3 research outputs found

    Convolutional auto-encoded extreme learning machine for incremental learning of heterogeneous images

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    In real-world scenarios, a system's continual updating of learning knowledge becomes more critical as the data grows faster, producing vast volumes of data. Moreover, the learning process becomes complex when the data features become varied due to the addition or deletion of classes. In such cases, the generated model should learn effectively. Incremental learning refers to the learning of data which constantly arrives over time. This learning requires continuous model adaptation but with limited memory resources without sacrificing model accuracy. In this paper, we proposed a straightforward knowledge transfer algorithm (convolutional auto-encoded extreme learning machine (CAE-ELM)) implemented through the incremental learning methodology for the task of supervised classification using an extreme learning machine (ELM). Incremental learning is achieved by creating an individual train model for each set of homogeneous data and incorporating the knowledge transfer among the models without sacrificing accuracy with minimal memory resources. In CAE-ELM, convolutional neural network (CNN) extracts the features, stacked autoencoder (SAE) reduces the size, and ELM learns and classifies the images. Our proposed algorithm is implemented and experimented on various standard datasets: MNIST, ORL, JAFFE, FERET and Caltech. The results show a positive sign of the correctness of the proposed algorithm

    Incremental Learning for Classification of Unstructured Data Using Extreme Learning Machine

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    Unstructured data are irregular information with no predefined data model. Streaming data which constantly arrives over time is unstructured, and classifying these data is a tedious task as they lack class labels and get accumulated over time. As the data keeps growing, it becomes difficult to train and create a model from scratch each time. Incremental learning, a self-adaptive algorithm uses the previously learned model information, then learns and accommodates new information from the newly arrived data providing a new model, which avoids the retraining. The incrementally learned knowledge helps to classify the unstructured data. In this paper, we propose a framework CUIL (Classification of Unstructured data using Incremental Learning) which clusters the metadata, assigns a label for each cluster and then creates a model using Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), a feed-forward neural network, incrementally for each batch of data arrived. The proposed framework trains the batches separately, reducing the memory resources, training time significantly and is tested with metadata created for the standard image datasets like MNIST, STL-10, CIFAR-10, Caltech101, and Caltech256. Based on the tabulated results, our proposed work proves to show greater accuracy and efficiency

    Incremental Learning for Classification of Unstructured Data Using Extreme Learning Machine

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    Unstructured data are irregular information with no predefined data model. Streaming data which constantly arrives over time is unstructured, and classifying these data is a tedious task as they lack class labels and get accumulated over time. As the data keeps growing, it becomes difficult to train and create a model from scratch each time. Incremental learning, a self-adaptive algorithm uses the previously learned model information, then learns and accommodates new information from the newly arrived data providing a new model, which avoids the retraining. The incrementally learned knowledge helps to classify the unstructured data. In this paper, we propose a framework CUIL (Classification of Unstructured data using Incremental Learning) which clusters the metadata, assigns a label for each cluster and then creates a model using Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), a feed-forward neural network, incrementally for each batch of data arrived. The proposed framework trains the batches separately, reducing the memory resources, training time significantly and is tested with metadata created for the standard image datasets like MNIST, STL-10, CIFAR-10, Caltech101, and Caltech256. Based on the tabulated results, our proposed work proves to show greater accuracy and efficiency