigm as a dynamic pruning technique and turn that insight into a novel organization of the inverted index for approximate MIPS for general sparse vectors. Second, we offer a unified regime for MIPS over vectors that have dense and sparse subspaces, and show its robustness to query distributions

    Efficient query processing for scalable web search

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    Search engines are exceptionally important tools for accessing information in today’s world. In satisfying the information needs of millions of users, the effectiveness (the quality of the search results) and the efficiency (the speed at which the results are returned to the users) of a search engine are two goals that form a natural trade-off, as techniques that improve the effectiveness of the search engine can also make it less efficient. Meanwhile, search engines continue to rapidly evolve, with larger indexes, more complex retrieval strategies and growing query volumes. Hence, there is a need for the development of efficient query processing infrastructures that make appropriate sacrifices in effectiveness in order to make gains in efficiency. This survey comprehensively reviews the foundations of search engines, from index layouts to basic term-at-a-time (TAAT) and document-at-a-time (DAAT) query processing strategies, while also providing the latest trends in the literature in efficient query processing, including the coherent and systematic reviews of techniques such as dynamic pruning and impact-sorted posting lists as well as their variants and optimisations. Our explanations of query processing strategies, for instance the WAND and BMW dynamic pruning algorithms, are presented with illustrative figures showing how the processing state changes as the algorithms progress. Moreover, acknowledging the recent trends in applying a cascading infrastructure within search systems, this survey describes techniques for efficiently integrating effective learned models, such as those obtained from learning-to-rank techniques. The survey also covers the selective application of query processing techniques, often achieved by predicting the response times of the search engine (known as query efficiency prediction), and making per-query tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness to ensure that the required retrieval speed targets can be met. Finally, the survey concludes with a summary of open directions in efficient search infrastructures, namely the use of signatures, real-time, energy-efficient and modern hardware and software architectures

    Managing tail latency in large scale information retrieval systems

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    As both the availability of internet access and the prominence of smart devices continue to increase, data is being generated at a rate faster than ever before. This massive increase in data production comes with many challenges, including efficiency concerns for the storage and retrieval of such large-scale data. However, users have grown to expect the sub-second response times that are common in most modern search engines, creating a problem - how can such large amounts of data continue to be served efficiently enough to satisfy end users? This dissertation investigates several issues regarding tail latency in large-scale information retrieval systems. Tail latency corresponds to the high percentile latency that is observed from a system - in the case of search, this latency typically corresponds to how long it takes for a query to be processed. In particular, keeping tail latency as low as possible translates to a good experience for all users, as tail latency is directly related to the worst-case latency and hence, the worst possible user experience. The key idea in targeting tail latency is to move from questions such as "what is the median latency of our search engine?" to questions which more accurately capture user experience such as "how many queries take more than 200ms to return answers?" or "what is the worst case latency that a user may be subject to, and how often might it occur?" While various strategies exist for efficiently processing queries over large textual corpora, prior research has focused almost entirely on improvements to the average processing time or cost of search systems. As a first contribution, we examine some state-of-the-art retrieval algorithms for two popular index organizations, and discuss the trade-offs between them, paying special attention to the notion of tail latency. This research uncovers a number of observations that are subsequently leveraged for improved search efficiency and effectiveness. We then propose and solve a new problem, which involves processing a number of related queries together, known as multi-queries, to yield higher quality search results. We experiment with a number of algorithmic approaches to efficiently process these multi-queries, and report on the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness trade-offs present with each. Ultimately, we find that some solutions yield a low tail latency, and are hence suitable for use in real-time search environments. Finally, we examine how predictive models can be used to improve the tail latency and end-to-end cost of a commonly used multi-stage retrieval architecture without impacting result effectiveness. By combining ideas from numerous areas of information retrieval, we propose a prediction framework which can be used for training and evaluating several efficiency/effectiveness trade-off parameters, resulting in improved trade-offs between cost, result quality, and tail latency

    A Modern Primer on Processing in Memory

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    Modern computing systems are overwhelmingly designed to move data to computation. This design choice goes directly against at least three key trends in computing that cause performance, scalability and energy bottlenecks: (1) data access is a key bottleneck as many important applications are increasingly data-intensive, and memory bandwidth and energy do not scale well, (2) energy consumption is a key limiter in almost all computing platforms, especially server and mobile systems, (3) data movement, especially off-chip to on-chip, is very expensive in terms of bandwidth, energy and latency, much more so than computation. These trends are especially severely-felt in the data-intensive server and energy-constrained mobile systems of today. At the same time, conventional memory technology is facing many technology scaling challenges in terms of reliability, energy, and performance. As a result, memory system architects are open to organizing memory in different ways and making it more intelligent, at the expense of higher cost. The emergence of 3D-stacked memory plus logic, the adoption of error correcting codes inside the latest DRAM chips, proliferation of different main memory standards and chips, specialized for different purposes (e.g., graphics, low-power, high bandwidth, low latency), and the necessity of designing new solutions to serious reliability and security issues, such as the RowHammer phenomenon, are an evidence of this trend. This chapter discusses recent research that aims to practically enable computation close to data, an approach we call processing-in-memory (PIM). PIM places computation mechanisms in or near where the data is stored (i.e., inside the memory chips, in the logic layer of 3D-stacked memory, or in the memory controllers), so that data movement between the computation units and memory is reduced or eliminated.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1903.0398

    Achieving Reliable and Sustainable Next-Generation Memories

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    Conventional memory technology scaling has introduced reliability challenges due to dysfunctional, improperly formed cells and crosstalk from increased cell proximity. Furthermore, as the manufacturing effort becomes increasingly complex due to these deeply scaled technologies, holistic sustainability is negatively impacted. The development of new memory technologies can help overcome the capacitor scaling limitations of DRAM. However, these technologies have their own reliability concerns, such as limited write endurance in the case of Phase Change Memories (PCM). Moreover, emerging system requirements, such as in-memory encryption to protect sensitive or private data and operation in harsh environments create additional challenges that must be addressed in the context of reliability and sustainability. This dissertation provides new multifactor and ultimately unified solutions to address many of these concerns in the same system. In particular, my contributions toward mitigating these issues are as follows. I present GreenChip and GreenAsic, which together provide the first tools to holistically evaluate new computer architecture, chip, and memory design concepts for sustainability. These tools provide detailed estimates of manufacturing and operational-phase metrics for different computing workloads and deployment scenarios. Using GreenChip, I examined existing DRAM reliability techniques in the context of their holistic sustainability impact, including my own technique to mitigate bitline crosstalk. For PCM, I provided a new reliability technique with no additional storage overhead that substantially increases the lifetime of an encrypted memory system. To provide bit-level error correction, I developed compact linked-list and Bloom-filter-based bit-level fault map structures, that provide unprecedented levels of error tabulation, combined with my own novel error correction and lifetime extension approaches based on these maps for less area than traditional ECC. In particular, FaME, can correct N faults using N bits when utilizing a bit-level fault map. For operation in harsh environments, I created a triple modular redundancy (TMR) pointer-based fault map, HOTH, which specifically protects cells shown to be weak to radiation. Finally, to combine the analyses of holistic sustainability and memory lifetime, I created the LARS technique, which adjusts the GreenChip indifference analysis to account for the additional sustainability benefit provided by increased reliability and lifetime