3 research outputs found

    Disseny i implementació d'una metodologia per a construir sistemes difusos clàssics de forma automàtica a partir de models FIR

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    En aquest projecte es desenvolupa una nova metodologia que actua com a extensió de la tècnica de FIR. D'una banda construeix de forma automàtica models FIS a partir de models FIR, d'altra banda ofereix la predicció del comportament de sistemes mitjançant un sistema d'inferència híbrid FIR + FISIn this project, a new methodology is developed that acts as an extension of the FIR technique. On one hand, it automatically builds FIS models from FIR models, on the other hand it offers the prediction of the behavior of systems using a FIR + FIS hybrid inference syste

    Algorithms for enhancing pattern separability, feature selection and incremental learning with applications to gas sensing electronic nose systems

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    Three major issues in pattern recognition and data analysis have been addressed in this study and applied to the problem of identification of volatile organic compounds (VOC) for gas sensing applications. Various approaches have been proposed and discussed. These approaches are not only applicable to the VOC identification, but also to a variety of pattern recognition and data analysis problems. In particular, (1) enhancing pattern separability for challenging classification problems, (2) optimum feature selection problem, and (3) incremental learning for neural networks have been investigated;Three different approaches are proposed for enhancing pattern separability for classification of closely spaced, or possibly overlapping clusters. In the neurofuzzy approach, a fuzzy inference system that considers the dynamic ranges of individual features is developed. Feature range stretching (FRS) is introduced as an alternative approach for increasing intercluster distances by mapping the tight dynamic range of each feature to a wider range through a nonlinear function. Finally, a third approach, nonlinear cluster transformation (NCT), is proposed, which increases intercluster distances while preserving intracluster distances. It is shown that NCT achieves comparable, or better, performance than the other two methods at a fraction of the computational burden. The implementation issues and relative advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are systematically investigated;Selection of optimum features is addressed using both a decision tree based approach, and a wrapper approach. The hill-climb search based wrapper approach is applied for selection of the optimum features for gas sensing problems;Finally, a new method, Learn++, is proposed that gives classification algorithms, the capability of incrementally learning from new data. Learn++ is introduced for incremental learning of new data, when the original database is no longer available. Learn++ algorithm is based on strategically combining an ensemble of classifiers, each of which is trained to learn only a small portion of the pattern space. Furthermore, Learn++ is capable of learning new data even when new classes are introduced, and it also features a built-in mechanism for estimating the reliability of its classification decision;All proposed methods are explained in detail and simulation results are discussed along with directions for future work

    A Neuro-Expert Approach for Decision -Making in Welding Environment.

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    Decision making in welding is very important for achieving a good quality welded joint for the least possible cost. Of particular interest is decision making involving the selection of process, parameters, weld procedure specification, defect analysis and trouble shooting. This research has provided a means of capturing the planning knowledge in a Neuro-Expert System in a form that is capable of learning new information, correcting old information and automating the decision-making process in a welding environment. A strategy is formulated for the representation of knowledge in the form of a neural links and the translation of rules into neural link weights. After training those weights were converted back into rules to find out the inconsistent rules and capture new rules using a new approach. The various job variables affecting the process of welding are identified in detail and a Neuro-Expert system for the selection of process, parameters and weld procedure specification is developed. The neural networks are integrated with an expert system for decision making in welding environment. Apart from providing the initial parameters of welding, the expert system is used to validate the output of the neural network and served as a user-friendly interface for the neural network. Defect Analysis is performed in welding domain by mapping the welding parameters and defect patterns in a neural network. A neural network based approach for representing the knowledge in expert system is utilized for this purpose as the modification and updating of the knowledge was easier