8,994 research outputs found

    Multi-scale window specification over streaming trajectories

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    Enormous amounts of positional information are collected by monitoring applications in domains such as fleet management cargo transport wildlife protection etc. With the advent of modern location-based services processing such data mostly focuses on providing real-time response to a variety of user requests in continuous and scalable fashion. An important class of such queries concerns evolving trajectories that continuously trace the streaming locations of moving objects like GPS-equipped vehicles commodities with RFID\u27s people with smartphones etc. In this work we propose an advanced windowing operator that enables online incremental examination of recent motion paths at multiple resolutions for numerous point entities. When applied against incoming positions this window can abstract trajectories at coarser representations towards the past while retaining progressively finer features closer to the present. We explain the semantics of such multi-scale sliding windows through parameterized functions that reflect the sequential nature of trajectories and can effectively capture their spatiotemporal properties. Such window specification goes beyond its usual role for non-blocking processing of multiple concurrent queries. Actually it can offer concrete subsequences from each trajectory thus preserving continuity in time and contiguity in space along the respective segments. Further we suggest language extensions in order to express characteristic spatiotemporal queries using windows. Finally we discuss algorithms for nested maintenance of multi-scale windows and evaluate their efficiency against streaming positional data offering empirical evidence of their benefits to online trajectory processing

    On trip planning queries in spatial databases

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    In this paper we discuss a new type of query in Spatial Databases, called Trip Planning Query (TPQ). Given a set of points P in space, where each point belongs to a category, and given two points s and e, TPQ asks for the best trip that starts at s, passes through exactly one point from each category, and ends at e. An example of a TPQ is when a user wants to visit a set of different places and at the same time minimize the total travelling cost, e.g. what is the shortest travelling plan for me to visit an automobile shop, a CVS pharmacy outlet, and a Best Buy shop along my trip from A to B? The trip planning query is an extension of the well-known TSP problem and therefore is NP-hard. The difficulty of this query lies in the existence of multiple choices for each category. In this paper, we first study fast approximation algorithms for the trip planning query in a metric space, assuming that the data set fits in main memory, and give the theory analysis of their approximation bounds. Then, the trip planning query is examined for data sets that do not fit in main memory and must be stored on disk. For the disk-resident data, we consider two cases. In one case, we assume that the points are located in Euclidean space and indexed with an Rtree. In the other case, we consider the problem of points that lie on the edges of a spatial network (e.g. road network) and the distance between two points is defined using the shortest distance over the network. Finally, we give an experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithms using synthetic data sets generated on real road networks

    On trip planning queries in spatial databases

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    In this paper we discuss a new type of query in Spatial Databases, called Trip Planning Query (TPQ). Given a set of points P in space, where each point belongs to a category, and given two points s and e, TPQ asks for the best trip that starts at s, passes through exactly one point from each category, and ends at e. An example of a TPQ is when a user wants to visit a set of different places and at the same time minimize the total travelling cost, e.g. what is the shortest travelling plan for me to visit an automobile shop, a CVS pharmacy outlet, and a Best Buy shop along my trip from A to B? The trip planning query is an extension of the well-known TSP problem and therefore is NP-hard. The difficulty of this query lies in the existence of multiple choices for each category. In this paper, we first study fast approximation algorithms for the trip planning query in a metric space, assuming that the data set fits in main memory, and give the theory analysis of their approximation bounds. Then, the trip planning query is examined for data sets that do not fit in main memory and must be stored on disk. For the disk-resident data, we consider two cases. In one case, we assume that the points are located in Euclidean space and indexed with an Rtree. In the other case, we consider the problem of points that lie on the edges of a spatial network (e.g. road network) and the distance between two points is defined using the shortest distance over the network. Finally, we give an experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithms using synthetic data sets generated on real road networks

    Multi-dimensional data indexing and range query processing via Voronoi diagram for internet of things

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    In a typical Internet of Things (IoT) deployment such as smart cities and Industry 4.0, the amount of sensory data collected from physical world is significant and wide-ranging. Processing large amount of real-time data from the diverse IoT devices is challenging. For example, in IoT environment, wireless sensor networks (WSN) are typically used for the monitoring and collecting of data in some geographic area. Spatial range queries with location constraints to facilitate data indexing are traditionally employed in such applications, which allows the querying and managing the data based on SQL structure. One particular challenge is to minimize communication cost and storage requirements in multi-dimensional data indexing approaches. In this paper, we present an energy- and time-efficient multidimensional data indexing scheme, which is designed to answer range query. Specifically, we propose data indexing methods which utilize hierarchical indexing structures, using binary space partitioning (BSP), such as kd-tree, quad-tree, k-means clustering, and Voronoi-based methods to provide more efficient routing with less latency. Simulation results demonstrate that the Voronoi Diagram-based algorithm minimizes the average energy consumption and query response time

    ODIN: Object Density Aware Index for CkNN Queries over Moving Objects on Road Networks

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    We study the problem of processing continuous k nearest neighbor (CkNN) queries over moving objects on road networks, which is an essential operation in a variety of applications. We are particularly concerned with scenarios where the object densities in different parts of the road network evolve over time as the objects move. Existing methods on CkNN query processing are ill-suited for such scenarios as they utilize index structures with fixed granularities and are thus unable to keep up with the evolving object densities. In this paper, we directly address this problem and propose an object density aware index structure called ODIN that is an elastic tree built on a hierarchical partitioning of the road network. It is equipped with the unique capability of dynamically folding/unfolding its nodes, thereby adapting to varying object densities. We further present the ODIN-KNN-Init and ODIN-KNN-Inc algorithms for the initial identification of the kNNs and the incremental update of query result as objects move. Thorough experiments on both real and synthetic datasets confirm the superiority of our proposal over several baseline methods.Comment: A shorter version of this technical report has been accepted for publication as a regular paper in TKD

    Efficient And Scalable Evaluation Of Continuous, Spatio-temporal Queries In Mobile Computing Environments

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    A variety of research exists for the processing of continuous queries in large, mobile environments. Each method tries, in its own way, to address the computational bottleneck of constantly processing so many queries. For this research, we present a two-pronged approach at addressing this problem. Firstly, we introduce an efficient and scalable system for monitoring traditional, continuous queries by leveraging the parallel processing capability of the Graphics Processing Unit. We examine a naive CPU-based solution for continuous range-monitoring queries, and we then extend this system using the GPU. Additionally, with mobile communication devices becoming commodity, location-based services will become ubiquitous. To cope with the very high intensity of location-based queries, we propose a view oriented approach of the location database, thereby reducing computation costs by exploiting computation sharing amongst queries requiring the same view. Our studies show that by exploiting the parallel processing power of the GPU, we are able to significantly scale the number of mobile objects, while maintaining an acceptable level of performance. Our second approach was to view this research problem as one belonging to the domain of data streams. Several works have convincingly argued that the two research fields of spatiotemporal data streams and the management of moving objects can naturally come together. [IlMI10, ChFr03, MoXA04] For example, the output of a GPS receiver, monitoring the position of a mobile object, is viewed as a data stream of location updates. This data stream of location updates, along with those from the plausibly many other mobile objects, is received at a centralized server, which processes the streams upon arrival, effectively updating the answers to the currently active queries in real time. iv For this second approach, we present GEDS, a scalable, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based framework for the evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries over spatiotemporal data streams. Specifically, GEDS employs the computation sharing and parallel processing paradigms to deliver scalability in the evaluation of continuous, spatio-temporal range queries and continuous, spatio-temporal kNN queries. The GEDS framework utilizes the parallel processing capability of the GPU, a stream processor by trade, to handle the computation required in this application. Experimental evaluation shows promising performance and shows the scalability and efficacy of GEDS in spatio-temporal data streaming environments. Additional performance studies demonstrate that, even in light of the costs associated with memory transfers, the parallel processing power provided by GEDS clearly counters and outweighs any associated costs. Finally, in an effort to move beyond the analysis of specific algorithms over the GEDS framework, we take a broader approach in our analysis of GPU computing. What algorithms are appropriate for the GPU? What types of applications can benefit from the parallel and stream processing power of the GPU? And can we identify a class of algorithms that are best suited for GPU computing? To answer these questions, we develop an abstract performance model, detailing the relationship between the CPU and the GPU. From this model, we are able to extrapolate a list of attributes common to successful GPU-based applications, thereby providing insight into which algorithms and applications are best suited for the GPU and also providing an estimated theoretical speedup for said GPU-based application

    Optimal-Location-Selection Query Processing in Spatial Databases

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    Abstract—This paper introduces and solves a novel type of spatial queries, namely, Optimal-Location-Selection (OLS) search, which has many applications in real life. Given a data object set DA, a target object set DB, a spatial region R, and a critical distance dc in a multidimensional space, an OLS query retrieves those target objects in DB that are outside R but have maximal optimality. Here, the optimality of a target object b 2 DB located outside R is defined as the number of the data objects from DA that are inside R and meanwhile have their distances to b not exceeding dc. When there is a tie, the accumulated distance from the data objects to b serves as the tie breaker, and the one with smaller distance has the better optimality. In this paper, we present the optimality metric, formalize the OLS query, and propose several algorithms for processing OLS queries efficiently. A comprehensive experimental evaluation has been conducted using both real and synthetic data sets to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. Index Terms—Query processing, optimal-location-selection, spatial database, algorithm. Ç

    A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques

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    Many security and software testing applications require checking whether certain properties of a program hold for any possible usage scenario. For instance, a tool for identifying software vulnerabilities may need to rule out the existence of any backdoor to bypass a program's authentication. One approach would be to test the program using different, possibly random inputs. As the backdoor may only be hit for very specific program workloads, automated exploration of the space of possible inputs is of the essence. Symbolic execution provides an elegant solution to the problem, by systematically exploring many possible execution paths at the same time without necessarily requiring concrete inputs. Rather than taking on fully specified input values, the technique abstractly represents them as symbols, resorting to constraint solvers to construct actual instances that would cause property violations. Symbolic execution has been incubated in dozens of tools developed over the last four decades, leading to major practical breakthroughs in a number of prominent software reliability applications. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of the main ideas, challenges, and solutions developed in the area, distilling them for a broad audience. The present survey has been accepted for publication at ACM Computing Surveys. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5FvcComment: This is the authors pre-print copy. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5Fv
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