3 research outputs found

    Dialogue Management and Language Generation for a Robust Conversational Virtual Coach: Validation and User Study

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    Designing human–machine interactive systems requires cooperation between different disciplines is required. In this work, we present a Dialogue Manager and a Language Generator that are the core modules of a Voice-based Spoken Dialogue System (SDS) capable of carrying out challenging, long and complex coaching conversations. We also develop an efficient integration procedure of the whole system that will act as an intelligent and robust Virtual Coach. The coaching task significantly differs from the classical applications of SDSs, resulting in a much higher degree of complexity and difficulty. The Virtual Coach has been successfully tested and validated in a user study with independent elderly, in three different countries with three different languages and cultures: Spain, France and Norway.The research presented in this paper has been conducted as part of the project EMPATHIC that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant No. 769872. Additionally, this work has been partially funded by projects BEWORD and AMIC-PC of the Minister of Science of Technology, under Grant Nos. PID2021-126061OB-C42 and PDC2021-120846-C43, respectively. Vázquez and López Zorrilla received a PhD scholarship from the Basque Government, with Grant Nos. PRE 2020 1 0274 and PRE 2017 1 0357, respectively

    Voice interfaces in mobile human-robot collaboration for advanced manufacturing systems.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Abstract available in PDF

    Towards structured neural spoken dialogue modelling.

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    195 p.In this thesis, we try to alleviate some of the weaknesses of the current approaches to dialogue modelling,one of the most challenging areas of Artificial Intelligence. We target three different types of dialogues(open-domain, task-oriented and coaching sessions), and use mainly machine learning algorithms to traindialogue models. One challenge of open-domain chatbots is their lack of response variety, which can betackled using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We present two methodological contributions inthis regard. On the one hand, we develop a method to circumvent the non-differentiability of textprocessingGANs. On the other hand, we extend the conventional task of discriminators, which oftenoperate at a single response level, to the batch level. Meanwhile, two crucial aspects of task-orientedsystems are their understanding capabilities because they need to correctly interpret what the user islooking for and their constraints), and the dialogue strategy. We propose a simple yet powerful way toimprove spoken understanding and adapt the dialogue strategy by explicitly processing the user's speechsignal through audio-processing transformer neural networks. Finally, coaching dialogues shareproperties of open-domain and task-oriented dialogues. They are somehow task-oriented but, there is norush to complete the task, and it is more important to calmly converse to make the users aware of theirown problems. In this context, we describe our collaboration in the EMPATHIC project, where a VirtualCoach capable of carrying out coaching dialogues about nutrition was built, using a modular SpokenDialogue System. Second, we model such dialogues with an end-to-end system based on TransferLearning