314 research outputs found

    Parsing Argumentation Structures in Persuasive Essays

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    In this article, we present a novel approach for parsing argumentation structures. We identify argument components using sequence labeling at the token level and apply a new joint model for detecting argumentation structures. The proposed model globally optimizes argument component types and argumentative relations using integer linear programming. We show that our model considerably improves the performance of base classifiers and significantly outperforms challenging heuristic baselines. Moreover, we introduce a novel corpus of persuasive essays annotated with argumentation structures. We show that our annotation scheme and annotation guidelines successfully guide human annotators to substantial agreement. This corpus and the annotation guidelines are freely available for ensuring reproducibility and to encourage future research in computational argumentation.Comment: Under review in Computational Linguistics. First submission: 26 October 2015. Revised submission: 15 July 201

    Inter-Coder Agreement for Computational Linguistics

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    This article is a survey of methods for measuring agreement among corpus annotators. It exposes the mathematics and underlying assumptions of agreement coefficients, covering Krippendorff's alpha as well as Scott's pi and Cohen's kappa; discusses the use of coefficients in several annotation tasks; and argues that weighted, alpha-like coefficients, traditionally less used than kappa-like measures in computational linguistics, may be more appropriate for many corpus annotation tasks—but that their use makes the interpretation of the value of the coefficient even harder. </jats:p

    Different Flavors of Attention Networks for Argument Mining

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    International audienceArgument mining is a rising area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) concerned with the automatic recognition and interpretation of argument components and their relations. Neural models are by now mature technologies to be exploited for automating the argument mining tasks, despite the issue of data sparseness. This could ease much of the manual effort involved in these tasks, taking into account heterogeneous types of texts and topics. In this work, we evaluate different attention mechanisms applied over a state-of-the-art architecture for sequence labeling. We assess the impact of different flavors of attention in the task of argument component detection over two datasets: essays and legal domain. We show that attention not only models the problem better but also supports interpretability

    Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse

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    The goal of argumentation mining, an evolving research field in computational linguistics, is to design methods capable of analyzing people's argumentation. In this article, we go beyond the state of the art in several ways. (i) We deal with actual Web data and take up the challenges given by the variety of registers, multiple domains, and unrestricted noisy user-generated Web discourse. (ii) We bridge the gap between normative argumentation theories and argumentation phenomena encountered in actual data by adapting an argumentation model tested in an extensive annotation study. (iii) We create a new gold standard corpus (90k tokens in 340 documents) and experiment with several machine learning methods to identify argument components. We offer the data, source codes, and annotation guidelines to the community under free licenses. Our findings show that argumentation mining in user-generated Web discourse is a feasible but challenging task.Comment: Cite as: Habernal, I. & Gurevych, I. (2017). Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse. Computational Linguistics 43(1), pp. 125-17


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    Recent advances in the biomedical sciences have led to an enormous increase in the amount of research literature being published, most of it in electronic form; researchers are finding it difficult to keep up-to-date on all of the new developments in their fields. As a result there is a need to develop automated Text Mining tools to filter and organize data in a way which is useful to researchers. Human-annotated data are often used as the ‘gold standard’ to train such systems via machine learning methods. This thesis reports on a project where three annotators applied two Models of rhetoric (argument) to a corpus of on-line biomedical research texts. How authors structure their argumentation and which rhetorical strategies they employ are key to how researchers present their experimental results; thus rhetorical analysis of a text could allow for the extraction of information which is pertinent for a particular researcher’s purpose. The first Model stems from previous work in Computational Linguistics; it focuses on differentiating ‘new’ from ‘old’ information, and results from analysis of results. The second Model is based on Toulmin’s argument structure (1958/2003); its main focus is to identify ‘Claims’ being made by the authors, but it also differentiates between internal and external evidence, as well as categories of explanation and implications of the current experiment. In order to properly train automated systems, and as a gauge of the shared understanding of the argument scheme being applied, inter-annotator agreement should be relatively high. The results of this study show complete (three-way) inter-annotator agreement on an average of 60.5% of the 400 sentences in the final corpus under Model 1, and 39.3% under Model 2. Analyses of the inter-annotator variation are done in order to examine in detail all of the factors involved; these include particular Model categories, individual annotator preferences, errors, and the corpus data itself. In order to reduce this inter­ annotator variation, revisions to both Models are suggested; also it is recommended that in the future biomedical domain experts, possibly in tandem with experts in rhetoric, be used as annotators


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    Recent advances in the biomedical sciences have led to an enormous increase in the amount of research literature being published, most of it in electronic form; researchers are finding it difficult to keep up-to-date on all of the new developments in their fields. As a result there is a need to develop automated Text Mining tools to filter and organize data in a way which is useful to researchers. Human-annotated data are often used as the ‘gold standard’ to train such systems via machine learning methods. This thesis reports on a project where three annotators applied two Models of rhetoric (argument) to a corpus of on-line biomedical research texts. How authors structure their argumentation and which rhetorical strategies they employ are key to how researchers present their experimental results; thus rhetorical analysis of a text could allow for the extraction of information which is pertinent for a particular researcher’s purpose. The first Model stems from previous work in Computational Linguistics; it focuses on differentiating ‘new’ from ‘old’ information, and results from analysis of results. The second Model is based on Toulmin’s argument structure (1958/2003); its main focus is to identify ‘Claims’ being made by the authors, but it also differentiates between internal and external evidence, as well as categories of explanation and implications of the current experiment. In order to properly train automated systems, and as a gauge of the shared understanding of the argument scheme being applied, inter-annotator agreement should be relatively high. The results of this study show complete (three-way) inter-annotator agreement on m an average of 60.5% of the 400 sentences in the final corpus under Model 1, and 39.3% under Model 2. Analyses of the inter-annotator variation are done in order to examine in detail all of the factors involved; these include particular Model categories, individual annotator preferences, errors, and the corpus data itself. In order to reduce this inter­ annotator variation, revisions to both Models are suggested; also it is recommended that in the future biomedical domain experts, possibly in tandem with experts in rhetoric, be used as annotators

    Argumentative zoning information extraction from scientific text

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    Let me tell you, writing a thesis is not always a barrel of laughs—and strange things can happen, too. For example, at the height of my thesis paranoia, I had a re-current dream in which my cat Amy gave me detailed advice on how to restructure the thesis chapters, which was awfully nice of her. But I also had a lot of human help throughout this time, whether things were going fine or beserk. Most of all, I want to thank Marc Moens: I could not have had a better or more knowledgable supervisor. He always took time for me, however busy he might have been, reading chapters thoroughly in two days. He both had the calmness of mind to give me lots of freedom in research, and the right judgement to guide me away, tactfully but determinedly, from the occasional catastrophe or other waiting along the way. He was great fun to work with and also became a good friend. My work has profitted from the interdisciplinary, interactive and enlightened atmosphere at the Human Communication Centre and the Centre for Cognitive Science (which is now called something else). The Language Technology Group was a great place to work in, as my research was grounded in practical applications develope

    SciKGTeX - A LATEX Package to Semantically Annotate Contributions in Scientific Publications

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    The continuously increasing output of published research makes the work of researchers harder as it becomes impossible to keep track of and compare the most recent advances in a field. Scientific knowledge graphs have been proposed as a solution to structure the content of research publications in a machine-readable way and enable more efficient, computer-assisted workflows for many research activities. Crowdsourcing approaches are used frequently to build and maintain such scientific knowledge graphs. Researchers are motivated to contribute to these crowdsourcing efforts as they want their work to be included in the knowledge graphs and benefit from applications built on top of them. To contribute to scientific knowledge graphs, researchers need simple and easy-to-use solutions to generate new knowledge graph elements and establish the practice of semantic representations in scientific communication. In this thesis, I present SciKGTeX, a LATEX package to semantically annotate scientific contributions at the time of document creation. The LATEX package allows authors of scientific publications to mark the main contributions such as the background, research problem, method, results and conclusion of their work directly in LATEX source files. The package then automatically embeds them as metadata into the generated PDF document. In addition to the package, I document a user evaluation with 26 participants which I conducted to assess the usability and feasibility of the solution. The analysis of the evaluation results shows that SciKGTeX is highly usable with a score of 79 out of 100 on the System Usability Scale. Furthermore, the study showed that the functionalities of the package can be picked up very quickly by the study participants which only needed 7 minutes on average to annotate the main contributions on a sample abstract of a published paper. SciKGTeX demonstrates a new way to generate structured metadata for the key contributions of research publications and embed them into PDF files at the time of document creation
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