8 research outputs found

    A high-speed linear algebra library with automatic parallelism

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    Parallel or distributed processing is key to getting highest performance workstations. However, designing and implementing efficient parallel algorithms is difficult and error-prone. It is even more difficult to write code that is both portable to and efficient on many different computers. Finally, it is harder still to satisfy the above requirements and include the reliability and ease of use required of commercial software intended for use in a production environment. As a result, the application of parallel processing technology to commercial software has been extremely small even though there are numerous computationally demanding programs that would significantly benefit from application of parallel processing. This paper describes DSSLIB, which is a library of subroutines that perform many of the time-consuming computations in engineering and scientific software. DSSLIB combines the high efficiency and speed of parallel computation with a serial programming model that eliminates many undesirable side-effects of typical parallel code. The result is a simple way to incorporate the power of parallel processing into commercial software without compromising maintainability, reliability, or ease of use. This gives significant advantages over less powerful non-parallel entries in the market

    The UCF Report, Vol. 14 No. 14, February 5, 1992

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    Faculty Senate votes to relax UCF\u27s language requirement; Commission\u27s business is UCF\u27s future; MacAdemia \u2792; Chinese new year; Altamonte Gala

    A more efficient document retrieval method for TEXPROS

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    Document processing is a critical element of office automation. Through document classification, extraction and filing, documents are automatically placed into a knowledge base according to certain rules. Document retrieval is a process to get a document back according to a user\u27s requirements and to show the results to the user. Hence, a good user-interface and an efficient retrieval algorithm become core parts of document retrieval. Unlike previous browsers that have been proposed for this purpose, this dissertation develops a new browser that has a user interface with more tools, and one that has a more efficient retrieval algorithm that can deal with a wide variety of retrieval situations. In this dissertation, from the view of an interface, the new browser provides more functions such as zoom in and zoom out , (i.e. automatic scaling of the portion of a graph that is of interest to a user), and help. These functions give users an easier way to view a large graph in one window and provide users with help during the retrieval process. The new browser also provides an algorithm that makes retrieval more efficient by using a reusable base. The Reusable Base is used to hold information that is most related to the user previous desires and the information stored in the Reusable Base is more easily used to form the OP-Net than that in the System Catalog. Hence, it eliminates the need to go to the System Catalog to find the results. This speeds up the retrieval significantly -at least two times faster than without the Reusable Base. Further, the new browser provides information about the folder organization and the document type hierarchy that is in addition to the OP-Net. If users know the type of documents they want, or which folder they are interested in, they can go to the particular document type or the particular folder directly

    Incorporating A Semantic Analysis Into A Document Retrieval Strategy

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    Current information retrieval systems focus on the use of keywords to respond to user queries. We propose the additional use of surface level knowledge in order to improve the accuracy of information retrieval. Our approach is based on the database concept of semantic modeling (particularly entities and relationships among entities). We extend the concept of query-document similarity by recognizing basic entity properties (attributes) which appear in text. We also extend query-document similarity using the linguistic concept of thematic roles. Thematic roles allow us to recognize relationship properties which appear in text. We include several examples to illustrate our approach. Test results which support our approach are reported. The test results concern searching documents and using their contents to perform the intelligent task of answering a question

    Representation and Inference for Open-Domain Question Answering: Strength and Limits of two Italian Semantic Lexicons

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    La ricerca descritta nella tesi è stata dedicata alla costruzione di un prototipo di sistema di Question Answering per la lingua italiana. Il prototipo è stato utilizzato come ambiente di valutazione dell’utilità dell’informazione codificata in due lessici semantici computazionali, ItalWordNet e SIMPLE-CLIPS. Il fine è quello di metter in evidenza ipunti di forza e ilimiti della rappresentazione dell’informazione proposta dai due lessici