140 research outputs found

    Hierarchies of tree series transformations

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    AbstractWe study bottom-up and top-down tree series transducers over a semiring A and denote the tree series transformation classes computed by them by BOTt−ts(A) and TOPt−ts(A), respectively. We present the inclusion diagram of the classes p-BOTt−tsn(A), p-TOPt−tsn(A), p-BOTt−tsn+1(A), and p-TOPt−tsn+1(A) and prove its correctness, where A is a commutative izz-semiring (izz=idempotent, zero-divisor free, and zero-sum free) and the prefix p stands for polynomial. This inclusion diagram implies the properness of the following four hierarchies: p-TOPt−ts(A)⊆p-TOPt−ts2(A)⊆p-TOPt−ts3(A)⊆⋯,p-BOTt−ts(A)⊆p-BOTt−ts2(A)⊆p-BOTt−ts3(A)⊆⋯,p-TOPt−ts(A)⊆p-BOTt−ts2(A)⊆p-TOPt−ts3(A)⊆p-BOTt−ts4(A)⊆⋯,p-BOTt−ts(A)⊆p-TOPt−ts2(A)⊆p-BOTt−ts3(A)⊆p-TOPt−ts4(A)⊆⋯,where the first hierarchy generalizes the famous top-down tree transformation hierarchy of Engelfriet (Math. Systems Theory 15 (1982) 95–125). As the second main result we prove that the first two hierarchies are proper even for arbitrary (i.e., not necessarily commutative) izz-semirings

    Inclusion Diagrams for Classes of Deterministic Bottom-up Tree-to-Tree-Series Transformations

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    In this paper we investigate the relationship between classes of tree-to-tree-series (for short: t-ts) and o-tree-to-tree-series (for short: o-t-ts) transformations computed by restricted deterministic bottom-up weighted tree transducers (for short: deterministic bu-w-tt). Essentially, deterministic bu-w-tt are deterministic bottom-up tree series transducers [EFV02, FV03, ful, FGV04], but the former are de ned over monoids whereas the latter are de ned over semirings and only use the multiplicative monoid thereof. In particular, the common restrictions of non-deletion, linearity, totality, and homomorphism [Eng75] can equivalently be de ned for deterministic bu-w-tt. Using well-known results of classical tree transducer theory (cf., e.g., [Eng75, Fül91]) and also new results on deterministic bu-w-tt, we order classes of t-ts and o-t-ts transformations computed by restricted deterministic bu-w-tt by set inclusion. More precisely, for every commutative monoid we completely specify the inclusion relation of the classes of t-ts and o-t-ts transformations for all sensible combinations of restrictions by means of inclusion diagrams

    A Diffie-Hellman based key management scheme for hierarchical access control

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    All organizations share data in a carefully managed fashion\ud by using access control mechanisms. We focus on enforcing access control by encrypting the data and managing the encryption keys. We make the realistic assumption that the structure of any organization is a hierarchy of security classes. Data from a certain security class can only be accessed by another security class, if it is higher or at the same level in the hierarchy. Otherwise access is denied. Our solution is based on the Die-Hellman key exchange protocol. We show, that the theoretical worst case performance of our solution is slightly better than that of all other existing solutions. We also show, that our performance in practical cases is linear in the size of the hierarchy, whereas the best results from the literature are quadratic

    Trading inference effort versus size in CNF Knowledge Compilation

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    Knowledge Compilation (KC) studies compilation of boolean functions f into some formalism F, which allows to answer all queries of a certain kind in polynomial time. Due to its relevance for SAT solving, we concentrate on the query type "clausal entailment" (CE), i.e., whether a clause C follows from f or not, and we consider subclasses of CNF, i.e., clause-sets F with special properties. In this report we do not allow auxiliary variables (except of the Outlook), and thus F needs to be equivalent to f. We consider the hierarchies UC_k <= WC_k, which were introduced by the authors in 2012. Each level allows CE queries. The first two levels are well-known classes for KC. Namely UC_0 = WC_0 is the same as PI as studied in KC, that is, f is represented by the set of all prime implicates, while UC_1 = WC_1 is the same as UC, the class of unit-refutation complete clause-sets introduced by del Val 1994. We show that for each k there are (sequences of) boolean functions with polysize representations in UC_{k+1}, but with an exponential lower bound on representations in WC_k. Such a separation was previously only know for k=0. We also consider PC < UC, the class of propagation-complete clause-sets. We show that there are (sequences of) boolean functions with polysize representations in UC, while there is an exponential lower bound for representations in PC. These separations are steps towards a general conjecture determining the representation power of the hierarchies PC_k < UC_k <= WC_k. The strong form of this conjecture also allows auxiliary variables, as discussed in depth in the Outlook.Comment: 43 pages, second version with literature updates. Proceeds with the separation results from the discontinued arXiv:1302.442

    Gamma-polynomials of flag homology spheres

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    Chapter 1 contains the main definitions used in this thesis. It also includes some basic theory relating to these fundamental concepts, along with examples. Chapter 1 includes an original result, Theorem 1.5.4, answering a question of Postnikov-Reiner-Williams, which characterises the normal fans of nestohedra. Chapter 2 contains the content of the paper [2], of which Theorem 2.0.6 is the main result. As mentioned, [2] shows that the Nevo and Petersen conjecture holds for simplicial complexes in sd(Σd−1). . Chapter 3 includes the content of the paper [1], where we show that the Nevo and Petersen conjecture holds for the dual simplicial complexes to nestohedra in Theorem 3.0.4. Chapter 4 contains the content of the paper [3] in which we prove Conjecture 0.0.4 in Theorem 4.1.2 by showing that tree shifts lower the γ-polynomial of graph-associahedra. Chapter 4 also includes Theorem 4.2.1, which shows that flossing moves also lower the γ-polynomial of graph-associahedra. In Chapter 5 we include smaller results that have been made. This chapter includes a result proving Gal’s conjecture for edge subdivisions of the order complexes of Gorenstein* complexes, and shows that this result can be attributed to the work of Athanasiadis in [4]. Chapter viii INTRODUCTION 5 also includes some work we have done towards answering Question 14.3 of [26] for interval building sets

    Recent results and open problems on CIS Graphs

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    Agents make decisions based on their preferences. Thus, to predict their decisions one has to learn the agent\u27s preferences. A key step in the learning process is selecting a model to represent those preferences. We studied this problem by borrowing techniques from the algorithm selection problem to analyze preference example sets and select the most appropriate preference representation for learning. We approached this problem in multiple steps. First, we determined which representations to consider. For this problem we developed the notion of preference representation language subsumption, which compares representations based on their expressive power. Subsumption creates a hierarchy of preference representations based solely on which preference orders they can express. By applying this analysis to preference representation languages over combinatorial domains we found that some languages are better for learning preference orders than others. Subsumption, however, does not tell the whole story. In the case of languages which approximate each other (another piece of useful information for learning) the subsumption relation cannot tell us which languages might serve as good approximations of others. How well one language approximates another often requires customized techniques. We developed such techniques for two important preference representation languages, conditional lexicographic preference models (CLPMs) and conditional preference networks (CP-nets). Second, we developed learning algorithms for highly expressive preference representations. To this end, we investigated using simulated annealing techniques to learn both ranking preference formulas (RPFs) and preference theories (PTs) preference programs. We demonstrated that simulated annealing is an effective approach to learn preferences under many different conditions. This suggested that more general learning strategies might lead to equally good or even better results. We studied this possibility by considering artificial neural networks (ANNs). Our research showed that ANNs can outperform classical models at deciding dominance, but have several significant drawbacks as preference reasoning models. Third, we developed a method for determining which representations match which example sets. For this classification task we considered two methods. In the first method we selected a series of features and used those features as input to a linear feed-forward ANN. The second method converts the example set into a graph and uses a graph convolutional neural network (GCNN). Between these two methods we found that the feature set approach works better. By completing these steps we have built the foundations of a portfolio based approach for learning preferences. We assembled a simple version of such a system as a proof of concept and tested its usefulness