645 research outputs found

    Sequential Quantiles via Hermite Series Density Estimation

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    Sequential quantile estimation refers to incorporating observations into quantile estimates in an incremental fashion thus furnishing an online estimate of one or more quantiles at any given point in time. Sequential quantile estimation is also known as online quantile estimation. This area is relevant to the analysis of data streams and to the one-pass analysis of massive data sets. Applications include network traffic and latency analysis, real time fraud detection and high frequency trading. We introduce new techniques for online quantile estimation based on Hermite series estimators in the settings of static quantile estimation and dynamic quantile estimation. In the static quantile estimation setting we apply the existing Gauss-Hermite expansion in a novel manner. In particular, we exploit the fact that Gauss-Hermite coefficients can be updated in a sequential manner. To treat dynamic quantile estimation we introduce a novel expansion with an exponentially weighted estimator for the Gauss-Hermite coefficients which we term the Exponentially Weighted Gauss-Hermite (EWGH) expansion. These algorithms go beyond existing sequential quantile estimation algorithms in that they allow arbitrary quantiles (as opposed to pre-specified quantiles) to be estimated at any point in time. In doing so we provide a solution to online distribution function and online quantile function estimation on data streams. In particular we derive an analytical expression for the CDF and prove consistency results for the CDF under certain conditions. In addition we analyse the associated quantile estimator. Simulation studies and tests on real data reveal the Gauss-Hermite based algorithms to be competitive with a leading existing algorithm.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures. Improved version incorporating referee comments, as appears in Electronic Journal of Statistic

    Adaptive estimation and change detection of correlation and quantiles for evolving data streams

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    Streaming data processing is increasingly playing a central role in enterprise data architectures due to an abundance of available measurement data from a wide variety of sources and advances in data capture and infrastructure technology. Data streams arrive, with high frequency, as never-ending sequences of events, where the underlying data generating process always has the potential to evolve. Business operations often demand real-time processing of data streams for keeping models up-to-date and timely decision-making. For example in cybersecurity contexts, analysing streams of network data can aid the detection of potentially malicious behaviour. Many tools for statistical inference cannot meet the challenging demands of streaming data, where the computational cost of updates to models must be constant to ensure continuous processing as data scales. Moreover, these tools are often not capable of adapting to changes, or drift, in the data. Thus, new tools for modelling data streams with efficient data processing and model updating capabilities, referred to as streaming analytics, are required. Regular intervention for control parameter configuration is prohibitive to the truly continuous processing constraints of streaming data. There is a notable absence of such tools designed with both temporal-adaptivity to accommodate drift and the autonomy to not rely on control parameter tuning. Streaming analytics with these properties can be developed using an Adaptive Forgetting (AF) framework, with roots in adaptive filtering. The fundamental contributions of this thesis are to extend the streaming toolkit by using the AF framework to develop autonomous and temporally-adaptive streaming analytics. The first contribution uses the AF framework to demonstrate the development of a model, and validation procedure, for estimating time-varying parameters of bivariate data streams from cyber-physical systems. This is accompanied by a novel continuous monitoring change detection system that compares adaptive and non-adaptive estimates. The second contribution is the development of a streaming analytic for the correlation coefficient and an associated change detector to monitor changes to correlation structures across streams. This is demonstrated on cybersecurity network data. The third contribution is a procedure for estimating time-varying binomial data with thorough exploration of the nuanced behaviour of this estimator. The final contribution is a framework to enhance extant streaming quantile estimators with autonomous, temporally-adaptive properties. In addition, a novel streaming quantile procedure is developed and demonstrated, in an extensive simulation study, to show appealing performance.Open Acces

    A statistical analysis of particle trajectories in living cells

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    Recent advances in molecular biology and fluorescence microscopy imaging have made possible the inference of the dynamics of single molecules in living cells. Such inference allows to determine the organization and function of the cell. The trajectories of particles in the cells, computed with tracking algorithms, can be modelled with diffusion processes. Three types of diffusion are considered : (i) free diffusion; (ii) subdiffusion or (iii) superdiffusion. The Mean Square Displacement (MSD) is generally used to determine the different types of dynamics of the particles in living cells (Qian, Sheetz and Elson 1991). We propose here a non-parametric three-decision test as an alternative to the MSD method. The rejection of the null hypothesis -- free diffusion -- is accompanied by claims of the direction of the alternative (subdiffusion or a superdiffusion). We study the asymptotic behaviour of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, and under parametric alternatives which are currently considered in the biophysics literature, (Monnier et al,2012) for example. In addition, we adapt the procedure of Benjamini and Hochberg (2000) to fit with the three-decision test setting, in order to apply the test procedure to a collection of independent trajectories. The performance of our procedure is much better than the MSD method as confirmed by Monte Carlo experiments. The method is demonstrated on real data sets corresponding to protein dynamics observed in fluorescence microscopy.Comment: Revised introduction. A clearer and shorter description of the model (section 2

    Sequential nonparametric estimation via Hermite series estimators

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    Algorithms for estimating the statistical properties of streams of data in real time, as well as for the efficient analysis of massive data sets, are becoming particularly pertinent given the increasing ubiquity of such data. In this thesis we introduce novel approaches to sequential (online) estimation in both stationary and non-stationary settings based on Hermite series density estimators. In the univariate context we apply Hermite series based distribution function estimators to sequential cumulative distribution function estimation. These distribution function estimators are particularly useful because they allow the sequential estimation of the full cumulative distribution function. This is in contrast to the empirical distribution function estimator and smooth kernel distribution function estimator which only allow sequential cumulative probability estimation at predefined values on the support of the associated density function. We explore the asymptotic consistency and robustness properties of the Hermite series based cumulative distribution function estimator thereby redressing a gap in the literature. Given the sequential Hermite series based distribution function estimator, we obtain sequential quantile estimates numerically. Our algorithms go beyond existing sequential quantile estimation algorithms in that they allow arbitrary quantiles (as opposed to pre-specified quantiles) to be estimated at any point in time, in both the static and dynamic quantile estimation settings. In the bivariate context we introduce a Hermite series based sequential estimator for the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and provide algorithms applicable in both the stationary and non-stationary settings. To treat the the non-stationary setting, we introduce a novel, exponentially weighted estimator for the Spearman's rank correlation, which allows the local nonparametric correlation of a bivariate data stream to be tracked. To the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm to be proposed for estimating a time-varying Spearman's rank correlation that does not rely on a moving window approach. We explore the practical effectiveness of the Hermite series based estimators through real data and simulation studies, demonstrating competitive performance compared to leading existing algorithms. The potential applications of this work are manifold. Our sequential distribution function and quantile estimation algorithms can be applied to real time anomaly and outlier detection, real time provisioning for future demand as well as real time risk estimation for example. The Hermite series based Spearman's rank correlation estimator can be applied to fast and robust online calculation of correlation which may vary over time. Possible machine learning applications include fast feature selection and hierarchical clustering on massive data sets amongst others

    Identification and Inference in Nonlinear Difference-In-Differences Models

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    This paper develops an alternative approach to the widely used Difference-In-Difference (DID) method for evaluating the effects of policy changes. In contrast to the standard approach, we introduce a nonlinear model that permits changes over time in the effect of unobservables (e.g., there may be a time trend in the level of wages as well as the returns to skill in the labor market). Further, our assumptions are independent of the scaling of the outcome. Our approach provides an estimate of the entire counterfactual distribution of outcomes that would have been experienced by the treatment group in the absence of the treatment, and likewise for the untreated group in the presence of the treatment. Thus, it enables the evaluation of policy interventions according to criteria such as a mean-variance tradeoff. We provide conditions under which the model is nonparametrically identified and propose an estimator. We consider extensions to allow for covariates and discrete dependent variables. We also analyze inference, showing that our estimator is root-N consistent and asymptotically normal. Finally, we consider an application.
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