66 research outputs found

    Incremental syntax generation with tree adjoining grammars

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    With the increasing capacity of AI systems the design of human--computer interfaces has become a favorite research topic in AI. In this paper we focus on aspects of the output of a computer. The architecture of a sentence generation component -- embedded in the WIP system -- is described. The main emphasis is laid on the motivation for the incremental style of processing and the encoding of adequate linguistic units as rules of a Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar with Unification

    Constraint-based graphical layout of multimodal presentations

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    When developing advanced multimodal interfaces, combining the characteristics of different modalities such as natural language, graphics, animation, virtual realities, etc., the question of automatically designing the graphical layout of such presentations in an appropriate format becomes increasingly important. So, to communicate information to the user in an expressive and effective way, a knowledge-based layout component has to be integrated into the architecture of an intelligent presentation system. In order to achieve a coherent output, it must be able to reflect certain semantic and pragmatic relations specified by a presentation planner to arrange the visual appearance of a mixture of textual and graphic fragments delivered by mode-specific generators. In this paper we will illustrate by the example of LayLab, the layout manager of the multimodal presentation system WIP, how the complex positioning problem for multimodal information can be treated as a constraint satisfaction problem. The design of an aesthetically pleasing layout is characterized as a combination of a general search problem in a finite discrete search space and an optimization problem. Therefore, we have integrated two dedicated constraint solvers, an incremental hierarchy solver and a finite domain solver, in a layered constraint solver model CLAY, which is triggered from a common metalevel by rules and defaults. The underlying constraint language is able to encode graphical design knowledge expressed by semantic/pragmatic, geometrical/topological, and temporal relations. Furthermore, this mechanism allows one to prioritize the constraints as well as to handle constraint solving over finite domains. As graphical constraints frequently have only local effects, they are incrementally generated by the system on the fly. Ultimately, we will illustrate the functionality of LayLab by some snapshots of an example run

    Planbasierte graphische Hilfe in objektorientierten Benutzungsoberflächen

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    Wir stellen das System PLUS vor, ein planbasiertes graphisches Hilfesystem für Applikationen mit einer objektorientierten Benutzerschnittstelle. Es werden die Hilfekomponente InCome+, die Animationskomponente und der graphik-orientierte Planeditor PlanEdit+ beschrieben. PlanEdit+ ermöglicht den interaktiven Aufbau der hierarchischen Planbasis, die die Grundlage für den Planerkennungsprozeß bildet.Eine zentrale Komponente der graphischen Hilfe in unserem System stellt das Modul InCome+ dar, das den Interaktionskontext des Benutzers visualisiert und darüberhinaus weitere Features wie semantische Undo- und Redo-Möglichkeiten und einen kontext-sensitiven Tutor zur Verfügung stellt. Als wesentliche Erweiterung der graphischen Benutzerunterstützung wird innerhalb von PLUS die Präsentation animierter Hilfe integriert. Es werden Benutzeraktionen simuliert, indem eine Animation über die aktuelle Benutzerschnittstelle gelagert wird. Die Animationssequenz wird im Kontext der aktuell vom Benutzer verfolgten Aufgabe generiert

    Constraint-basierte Verarbeitung graphischen Wissens

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    Bei der Entwicklung neuerer intelligenter Benutzerschnittstellen, die wie im Beispiel des multimodalen Präsentationssystems WIP natürliche Sprache und Graphik kombinieren, spielt insbesondere die wissensbasierte Gestaltung des Layouts multimodaler Dokumente eine wichtige Rolle. Am Beispiel des Layout-Managers in WIP soll gezeigt werden, wie aufgrund der von einem Präsentationsplaner spezifizierten semantischen und pragmatischen Relationen, die von den media-spezifischen Generatoren erzeugten Graphik- und Textfragmente in einem Dokument automatische arrangiert werden können. Dabei wird das Layoutproblem als Constraint-Satisfaction-Problem behandelt. Es wird hier gezeigt, wie der Constraint-Ansatz sowohl zur Repräsentation von graphischem Wissen, als auch zur Berechnung der Platzierung der Layoutobjekte auf einem Design-Grid verwendet werden kann. So werden semantische Kohärenzrelationen wie etwa "sequence" oder "contrast" durch entsprechende Design-Constraints reflektiert, die perzeptuelle Kriterien (Alignierung, Gruppierung, Symmetrie, etc.) spezifizieren. Zur Realisierung wird in WIP ein mehrschichtiger inkrementeller Constraint-Solver mit lokaler Propagierung verwendet, der es erlaubt, Constraints dynamisch zu generieren

    Perspektiven zur Kombination von automatischem Animationsdesign und planbasierter Hilfe

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    Aktuelle Themen auf dem Gebiet der intelligenten Benutzerschnittstellen behandeln derzeit die automatische Planung multimodaler Präsentationen. Hierbei stand bisher im wesentlichen die koordinierte Generierung von Text und Graphik im Vordergrund. In Zukunft wird hier aufgrund der Komplexität der zu präsentierenden Information zunehmend auch die Einbeziehung realistischer animierter 3D-Graphiken gefordert sein. Einen anderen wichtigen Forschungsschwerpunkt bildet der Einsatz graphischer Ausgabekomponenten für planbasierte Hilfesysteme. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat zum Ziel zunächst einen Überblick über den derzeitigen Stand der Forschung in diesen beiden Bereichen zu geben, als auch neue Anforderungen an die automatische Animationsgenerierung und an Systeme zur planbasierten graphischen Hilfe zu formulieren. Anschließend wollen wir, basierend auf Ergebnissen und Erfahrungen aus WIP und PLUS, Perspektiven für eine mögliche Weiterentwicklung und Integration von Techniken der Animationsplanung und graphischen Hilfe präsentieren

    Integrated plan generation and recognition : a logic-based approach

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    The work we present in this paper is settled within the field of intelligent help systems. Intelligent help systems aim at supporting users of application systems by the achievements of qualified experts. In order to provide such qualified support our approach is based on the integration of plan generation and plan recognition components. Plan recognition in this context serves to identify the users goals and so forms the basis for an active user support. The planning component dynamically generates plans which are proposed for the user to reach her goal. We introduce a logic-based approach where plan generation and plan recognition is done on a common logical basis and both components work in some kind of cross-talk

    PIM : planning in manufacturing using skeletal plans and features

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    In order to create a production plan from product model data, a human expert thinks in a special terminology with respect to the given work piece and its production plan: He recognizes certain features and associates fragments of a production plan. By combining these skeletal plans he generates the complete production plan. We present a set of representation formalisms suitable for the modelling of this approach. When an expert\u27s knowledge has been represented using these formalisms, the generation of a production plan can be achieved by a sequence of abstraction, selection and refinement. This is demonstrated in the CAPP-system PIM, which is currently developed as a prototype. The close modelling of the knowledge of the concrete expert (or the accumulated know-how of a concrete factory) facilitate the development of planning systems which are especially tailored to the concrete manufacturing environment and optimally use the expert\u27s knowledge and should also lead to improved acceptance of the system

    Knowledge acquisition from text in a complex domain

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    Complex real world domains can be characterized by a large amount of data, their interactions and that the knowledge must often be related to concrete problems. Therefore, the available descriptions of real world domains do not easily lend themselves to an adequate representation. The knowledge which is relevant for solving a given problem must be extracted from such descriptions with the help of the knowledge acquisition process. Such a process must adequately relate the acquired knowledge to the given problem. An integrated knowledge acquisition framework is developed to relate the acquired knowledge to real world problems. The interactive knowledge acquisition tool COKAM+ is one of three acquisition tools within this integrated framework. It extracts the knowledge from text, provides a documentation of the knowledge and structures it with respect to problems. All these preparations can serve to represent the obtained knowledge adequately

    On the commitments and precommitments of limited agents

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    Rationality is an important concept in Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy. When artificial systems are considered to be intelligent or autonomous, it is almost obligatory to attribute intentions and beliefs to them. The currently dominant view of intentions sees them as involving commitments on the part of the agents who have them. But the notion of commitment seems to clash with the notion of rationality. It is argued that this need not be so. Commitments are only appropriate for agents with a limited capacity to reason. A treatment of commitment has been previously proposed that reconciles them with rationality. Here further motivations for the commitments of limited agents are discussed. This analysis is extended to account for the so-called precommitments, which have been excluded by others as introducing too much complexity

    Deductive planning and plan reuse in a command language environment

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    In this paper we introduce a deductive planning system currently being developed as the kernel of an intelligent help system. It consists of a deductive planner and a plan reuse component and with that provides planning from first as well as planning from second principles. Both components rely upon an interval-based temporal logic. The deductive formalisms realizing plan formation from formal specifications and the reuse of already existing plans respectively are presented and demonstrated by examples taken from an operating system\u27s domain