196 research outputs found

    О реализации информационной технологии вероятностного моделирования состояний сложных систем на базе нечетких сетей доверия

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    Рассмотрены ключевые вопросы компьютерной реализации информационной технологии вероятностного моделирования состояний сложных систем на базе нечетких сетей доверия. Конструктивно изложен математический аппарат, с помощью которого осуществляется анализ нечетких сетей доверия и прогнозирования состояний исследуемых систем в условиях неопределенной информации. Значительное внимание уделено методологическим, архитектурным и функциональным вопросам компьютеризации.Розглянуті ключові питання комп'ютерної реалізації інформаційної технології ймовірнісного моделювання станів складних систем на базі нечітких мереж довіри. Конструктивно викладений математичний апарат, за допомогою якого здійснюється аналіз нечітких мереж довіри та прогнозування станів досліджуваних систем в умовах невизначеної інформації. Значна увага приділена технологічним, архітектурним і функціональним питанням комп'ютеризації.The key computer realization questions of information probabilistic modeling technology of the states of complex systems are considered on the base of fuzzy belief networks. A mathematical tool by which the analysis of fuzzy belief networks and prognostication of the states of the investigated systems is carried out under the conditions of indefinite information is structurally expounded. Considerable attention is spared to the technological, architectural and functional questions of computerization

    An Infrared Divergence Problem in the cosmological measure theory and the anthropic reasoning

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    An anthropic principle has made it possible to answer the difficult question of why the observable value of cosmological constant (Λ1047\Lambda\sim 10^{-47} GeV4{}^4) is so disconcertingly tiny compared to predicted value of vacuum energy density ρSUSY1012\rho_{SUSY}\sim 10^{12} GeV4{}^4. Unfortunately, there is a darker side to this argument, as it consequently leads to another absurd prediction: that the probability to observe the value Λ=0\Lambda=0 for randomly selected observer exactly equals to 1. We'll call this controversy an infrared divergence problem. It is shown that the IRD prediction can be avoided with the help of a Linde-Vanchurin {\em singular runaway measure} coupled with the calculation of relative Bayesian probabilities by the means of the {\em doomsday argument}. Moreover, it is shown that while the IRD problem occurs for the {\em prediction stage} of value of Λ\Lambda, it disappears at the {\em explanatory stage} when Λ\Lambda has already been measured by the observer.Comment: 9 pages, RevTe

    Potentialities and usage of Internet communications: A qualitative and quantitative overview.

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    Technological innovation is the main responsible of the phenomenon called Internet. This innovative use of the medium accomplishes those concepts and dreams of science fiction's authors. Nevertheless, the new potentialities supplied by this new medium have only partially been analysed until today. Our purpose is to define a qualitative schema to investigate the main usage of Internet potentialities, joined with a quantitative analysis in the main geographic areas paying a special attention to the national and EEC data. The first goal is pursued identifying the better usage of the medium done by some representitives of the main socio-economic categories. These representitives could be chosen in any geographic area and their performances will be investigated, compared and used to define an analysing schema. The second objective is obtained using the best so-called "search engines", since the main characteristic of a site is represented by it's accessibility. Moreover, some cross-section data will be provided to enhance some more meaningful insights.

    Logic Programming as Constructivism

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    The features of logic programming that seem unconventional from the viewpoint of classical logic can be explained in terms of constructivistic logic. We motivate and propose a constructivistic proof theory of non-Horn logic programming. Then, we apply this formalization for establishing results of practical interest. First, we show that 'stratification can be motivated in a simple and intuitive way. Relying on similar motivations, we introduce the larger classes of 'loosely stratified' and 'constructively consistent' programs. Second, we give a formal basis for introducing quantifiers into queries and logic programs by defining 'constructively domain independent* formulas. Third, we extend the Generalized Magic Sets procedure to loosely stratified and constructively consistent programs, by relying on a 'conditional fixpoini procedure

    Tracing the Territory. A Unitary Foundationalist Account

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    The paper offers an integrative interpretation of the different lines of thought Wittgenstein was inspecting in On Certainty and what he might have been looking for through them. It suggests that we may have been focusing our attention too strongly in the wrong place and comes to a new conclusion about where the real import of these reflections lies. This leads to an answer to the initially posed question of Foundationalism that revises the way in which there can be said to be a grounding intention in On Certainty