21,423 research outputs found

    LATTE: Application Oriented Social Network Embedding

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    In recent years, many research works propose to embed the network structured data into a low-dimensional feature space, where each node is represented as a feature vector. However, due to the detachment of embedding process with external tasks, the learned embedding results by most existing embedding models can be ineffective for application tasks with specific objectives, e.g., community detection or information diffusion. In this paper, we propose study the application oriented heterogeneous social network embedding problem. Significantly different from the existing works, besides the network structure preservation, the problem should also incorporate the objectives of external applications in the objective function. To resolve the problem, in this paper, we propose a novel network embedding framework, namely the "appLicAtion orienTed neTwork Embedding" (Latte) model. In Latte, the heterogeneous network structure can be applied to compute the node "diffusive proximity" scores, which capture both local and global network structures. Based on these computed scores, Latte learns the network representation feature vectors by extending the autoencoder model model to the heterogeneous network scenario, which can also effectively unite the objectives of network embedding and external application tasks. Extensive experiments have been done on real-world heterogeneous social network datasets, and the experimental results have demonstrated the outstanding performance of Latte in learning the representation vectors for specific application tasks.Comment: 11 Pages, 12 Figures, 1 Tabl

    A Semantic Graph-Based Approach for Mining Common Topics From Multiple Asynchronous Text Streams

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    In the age of Web 2.0, a substantial amount of unstructured content are distributed through multiple text streams in an asynchronous fashion, which makes it increasingly difficult to glean and distill useful information. An effective way to explore the information in text streams is topic modelling, which can further facilitate other applications such as search, information browsing, and pattern mining. In this paper, we propose a semantic graph based topic modelling approach for structuring asynchronous text streams. Our model in- tegrates topic mining and time synchronization, two core modules for addressing the problem, into a unified model. Specifically, for handling the lexical gap issues, we use global semantic graphs of each timestamp for capturing the hid- den interaction among entities from all the text streams. For dealing with the sources asynchronism problem, local semantic graphs are employed to discover similar topics of different entities that can be potentially separated by time gaps. Our experiment on two real-world datasets shows that the proposed model significantly outperforms the existing ones

    Multi-layered HITS on Multi-sourced Networks

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    abstract: Network mining has been attracting a lot of research attention because of the prevalence of networks. As the world is becoming increasingly connected and correlated, networks arising from inter-dependent application domains are often collected from different sources, forming the so-called multi-sourced networks. Examples of such multi-sourced networks include critical infrastructure networks, multi-platform social networks, cross-domain collaboration networks, and many more. Compared with single-sourced network, multi-sourced networks bear more complex structures and therefore could potentially contain more valuable information. This thesis proposes a multi-layered HITS (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) algorithm to perform the ranking task on multi-sourced networks. Specifically, each node in the network receives an authority score and a hub score for evaluating the value of the node itself and the value of its outgoing links respectively. Based on a recent multi-layered network model, which allows more flexible dependency structure across different sources (i.e., layers), the proposed algorithm leverages both within-layer smoothness and cross-layer consistency. This essentially allows nodes from different layers to be ranked accordingly. The multi-layered HITS is formulated as a regularized optimization problem with non-negative constraint and solved by an iterative update process. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and explainability of the proposed algorithm.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201
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